You won't leave this place alive

"Infiltrate?" Yang Sheng scoffed disdainfully, "You seem to have misunderstood. I never sent Hawk to infiltrate Fallen Vengeance, nor do I want Fallen Vengeance to be assimilated to Alpha Assault."

Jiang Yue remained unconvinced, her narrowed eyes challenging him, "Do you honestly expect me to believe that?"

"I don't need you to," Yang Sheng retorted sharply, "If I had indeed deployed Hawk to infiltrate Fallen Vengeance, I would have sanctioned his actions to the point of eliminating you. You serve as a constant, living reminder of my son's failure."

A profound silence enveloped Jiang Yue as she absorbed the weight of his words.

Noticing her contemplative silence, Yang Sheng added, "I was well aware that Hawk had become a member of your guild, but that ceased to be my concern. As I mentioned, I never acknowledged him as my son—well, not until a few weeks ago." The revelation hung heavily in the air, punctuating the gravity of the situation.