Massive Changes!

The once quiet environment was once again filled with cries of pain as but that only serves to multiply Michael pain.

He thought that since he had felt the pain once, he would be able to somehow  get used to it the second time but he couldn't be anymore wrong.

He wasn't able to keep himself from screaming after persisting for just thirty second.

He just couldn't help, the second time, the pain was almost ten times that of the first, he really wished he could die right now.

He bashed his head and hands repeatedly against the floor just to take away the pain but it was to no avail.

He begged for death.

The nanobots were not supposed to replace or merge with the genes and cells, they were instead programmed to assist the cells in reproduction, tissue repair, and ultimately gene modifications!

When an Altered kills a genetically modified or evolved monsters, they are able to extract and consume its genes.

These genes contain valuable genetic information that can be integrated into the body through the nanobots for enhancements, making them even more powerful.

For instance, if an Altered human equipped with a first-generation nanobot possessed genetic material encoding night vision, these nanobots had the potential to assimilate genes from another organism, effectively copying the genetic code responsible for night vision granting that ability upon the user.

This swarm of nanobots exhibited an impossible level of capability and an almost extreme height of integration compared to other nanobot.

Watching Michael from the view of a spectator, all the pores in his body kept sprouting out black blood like a jet of black water vapor.

As time went by, the pain that had once wracked Michael's body like a tempestuous storm began to subside, gradually dissipating like a thick fog in the morning light.

His body slowly relaxed as the entire nanobots completed assimilation with his cells, forming a newly completed cells the energy coursing through his cells began to stabilize.

With each passing moment, the pain ebbed away, leaving behind only a dull ache as a reminder of the traumatic experience he had just endured.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, everything came to a stop. The nanobots ceased their activity, and Michael's body lay still and silent. His eyes fluttered shut, and his breathing became slow and steady as he slipped into unconsciousness. It was as if his body had finally given in to the overwhelming exhaustion.

Minutes turned to hours and hours turned to days. On the seventh day, Michael eyes flickered.

His eyes slowly adjusted to the dimly lit room and as he tried to sit up, he felt a sudden jolt of pain that coursed through his body, making him groan.

His entire body felt sore as though he had been hit by a truck.

As he tried to piece together what had happened, flashes of memories came back to him - the nanobots, the serum, the excruciating pain, and then nothingness. He couldn't believe that he had survived such a traumatic experience.

Suddenly, the blur faded and myriad of colours assaulted his eyes in an instant, blinding him for a few moments.

Abruptly, the blur that had veiled his vision dissipated, replaced by a dazzling eruption of clear enhanced colours that assailed his eyes in an overwhelming surge, momentarily blinding him.

It was though the colours of the surroundings had deepened by more than ten times!

A plethora of colours, some entirely foreign and beyond his prior comprehension, radiated towards him, each twinkling with an intensity he had never witnessed before.

He hadn't had the opportunity to process this visual onslaught when an acrid, nauseating stench enveloped him, so potent it threatened to render him unconscious.

His head swam, and he became acutely aware of an explosive onslaught within his mind, a symphony of sensations and stimuli.. His head felt faint.

As Michael struggled to regain his bearings, he noticed something strange happening to his vision. The once-chaotic colors began to coalesce into intricate shapes and mesmerizing patterns, weaving together in a kaleidoscopic spectacle that engulfed his entire field of vision.

But just as abruptly as it had materialized, this bewildering display vanished, leaving him in a state of profound disorientation and bewilderment.

But there was no time to dwell on that, as the sound of the overhead train grew louder and more intense. Michael could feel the vibrations in his skull, and the pressure building up inside his head was almost unbearable. And then, just as he thought he couldn't take it anymore, the sound abruptly stopped.

As he panted, slowly regained his composure, Michael realized that he was hearing things that he shouldn't be able to hear. He could hear the sound of people talking from several blocks away, and he could even hear the sound of a cat's purr from across the room. It was as if his senses had been dialed up to a hundred, from a one!

Although, it caught him off guard, Michael felt it must be a mistake. But then, the painful event came crashing in like a tornado. Michael's face paled slightly he didn't expect to have survived but he really did.

Propping himself up with his hands, he stood up unsteadily on his legs. His parched throat and empty stomach made him acutely aware of his thirst and hunger.

Despite feeling weak and barely able to stand, Michael groaned, summoning the strength to take a tentative step forward, hoping to regain his balance.

However, as his foot made contact with the ground, the glass tube beneath his feet shattered into powder and beneath it, the ground gave way as though it was made of clay.


A muffled explosion echoed through the room as the ground instantly cracked in spider webbed manner.

Countless fragments of glasses flew in different directions like deadly shrapnel, adding to the chaos of the moment. Michael paused his movement.

Remaining still like a statue, his brows furrowed in confusion and his expression revealed signs of shock as well as surprise. The fact that his current posture required massive stamina as well as flexibility to maintain didn't come to him. Michael was only focused on the five inches deep hole he had mistakenly created before him.