
I just casually ordered a few dishes that seemed like they would be enough for the two of us.

Of course, I made sure to order dishes that were moderately priced since I had remembered her saying that she would treat me. I wouldn't take advantage of her like this just because she was paying.

Though I felt uncomfortable having her pay in the first place.

But I remembered the iron grip that this girl had and knew that it would be more troublesome to try and reject her kind intentions…so I just decided to go along with it.

Once the dishes arrived, the two of us just ate in silence.

It wasn't that we didn't want to talk, it was just that there wasn't much for us to talk about.

Even if we were having a meal, we were still strangers since this was our first time meeting.

At the same time, it felt like the girl was really shy with how she kept looking down as she ate.