Scarlet of Fallen Vengeance

Her gaze was drawn to the woman in the center of the nightclub. She was dressed in a red skintight dress that hugged her figure and danced in the most seductive way possible.

Jiang Yue, who had no intention of drinking even a small amount of wine, couldn't help but take a sip while watching the woman dance.

She hadn't expected to see Xu Wuying— or what everyone knew her as 'Scarlet' of Fallen Vengeance. 

Xu Wuying was an assassin from the guild of Fallen Vengeance.

Fallen Vengeance began with only two individuals who were driven by a desire for power and vengeance— she and Xu Wuying.

They took it upon themselves to establish an organization that specialized in assassination. It began as a small, hidden gang, operating in the shadows, but as their reputation rose, so did their influence.

Probably because her gaze was too intense, Xu Wuying who was busy grinding her body with a man, turned towards her table.