Never lay a hand on her again

Luo Zhelan scoffed, "Missing? Do you truly believe I'm that naive?The video clearly shows you placing the bangle on the table. Jiang Yue didn't even come close to it, and you were the last one who did so. So, why don't you enlighten us about its whereabouts?"

Luo Lina was taken aback that Luo Zhelan had quickly seen through her scheme. She swiftly composed herself, shooting him a glare. "Cousin, despite our differences, do you honestly think I would stoop so low as to frame her? Someone like her isn't even worthy of my attention."

"Stop playing me for a fool. She may not indeed be worth your attention, but aren't you doing it to drag me?" Luo Zhelan's voice grew frostier as he spoke through clenched teeth.

"Luo Lina, I can tolerate your scheming, but never lay a hand on her again. Do that again, and you'll find yourself begging for forgiveness. Do you understand?"

The patriarch, Old Master Luo, interjected sternly, "That's enough."