Auction trap (21)

This person clinging to the bottom of the carriage had only gotten under when the carriage had slowed down.

They had slid under while no one was looking and had been clinging to the carriage the entire time, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Though they could see that the attackers were struggling against the cloaked figures, this person didn't even spare them a second thought as he only focused on the people that were inside of the carriage.

After all, his one job was to kill those people.

Seeing that the driver was distracted by the leader and the cloaked figures were all focused on the attackers, this person dropped down from the carriage and rolled out to the side before standing up.

There was no hesitation in his actions as he pulled out two daggers and jumped up at the carriage.

He was planning to kick the door in and then stab whoever was inside.

But before he could do that, the door suddenly flew out at him.