System Activated / Interrogation

---------| ??? System ??? |--------------


[Michael Therian]

[Rank: Street Runt]

[Credits: 790]

❰Cellular Diagnostics❱

[Strength: 1.6]

[Physique: 3.6]

[Reflex: 1.9]

[Intelligence: 2.2]

[Cell-biofuel: 690/920J]

❰Cyber Wares❱

[Neuro-Morphic Interface]




[Basic Brawl] (common) (lvl. 1)

[Cyberspace] (Common) (lvl. 1)


[Steel Essence Accumulated: 0.4]

[Gene Essence Accumulated: 0]

❰Cell-bots Abilities❱

[Devour: A certain part of the Nanite-cells become active (Usually Fingertips and palm). During this period, Nanite-cells devour items they touch, increasing attributes as well as upgrading Cyberware. ]

[Imitate: Nanites copies the structure of a piece of cyberware not lower higher than user life-level into the user body with enough steel essence (cooldown depending on level of cyberware imitated ]

[Upgrade: Utilizing absorbed resources, Nanite-cells can be upgraded. (Devour First-generation set of Nanites to upgrade).

(Devour Type-D genetic materials or to upgrade) ]

[ Merge: By using [Upgrade], three Cyberwares, bio-chips as well as data skills of the same level can be merged to form a single Upgraded item.]

[Overclock: Overcharging the cells of a particular attribute with intense energy puts them in an overloaded state (+1 attribute) {100J/sec} ] ;

⁅Strength Overclock: (Berserker) ⁆

⁅Physique Overclock: (Fortification) ⁆

⁅Reflex Overclock: (Flash) ⁆

⁅Intelligence: Overclock: (Time dilation) ⁆

The sounds of footsteps distracted Michael from reveling at the panel before him.


The door swung wide open. Two individual walked inside. One Michael could recognize while the other seem like an average enforcer.

"Hope you are comfortable in here?"


"Corporate dog!" Michael spat out in disgust.

"The Enforcer chuckled darkly, circling the table before positioning himself behind Michael. He placed a hand on Michael's shoulder and leaned in, whispering into his ear, "You have an optimistic sense of hope. But let me make something clear—you won't leave this place, at least not alive."

Without warning, Michael instantly slammed his head backwards.

Before it could move an inch, a large hand grabbed tightly at his loosely black hair. "This isn't my first rodeo, punk." The Enforcer growled with a steely grip, unmoved by the attempt.


Michael's head was blasted forcibly against the table. The table embedded in the ground vibrated by the force of the collision, giving out a humming, vibrating sound in the process.

The sound was as though two heavy metals had connected with each other.

Michael's forehead immediately turned red. gritting his teeth to clear the ringing sensation in his head. Rone's grip on Michael's head tightened decisively.

Ron chuckled at Michael's naivety. He had interrogated various types of criminals, ranging from drug runners to gang leaders.

Of course he could predict what a teenager would do during this situation. Releasing Micheal's hair, he proceeded to walk back towards the other side of the table.

Michael's head finally cleared. But his eyes were cold with a vengeful glare ripening within them.

Rone saw his eyes but wasn't bothered by them in the least. Michael wasn't a threat and he never would be. With that, he sat opposite of him.

"How many times do you want me to tell you, I don't have what you are looking for."

Seeing the lack of change of expression from the enforcer before him. Michael's eyes narrowed as he said almost hesitantly. "You knew?"

The enforcer finally revealed traces of amusement. "Go on."

"Since you could hack through the Cyber visuals in the black market, you would have known it got stolen from me. So why?" Michael was even more confused as his face continued to drop.

Suddenly, his entire body trembled as he whispered. "You needed a scape goat, someone to take the blame!"

"Pa! Pa! Pa!"

"Bravo! Even after disabling your neuro implant, you could still figure out the entire situation! That is rare, rare indeed!" Ron was visibly impressed by Michael's cognitive ability.

In this age where the neuro implant and AI does most of humanity's thinking, those with ability to analyse and decipher situations are highly regarded. Along with his physical strength Michael might actually be able to enter one of the Legions Corp. Sadly he would rot in here without anyone knowing, that was his fate.

"Finding a suitable scapegoat is just another day in the cutthroat world of high-tech corporate espionage, high-born battles and back-alley dealings that define this dark universe. You should be glad you had the opportunity to contribute to this vile world. Hahaha!"

At this point, Michael's body was trembling in absolute rage. Simply because he was no highborn nor a true citizen, they could treat him how ever they wanted!

He could not accept it! He would never accept it! He was unresigned to die like that after all that he had been through!

"You, son of a bitch!"

Michael's face flushed incredibly red in anger! His muscles expanded rapidly and the shirt he was putting on bulged as though he had inflated his muscles.

Veins popped out from his forehead, squirming rapidly across his face, neck, shoulders and arms.


The smirk on Rone's face widened. Of course he had expected this reaction and from the expression on his face, he was highly anticipating this!

"The handcuffs are meant to hold even fully augmented human, what makes you think you could escape fro-"

He hadn't finished speaking when the ground started to crack rapidly. Michael's muscles shook violently, his body turning red from overloading his strength with his eyes locked still on the Enforcer. He exerted all the entire strength he could muster.


With an explosive roar, the cemented table was torn violently from the ground, hurtling forward at a blistering speed. Its movement was so rapid that it became nothing more than a silver blur.

Ron's eyes widened in shock as the table's reflection in his retina rapidly expanded, looming larger with each passing moment. Before he could react, the metallic table was mere inches from him, crashing against his face with the force of a colossal concrete slab, sending shockwaves through the room!


The kinetic force unleashed by the table's impact sent both the Enforcer and the chair he occupied hurtling backward.

In an instant, the surface of the metallic table exhibited a strange, rippling effect, akin to a stone dropped into still water. Accompanied by a resounding bang, the table's surface fractured as if it were made of fragile glass, sending shards of uneven metal scattering in all directions.

As blood splattered on the wall, a small cut emerged a few centimeters below Rone's eyes. The Enforcer was immediately consumed by anger and rage, a surge of fury coursing through him at the unexpected injury.

His eyes sharpened as he scanned the area before him, only to find Michael had vanished without a trace. Suddenly, his neuro-implant blared urgently, alerting him to a rapidly evolving situation.

Rone's gaze shot upward in complete surprise, and a colossal shadow loomed over him.

The Enforcer let out a maniacal roar, and his entire skin took on a metallic hue, a testament to his cybernetic enhancement. His Macro-LED lit up, and his implanted augmented muscles rippled with astonishing might!


A boulder linked to a large think chain soared though the air, swerving through the in a curved arc slammed against him like an hammer throw blast!


The boulder immediately shattered into powder upon impact as the Enforcer's body flung sideways, legs digging heavily at the tiled ground, rupturing them until he collided with the wall, creating a human shaped dent in it.

The lightning-fast sequence of events unfolded in the blink of an eye. It was only at this juncture that the other Enforcer, Perty, managed to react to the chaotic scene


The dust from the shattered rock clouded everything within sight. Perty's pupils lit up as he activated his augmented thermal vision.

Before he could do anything though, the dust swirled like a whirlpool as a fist wrapped around by heavy chains tore through the fog, slamming against his chest.

Instantly, Perty's intermediate-level military defensive program activated. The skill-ware in his body placed the impulse to his brain, tricking it as though it was muscle memory. The ordinary enforcer hands moved without his knowledge, crossing them in an X-shape manner.


The fist collided against the crossed arm, there was only a momentary pause before the fist pushed the crossed arms backwards, slamming it against his chest before blasting the enforcer, forcefully away to the wall!

While cyber-enhancements are great, they could also act as a beacon and a weakness the enemy could easily exploit!


The enforcer was like a grasshopper trying to stop a moving train. He was hammered backwards like a baseball. Heavy vibrations shot up to his entire muscles and internal organs as his back collided with the wall nearby.

Blood spilling from the corners of his lips. Perry couldn't help but chuckle bitterly. He wasn't even able to last a single move against a street punk even after the standard grade chromes and Combat programs installed in his cyber deck.