Appeasing (3)

I didn't show any fear on my face, but in my heart…

It couldn't help trembling a bit.

I was sure that she would be even angrier after this, but it would be a different kind of anger.

What I was hoping that this anger would develop into was…

Still, since I had made my stance clear, it wasn't as if I could back down now.

So I walked out from behind the couch that Rose was sitting on and started moving towards the other girls.

But before I could move past her, Rose suddenly leaned in and said in a soft voice, "Watch out for tonight. I'll pay you back then."

It was a soft and seductive voice that made my brain tingle when I heard it.

I couldn't help looking at her with a surprised look when I heard this, but she had already gone back to drinking her tea with a casual look on her face. It was almost as if she hadn't even moved to get closer to me.