
The nobles were all shocked by my reaction before quickly looking at what the fourth prince had in his hand.

It was a small round and smooth white stone that didn't seem like anything special, but to anyone that had the ability to sense it, they would be able to feel the magic energy fluctuations coming from this stone.

It was clear that this wasn't just any normal stone.

After the fourth prince came out, he didn't say any word until he was right up beside the throne. Then holding up the stone, there was a roar that came from outside of the castle.

This roar was powerful enough to fill the entire throne room, showing just how loud it really was.

There was no doubt that this would have caused chaos outside, but no one really cared about that right now. At this moment, all eyes were focused on the stone that was in the hands of the fourth prince.

The fourth prince brought the stone down and said, "You never thought that we would find it, right?"