Dungeon exploration (3)

But they still had their years of experience to rely on.

They reacted quickly and didn't stay in a daze for long.

After hearing what I shouted, they all jumped out of the circle of light that was cast.

Right after the last person jumped out, there was something that peeked out of the ground.

It was the same thing that Cecilia had described to me before.

There were these mushrooms that suddenly poked out of the ground, but they didn't seem that dangerous to me.

They seemed like normal orange mushrooms with white dots on their cap.

These seemed like normal mushrooms no matter how I looked at them…that was until they started to change.

These mushrooms sprouted out of the ground and then…they started to grow in size.

They continued to grow larger and larger until they were the same size as humans.

Well, they were a bit shorter than humans, just reaching between around three to four feet.