Jiang Yue being accused

"A servant?" Luo Zhelan's disbelief echoed through the room.

Luo Lina confirmed, "Yes, I saw her at the He Family's Birthday Celebration, dressed as a servant."

Jiang Yue tilted her head slightly, her voice flat as she admitted, "Well, that was indeed me."

A heavy silence settled over the living room as all eyes turned to the elegant woman standing beside Luo Zhelan. If she hadn't spoken those words, they would have never guessed her true identity.

Old Master Luo's jaw clenched as he gazed at the pair before him. The sight of them together caused a pang of discomfort in his eyes.

"A servant?" scoffed Luo Zhenkang. "She probably stole your bangle to sell it once she knew its value."