
"What the hell!?"


The door hurtled toward him like a speeding sledgehammer, but in that pivotal moment, everything came to an abrupt standstill. The door, mid-flight, hung suspended in the air, frozen in time, along with the minute fragments and particles that filled the surrounding space. It was as if the very fabric of time itself had momentarily ceased to flow.

Michael was stunned, his pupils jolting from one item to another as he tried to make sense of the entire situation, suddenly everything went back to normal as though it was all but a illusion.

Instinctively, Michael raised his right hand in attempt at defense.

The iron door, previously frozen in its trajectory resumed and abruptly collided with him.


The iron door instantly deformed around his hand, the force traveled along his body and the ground beneath his feet instantly shattered to fragments and splinters as he was forced several steps backwards.

Nine heavily clad figures, encased in black sub-dermal, reinforced cyber-weave attire, stormed into the scene with precision. Their weapons were trained unwaveringly on Michael's position.

Their cybernetically enhanced eyes glinted ominously in the dim neon glow, exuding a dangerous air of formidable killing intent.

'Enforcers!' The moment he saw them, Michael spat with deep hatred but his heart sank as he stomped his forcefully stomped down to stabilise himself.

He knew he was in trouble this time. As a SINless and an illegal chemist that makes illegal drugs, everything in his room was concrete evidence against him!

There nine Enforcers only had their weapons trained on him but didn't make any further movement.

Michael's neuro system fired at high speed, calculating the possibility of escaping out of this situation.

Just then, he heard the rhythmic sound of

a foot step as a tall man walked in through the door.

His black armor that gleamed in the dim light. Every inch of his body seemed to be radiating physically with pure strength!

As he walked forward with a purposeful stride, his footsteps thudded heavily against the floor, with each step he took.

Towering over Michael, his sleek helmet retracted, turning into an hexagonal metal at the back of his head, finally revealing the face of the man.

His expressionless face ignored Michael as he stared at the room. Crossing over a fallen rusted make-shift tripod, the man walked around the room as his deep voice reverberated though the air.

"You dwell in this dump or you rare pigs?"

"What exactly do you want?" Michael growled in a low tone.

The Enforcer responded, unfazed. "Michael, you are under arrest for the illegal purchase of a second-generation nanobot gene modifier."

This time it was Michael's turn to be stunned. But he immediately recovered. Michael glared back at the enforcer. "I have no idea what you are talking about," he said, his voice low and steady.

The enforcer's lips curled into a cold smirk. His cruel pupils reflect a chilling, cruel look. "You wish to resist arrest?" he said, licking his lips ominously.

Michael felt his heart clench tightly. He knew how difficult enforcers are. Especially the ones stationed near the slums.

They are a class of humans who have undergone extensive training and genetic modification to enhance their physical capabilities.

Designed to be the ultimate law agents, capable of taking down even the most dangerous criminals.

Their cybernetically enhanced eyes give them superior vision, allowing them to see in low light and even detect hidden objects and weapons.

They also possess advanced cognitive cyberwares enhancing their sense of smell and hearing, making it nearly impossible for anyone to sneak up on them.

In addition to their physical enhancements, enforcers undergo extensive mental training to hone their focus and discipline.

The combination of advanced armor and tightly fitted helmets makes enforcers highly resistant to physical attacks! It was almost impossible to escape an arrest.

Those are top tier Enforcers. But the Enforcers stationed within Neon city especially the ones situated near Rust Neon slums, they don't possess the training talents and resources of those upper their enforcers so they replace them with cybernetic implants! To fight fire, you must use fire!

Every enforcers in this city had been equipped with standard cybernetic implants in order to catch and control criminals who had enhanced themselves with dangerous cybernetic modifications.

These Enforcers had been the bane of Rust-Neon district!

Furthermore, it was widely known that Enforcers are walking wealth. Even a single optical implant from an Enforcer could fetch a hefty sum of 10,000 credits on the black market.

This made the prospect of eliminating an Enforcer an enticing path to riches, as every part of their cybernetically enhanced bodies represented potential wealth to those daring enough to pursue it. Which is why enforcers didn't dare to visit the slums alone

Hence, their every visit to the slums meant it was an incredibly huge matter!

Eyes flashing with hatred and anger, Michael calmed his nerve and remained silent.

The man let out a soft chuckle. "You must think that there's no evidence since you purchased it from the black market right?"

The enforcer stepped forward, his body radiating a palpable wave of strength that was ready to burst out at any moment.

"Let me ask you, where is my Modifier?"

Michael stared back at the man, unyielding. "It's gone."

The enforcer's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean it's gone?" his tone sharp.

Michael smiled coldly. "I mean it's gone. It got stolen the very second I purchased it." he said.

The enforcer's lips twisted into a sneer. "So be it then."

He hadn't finished speaking when and he took one step forward, his reinforced cyber-weave boots thudding heavily against the ground.

His outstretched hand, displaying the webbing of high-tech nano fibre that ran from his fingertips to his elbows, a sign of his enhanced physical prowess.

In one fluid motion, he closed the gap between him and Michael, his eyes glowing menacingly as he reached out to seize Michael's head in a vise-like grip.

Michael's expression contorted with anger, but his fury was short-lived as he suddenly felt the world around him slowing down, as if time itself had come to a grinding halt.

{Intelligence Overclock(Time Dilation)}


However, the enhanced enforcer's movements were only slightly affected, he was simply too fast.

Quickly reacting to the time dilation, Michael exploded backwards, with a sudden burst of energy, dodging the large hand reaching for his head. His newly enhanced muscles propelling him across the room.

The world resumed it's normal pace.

As he moved, he could feel his body responding with a speed and agility that he had never experienced before.

Witnessing this scene, a smirk appeared on the Squad Leader's face.

Seeing Michael shooting backwards with speed far more superior than an ordinary person, his augmented eyes tracked Michael's movements with precision, analyzing his enhanced speed and agility.

He could detect the power emanating from Michael's physique. Yet, his cutting-edge bio-scanner indicated that Michael remained an unaltered human, devoid of any enhancements. It was exceptionally unusual for a human frame to harbor such remarkable strength without the aid of external modifications.


The ground caved in.

Lightning flashed in his eyes, expanding to the edge of his pupils as he took a step forward.


The air screamed shrilly!