Human X Machina

It was finally time for his ultimate plan; distributing metal esscense to increase his attribute!

His eyes flashed with an eager look and he muttered. "I don't know how this works but it seems one points of attribute is equivalent to 1000 Metal esscense!"

"If that is so, then increase strength by 8 points!" A crazy look of madness developed his face as he shouted loudly in a rumble.

[Ding! Units insufficient. 36,000 of units needed.]

"Uhn?" Michael's smile froze. He let out a awkward cough and frowned.


[Strength: 1 =1000], [Strength: 2 =2000], [Strength:3 =3000], [Strength: 4 = 4000],[Strength: 5 =5000], [Strength: 6 = 6000], [Strength: 7 = 7000],[Strength: 8= 8000],[Strength: 9 = 9,000], [Strength: 10 = 10,000]

Michael's brows furrowed even more as he understood what the system was trying to portray. The increase in attribute here wasn't fixed as he had expected.

The units consumed increases with each attribute level up. For example, he currently had 2 points in strength. To increase it to 3 points, he needed 3000 esscense points for his physique to increase to 4 points, he needed 5000 metal esscense increasing with each level up until it reaches 10 which requires a whooping 10,000 esscense points!

"As expected, it wouldn't be that easy to increase one's strength so fast." Michael chuckled slightly before calming his mood.

Using his neuro interface, he made calculations in his head and finally came up with something.

Physique was currently at 3 stats, going to 4. Strength and reflex were currently at 2, also going to 3 like.

They each all needed 4000, 3000 and 3000 essense points respectively to increase to lvl 4, making 12,000 metal essence points.

With that, he could increase his physique to four times a regular person and also have 6000 essence points in case of emergencies.

"Increase strength, reflex and physique by one level."

Michael's face flushed red but his body colour started to darken like a pot on fire. His muscles trembled uncontrollably as he felt the previously tiny warm current coursing through his body suddenly blaze like wildfire. 


The metal chair he was sitting on shattered. Michael felt extremely stiff, he couldn't hear a single sound as only the buzzing sound of his heart, pumping blood through his body filled his mind.

At the cellular level, his once half-organic, half machine cells started glowing a metallic sheen as the robots covered more half of his organic cells as though devouring them instead of adhering to the usual agreement of organic cells, the nanobots seem to want to become the main cells themselves. 

On the outside, Michael's skin began to shimmer faintly, hinting at the metallic brilliance to come. His once-pink flesh took on a lustrous, silver sheen, as if the nanobots were casting a spell, turning him into a living statue.

With each passing moment, the change intensified. His body, once an equilibrium of organic tissues, organs, and veins, and machines now underwent a breathtaking alchemical transformation. The nanobots, having infiltrated every cell, we're trying to reconfigure him. 

His bones turned into gleaming alloy, stronger and more resilient than any human bone could ever be. Muscles became a network of pulsating ultra thin cables, capable of exerting incredible force. 

Tendons and ligaments evolving into intricate, flexible yet unbreakable metal cord.

His veins weren't spared either. His red blood now contained a hint of darkness within them as his metallic veins flowed the silvery, iridescent fluid.





It was as though his heart was about to explode as it slammed hard against his chest, pumping blazing hot blood. 

He felt the pain in his entire body as an extreme itching feeling took over, feeling as though he was transforming into something else. 

Suddenly, he felt as though he could breathe again and he inhaled deeply. Along with his exhale, the extreme feeling he had been experiencing vanished with it.

Michael slowly opened his eyes, confusion, anger and disbelief on his face. 

He could feel his strength had improved, his organs were no longer the vulnerable vessels of weakness but had transformed into an almost mechanical vessel, efficient and impervious to disease.

Michael's very cell was now intertwined with the nanobots, in an unprecedented symbiosis. He felt the weight of this transformation, the sensation of being more flesh than metal. 

And he knew, he hated it!!! 

With darkened face he growled, "Status"

Human ✕ Machina

(Organic: 45% | Nanites: 55%)

❰ Cellular Diagnostics ❱

[Strength: 3.5] 

[Physique: 4.2] 

[Reflex: 3.4] 

[Intelligence: 2.2] 

[Cell-biofuel: 600/1100J] 

❰Human X Machina❱

[Organic: 45%]

[Nanites: 55%]

❰Cellular Diagnostics❱

[Strength: 3.5]

[Physique: 4.2]

[Reflex: 3.4]

[Intelligence: 2.2]

[Cell-biofuel: 600/1100J] 

"What happens if Nanites occupy 100% of my cells?"

[100% organic flesh renders the Nanites into a simple assistive features such as healing broken tissues, skin hardening and gene editing(Gene Essence)

[100% Nanites renders the flesh to mere disguise can also often help the tranformed machine body calibrate body structure] (Machine Essence)

Michael's face was slightly ugly when he saw this message. Once the Nanites occupies 100% of his cells, he would instantly turn into pure machine, losing his blood and flesh in the process. This was something Michael absolutely didn't want. A few limbs for cyber ware was fine, but why would he need to become fully cybernetic? 

This simply meant that he couldn't recklessly use metal essence to increase his body attribute recklessly and he needed genuine genetic materials to get his flesh back to 50%.

Right now, he was already feeling his flesh had become weird. Although he could still feel his skin with his nerves working fine, the odd feeling was still there, making him slightly uncomfortable.

His eyes flashed back and forth, thinking of going to the black market to get a few genetic materials.


Michael's eyes flashed and a name appeared within his line of sight. 

"Madman's calling." He blinked his eyes and picked the call. 

"Kid, get your *ss over here." That was the only thing Steelz said before hanging up. 

Michael's eyes flashed and he muttered. "It's finally happening. "