Biggest trial of the century

Since the fourth prince had already achieved everything that he wanted, there was no longer a reason for us to remain in Vayne City anymore.

The next day, we were already heading back to the capital.

With the way that he was going, it almost seemed like he was in a rush to go back.

When we reached the capital, I understood why.

There were many different criminals that were being escorted to the capital from all over when we arrived. It didn't seem like there would be an end to it as more and more people were brought into the capital and it seemed like all of them were bound up in some form.

It seemed that there were quite a few people that had been captured by the fourth prince during this time.

Of course, it wasn't as if they were captured for no reason.

After leaving Duke Yuletide, his family, and the others that we had captured in Vayne City to the guards, we headed to the castle.