“It was my fault”

The duke looked at Veronica with a confused look when he heard this as he asked, "What do you mean?"

Veronica lowered her head as an awkward look appeared on her face, but in the end, she still said, "I was the one that caused them to realize that they had been discovered and that's why they are coming to the city."

There was only silence that followed after she said this as everyone looked at her with a stunned look.

After a while, the duke finally said, "What do you mean? You were there today?"

Veronica gave a slow nod in response.

There was another silence that followed, but this time, I was the one who broke it, "Ronnie? Are you Ronnie?"

The others all revealed confused looks, but Veronica looked at me with a shocked look, as if she couldn't believe what I was saying. Then she slowly said, "Did you not notice already?"

I just shook my head in response.