Tide Empire

There was only silence that followed after Viper said this.

I could see the brows of the fourth prince beside me knitting as he stared at Viper, but I could understand why he was acting this way.

It was completely because of what Viper had just said.

The Tide Empire that he mentioned was just that meaningful.

There were many kingdoms on the continent, but there were only a total of four empires that were out there. The reason for that was because there were only four countries that had the power to be named empires.

The other kingdoms only survived because the empires didn't invade them.

That was because the four empires kept each other in check.

But if they were to attack one or two kingdoms, it wasn't as if the other empires would care.

Which was why this was a problem.

If Viper really was related to the Tide Empire, then it would be troublesome.