Testing blades (1)

When Haley saw that both sides were done with their forging, she said, "And that's it! It seems that both contestants are ready with their final product!"

As soon as she said this, the crowd suddenly stirred.

Blacksmithing wasn't the most intense thing that one could watch.

Other than the blacksmiths that had come out to watch this competition, there were also quite a few normal people.

So after a while, they couldn't help feeling bored of watching this.

But with Haley's words, she had woken them up and stirred the excitement in them.

With the way that she did this, she really was suited to be a host. She might even be better suited for this than running her business with her looks.

But I would never say that to her since I knew that running her own business was her dream. Not to mention, I could see the passion that she put into her business, so I would never say something that would be like an insult to her.