Visiting in-laws (1)

Another week passed before we were able to settle the matter of the wyverns for these nobles. 

Most of the time was actually spent just bringing the ones that would become wyvern riders here and preparing them for the training. The actual training would be carried out in my town and they would only be allowed to leave when they were proper wyvern riders.

But this was the part that I didn't need to participate in.

The only part that I needed to participate in was the part where they had to choose their wyverns.

I had to be there with Joan and the wyvern shaman to let them choose.

Once they finished choosing, I was free to do whatever I wanted.

That meant that I was free to leave the town.

There was a place that I had been meaning to go to, but I never had a chance to go with the situation of the war.

It was a place that I should go because of what had happened before the war.