That's Triple X!

The students who were watching couldn't help but pity the first-year students.

The players had already set up their phones.

When Cheng Jiayi's account was shown on screen, several gasped could be heard from the crowd.

"Did my eyes just play tricks on me or there is really a red marked 'BURNINGBOW' on Cheng Jiayi's game name?"

"What does that mean if she has that? I'm not familiar with this game." A student asked towards her classmate.

"On the side of the game name is their guild or like a team. If it is color red then it is an official e-sports team."

"So the rumors about her being recruited by her cousin's team is true?"

"I thought if a player is recruited they should be trained first?"

"Oh, that's because Burning Bow is currently without a player for their Tournament in the next half month due to one of their member retiring."

"It's possible that Cheng Jiayi has already received training for the team during the past few months."