Life And Death

"Damn!" Michael could sense that his left arm wasn't responding.

He struggled as hard as he could to distance himself from the Captain, but the harsh reality was that the gap was getting smaller and smaller!

There's a phrase in the olden era which says a cornered beast is the most dangerous, but yet Michael felt as though an injured Captain was the scariest.

His expression was cold, cruel and merciless.

Michael's state was so miserable he could only attempt to roll away, hiding in a nearby room and locking the door behind him.

However in one second, the wooden door was easily blasted open by the Captain. The Captain charged forward, the loose flesh hanging out from his wound seemed to add to his overwhelming threatening demeanor.

He raised his feet again and heavily stomped downwards.

Michael wasn't able to dodge it this time, receiving the stomp straight to his chest.

Michael's chest cbed in, his vision started blackening, as he could hear a crackling sound believing that his bones were breaking. Blood rushed up his throat as it spurt out explosively from his mouth. The concrete flooring underneath him cracked in a spider-webbed shape, sinking in.

Michael was literally being stomped into the ground alive.

"Hehe. Suffering brings pain, pain brings numbness but hope… hope is the deadliest of them all when it turns to despair. Have you ever had the opportunity to cause hope in someone's eyes turn to despair?"

"The Nanites was probably your way out of the slums to Uptown. At least with it, you Meatbag could get a descent work, escaping the hellish slums but your luck turned out bad."

The captain laughed in extreme cruelty it was as though taking Michael's life was equivalent to killing a cockroach!

He pressed down his left foot even more.

"I… How can I die here?" Within the agony and gasping for air his eyes filled with despair hate and fear.

"Not only didn't you lose the nanites, you got caught. Even after having the chance to escape, your hope was dashed and now, you despair."

The captain's lips curled up to a maddened smile, his lit pupils constricted to a slit as he gestured with his right arm.


His right arm expanded, splitting up into two as the mantis blade extended out from his arm. Piercing screeching noises rang out from the room as the blade pierced through the wall like hot knife to cheese.-

Michael let out a crying roar, both his eyes were burning with a ferocity to survive!

His right arm exploded with strength, his arm muscles expanded, veins popping out like snakes as they coiled from his shoulder blade all the way to his fingers.

They wrapped tightly around the Captain's left leg, trying to force the Captain to falter. However, the Captain's strength far exceeded his, and once again kicked against Michael.

Michael flew and smashed head first into a nearby pillar as the bricks were flung about and the dust engulfed the air. Michael's forehead had a distinct and horrifying wound, covering his entire face with blood.

Licking his lips hungrily, the captain slowly towards Michael, his blade scratching against the room's wall as he spoke.

"Sigh, all Highborn have always had weird tastes. Their way of things are different from regular people. I've fixed some matters for numerous high-born and I can tell you that while most prefer to create holes in their human-dolls and f*ck them through the pain, organs and blood, I've noticed that quite a few adore the taste of 'despair'."

Michael lay on the floor, desperately gasping for air. Although he had sustained extremely heavy injuries, his physique greatly exceeded an average human by four times, coupled with his endurance, he still managed to force himself up.

However his body had started swaying, and he looked like a put together damaged vehicle that was at the end of its rope.

The only good news was that the numbing effect on his body and completely vanished, he would not be easily pressured like before.

"Now my ¾ of my fuel has been used up, before they arrive, there's still a huge time gap. Give up, beg for mercy… or should I continue till I die?"

Michael throat expanded, spitting out a mixture of spit, blood and internal fluid. At the moment, he suddenly recalled the battle that took place in the other room just now.

His eyes sparkled, immediately staggering in that direction.

This was because he had noticed a bar, containing several alcoholic drinks within. The owner had been a drinker.

Michael had witnessed the Captain's exposed Sandevistan, jolting with light blue electrical current. Since its grade was low, it's resistance to liquid should be extremely low. Moreover, it seems to be damaged also!

Grinning coldly, he stood beside the nearby bar, picked up a large alcohol from the bar, and immediately threw it forward.

Seeing this, the Captain was completely unfazed by the incoming bottle. Thinking it was a last ditch effort from Michael, his cold, murderous gaze revealed mocking expression!

This bottle of alcohol shattered upon impact on the Captain's neck. A big amount of alcohol seeped down the Captain's neck down his back then to his injury.

Instantaneously, light blue electric currents sparkled and then jolted out as Michael eagerly blinked his eyes.

"What gave you done!?" The captain's face changed and he roared.

A thick plum of smoke emerged from the captain's back. The captain's expression darkened as he realised what was happening and his body started jerking violently.

After a few seconds, both his left leg and left shoulder appeared to become lifeless which should be the internal circuit sustaining damage.

After Michael once again threw another bottle of alcohol, there were no additional effects and even the electric sparks reduced.

Obviously the cyberware has some sort of safety mechanism.

Yet, the Captain was still able to move, as he continued to close the gap! However, his movement now had been greatly reduced to a slow limping. At this moment, Michael bent his waist, roaring loudly, he was like an angry rhino with anger issues as he crashed against against the nearby pillar!

This building had been constructed about 20-30 years ago already, its foundation materials were already rusty and fragile.

The pillars were the only things holding the the building up. Initially the Captain had struck a blow already, as cracks had begun surfacing. After Michael's full might charge along with his last [Overclock], the strength was equivalent to about 2 young men working together; the pillar which was already supporting the upper level's weight, couldn't withstand the pressure anymore as it swayed and eventually collapsed down to the ground.