CyberWare: Outlaw Sandevistan!!!

[Cyberware:] Mantis Blades

[Type]: Prototype

[Bio-cell fuel]: 10J/sec (Upon activation).

[Requirements]: 100j, 0.5 Physique, 0.7 reflex.

[Effect]: Allows you to slice and dice your enemies with swift, deadly slashes.

[Limit]: 10J/sec.

With his plummeting speed increasing, almost becoming constant, Ron suddenly stabbed his mantis blades into the nearby glass wall of the NCED building.


The mantis blades easily sliced through the glass walls. But the captain actually didn't try to stop his fall. Instead, he pushed himself towards the ground further.

The push along with gravity, increased his falling velocity by two times as he sped towards Michael with intense killing intent.

"Slice and dice!"

The mantis blade vibrated rapidly as they extended towards Michael like true preying mantis blades. Instantly, they crossed together in an x shape as they slashed heavily towards the falling Michael. The air shrieked desperately under the sharp force of the blades.

Seeing this, Michael's pupils constricted.

Just as the blades was about to slice him into pieces, a ruthless look flashed across Michael's face.

In the next instant, he immediately kicked heavily against the nearby glass wall of the NCED building.

Although this would increase his chance of dying as if he was close to the building, he might have been lucky enough to grab onto a ledge at the edge of the building or something but that decreased dramatically with his simple action.


Blood splattered in midair as the mantis blade sliced through his shoulder, cutting a piece of his flesh as well as his jacket.

If he hadn't reacted so fast, his stratum might have been pierced through by the two blades.

Even if that didn't kill him, he would have been severely injured.


The captain bypassed Michael, missing him by a hairbreadth.

The killing intent on Ron's face increased even more and he roared angrily amidst the rushing wind.

"Who gave you the right to dodge!"

His two cyberwares, the mantis blades stabbed suddenly into the building side, decelerating his elevating Speed.

It was then an AV(1) shuttled its way out from the corner of the building, accurately passing by Michael's path. It was as though Michael had known that the AV would accurately by pass this aerial pathway because the time at which he kicked his feet backwards was just too much of a coincidence!

Michael ignored the angry remarks of the bald enforcer. He stretched out his hands, about to catch the edge of the AV, it was then he heard a loud roar behind him.

Tilting his head sideways, he looked back with the corners of his eyes and his pupils constricted. "A sandevistan! Impossible!"

As someone who had lived on the street for almost half his live, how could he not have heard of sandevistans? But to someone like him, sandevistans are comparable to myths of the old era! Through out his entire life, Michael had never seen one, neither had he even touched one. On cybernet, there are various speculations about Sandevistans with what they might look like but the or functionality was clear and they have one special basic attribute; Time Dilation!

[Cyberware:] Outlaw Sandevistan

[Type]: Prototype

[Bio-cell fuel]: 500J/sec (Upon activation).

[Requirements]: 2000j, 2 physique, 2 reflex.

[Effect]: Slows down time to 85% for 3 seconds.

[Limit]: 1500J

[Mod Slot]: Zero

At that moment, the entire spine of the Enforcer lit up with faint blue macro Led lights. Even his coat couldn't cover the humming sound of electrons firing up at high speed in the body of the middle aged man.

The blue lights started from the tip of his spine, moving upwards to his neck. Behind his synthetic skin the sandevistan roared to life as it activated. This was the true trump card of the captain. An outlaw Sandevistan.

Previously, the Captain of the NCED felt it beneath him to use this against some scummy rat, thinking it shouldn't b eall that difficult to catch hi, but now, he no longer cared about dignity and what not.

The hum of circuitry and the whisper of synthetic nerves merged into an eerie symphony.

The world slowed down and the cacophony of the bustling New city dwindled to a distant murmur.

Neon colours from the lightened city blended into a viscous medium and it was as though the world had turned syrupy. Everything had slowed down including the air itself. Ron felt as though he had become a true diety. He felt as though if he wished, he cold make the world stop to a halt but he knew that this was only an illusion.

For this Sandevistan, Ron had spent quite a fortune on it. A norma; captains monthly wages definitely would never be able to purchase a Sandevistan even if he saves for an entire decade but even then he was able to get one, how?

As seconds turned to hours, Ron's lips curled up to a smirk. He saw Michael's outstretched hands just ten inches away from the AV. A mocking expression exuded from his face. He immediately stomped heavily at the glass wall of the skyscraper.


The glass beneath his feet cracked as he leapt at Michael with insane speed. His hand stretched outward as he grabbed Michael's leg with his right hand, his NCED fluttering slowly.

To Michael, it was though the captain had turned into a series of streaks and blurs. Before he could make sense of the situation, the captain had reached him in the blink of an eye.

"So fast!" Michael's face turned pale and his heart tightened.


"I've already gotten this far, I could I let myself get captured again!" Michael roared in his heart, stretching his closest hand, right hand at the AV and although the distance between him and the Aerial vehicle was a simple 2 inches, seemingly so near but so far.

Just as Michael could feel the presence of the captain coming closer, he seem to experience some sort of dejavu as the world around him seem to slow down drastically.

His hand movement suddenly sped up landed at the side bar protection of the AV.

"Boom!" "Crack!!"

The AV jolted sideways as it shot forwards with him along with intense speed.


His shoulder instantly dislocated and Michael felt as though his arm had been ripped out of his shoulder and his gut hit by a train. But despite the agonizing pain and the dizzy sensation he was feeling, he held on desperately.

He was in time to witness the seething captain plummet to the ground without any support.

"Finally…" He muttered in slight relief.