Giving control (1)

After the former king and the ministers were taken away, there was a great change that came over the former Antwerp Kingdom.

There was another group that suddenly arrived after the arrival of the first group of wyverns.

This group seemed to be completely different from the group of wyverns.

It was a group that seemed to have a completely different function from the soldiers on the back of the wyverns.

That was because the aura that they gave off was fundamentally different from those wyvern riders. They still had a powerful aura around them, but they didn't have the same aura that those that rode wyverns had.

It seemed that they were here to organize the former Antwerp Kingdom and make it smoothly fall under the Nergiante Dukedom.

So those that had wanted to find a chance to cause a bit of trouble knew that it would be impossible for them to do that. If they were to try anything, there was no doubt that these people would catch them.