What are you planning?

With Henry out of the way, the visit had suddenly become much more pleasant.

Though the majority of this was due to the fact that they realized that I wasn't someone to mess with.

Both the count and countess became much more respectful after what had happened with Henry.

In a sense, they had even seemed a bit fearful of me.

This might not be the best way that this could have concluded, but it was better than most options. In the end, one couldn't always hope for the best option, they could only hope for a good ending.

After dinner was over, I brought Rose to our room alone and asked her, "What are you planning?"

Rose was surprised to hear this and even seemed like she didn't know what I was referring to, but I didn't buy it at all. I just looked at her with a stern look as if I was waiting for her to answer me.

There was a long silence that lingered in the air before Rose finally said, "I'm looking out for my child."