What came after

After breakfast was over, three of us headed out together.

The only person who didn't come with us was Cecilia who had to go and train her subordinates. She had an unwilling look on her face as she headed off to the training field, but she knew that this was her duty, so she still went.

As for the three of us, Haley, Baroness Rose, and me, we were heading to where Haleye's people were.

Baroness Rose and I hadn't gone yesterday because of the time that we had spent together, but we still needed to go and inspect the goods that had been brought. Even if we trusted Haley, we still needed to see if it was properly unpacked and stored since this was something that involved the lives of our citizens.

So we didn't waste any time heading over.

When we arrived, we found that there were many people who were currently working hard even though it was early in the morning.