Dinner with the duke (1)

After going back to the inn, we didn't do anything except lock ourselves in our room.

The rumours from the afternoon had spread and now everyone looked at us differently.

When we walked into the inn, it was almost as if we were a display in the zoo and everyone was staring at us.

This was a very uncomfortable thing, so we didn't hesitate to lock ourselves in our rooms and hide ourselves.

For now, there wasn't anything that we could really do.

Until the dinner with the duke was settled, we really couldn't be wandering around the city too much or it would draw too much attention from the duke. So once we lost the duke's attention, we would be able to start our investigation.

The next morning and afternoon were also spent inside of our rooms, avoiding the spectacle that was outside.

When it was finally time for the dinner date, the same messenger as before came to pick us up.