Chapter 1: The Lions' Den

The players awake in a dusty, dimly-lit room, surrounded by debris and the remnants of what was once a grand building. They have no memory of how they got there, but it quickly becomes apparent that they are not alone. The room is occupied by a group of grizzled, scarred warriors, who introduce themselves as members of the Lions raider group.

The Lions are one of the most powerful raider groups in the wasteland, known for their ruthless tactics and fearsome reputation. The players soon learn that they have been captured by the Lions and are being held in their stronghold, a fortress built into the remains of a once-grand hotel.

The Lions' leader, a towering figure with a mane of long, dark hair, enters the room and introduces himself as Kael. He explains that the players have been brought to the Lions' den because they possess skills that could be useful to the group. Kael offers them a choice: join the Lions and become part of their family, or suffer the consequences of defying them.

The players are given some time to consider their options, during which they can explore the stronghold and interact with the Lions' members. They will find that the Lions have a strict hierarchy, with the strongest and most ruthless warriors holding the most power. They also have a rigid code of honor, which emphasizes loyalty, strength, and dominance.

If the players choose to join the Lions, they will undergo a series of tests to prove their worth. These tests will involve combat, scavenging, and diplomacy, and will be overseen by Kael and his lieutenants. If the players pass the tests, they will be initiated into the Lions' ranks and given tasks to perform for the group.

If the players choose to resist the Lions, they will have to find a way to escape the stronghold and avoid being captured or killed by the Lions' warriors. They will have to navigate the treacherous wasteland, avoiding mutant creatures, hostile scavengers, and other raider groups that may be on the lookout for new recruits or prey.

As the players make their choice and begin their journey in the Nine Raider Apocalypse World, they will realize that their decisions have consequences, and that every action they take will have an impact on the world around them.