I'm here to attend to you

Yuan Ru's eyes squinted slightly in response. However, before she could say her thoughts, her husband's voice cut through the air, "If it is Zhelan's matter, then let him deliver the news whenever he deems fit."

This sentiment was promptly echoed by Old Madam Luo, who voiced her agreement, "Indeed, let Ah'Zhe be. If he intended to share this matter, he would have done so already. There must be underlying reasons for his silence."

Luo Lina's face darkened.

She had a deep-seated understanding that their grandparents consistently favored Luo Zhelan over their other grandchildren. This wasn't just something that happened once in a while, it was something that kept happening over the years.

She and Luo Zhelan were just the same age, and although he would then to be compared with her brother, growing up, it was her who was affected the most, witnessing how different the treatment she and her brother, Luo Xin had received.