The Plan

"There will be guards, loads of them and proper trained ones at that, making it impossible to go there guns blazing therefore, we go in simple and easy. We can't afford to make a mistake."

"Rach will make false identities for us all during the time of the operation. posing as arms"

Rach's beautiful brows furrowed deeply and she interjected. "False identities ain't all powerful. While it might fool their system check, it won't be long before the system find out something wrong and flag the IDs ."

Steelz nodded his head as though he had also thought about this problem. "Which means we only have the span of that time to complete the operation." 

Then he asked Rach. "How long you reckon we have?" 

Rach pursed her crimson lips in thought before answering. "Not too long. Thirty minutes give or take."

"Time's tight but thirty minutes should be for the operation of things go smoothly."

Steel tapped his index finger and his thumb together and the holographic  image containing the schematic diagram of the facility zoomed out.

  "This is the image of the secret facility, it's hidden at the very top of this pent house." Steelz both fingers pinched in at the top of the skyscraper and the hologram building zoomed in instantly. 

"Wait, even if we get in successfully, we can't just waltz into the facility and hope the guards of the secret lab would let us in, right?" Sleuth asked.

"Which is why the plan is divided into two. Sleuth and I will be the ones to head into Tzkomani while Durion, with the help of Rach will cause a ruckus, a distraction large enough to attract the guards, Rach will disable the print house fortress elite runner monitoring the hotel subnet while we use the opportunity to infiltrate the lab,  grab the items and quietly retreat without causing too much of a commotion."

"It goes without saying we do this on the hush ideally no bodies not a one. We'll have Rach on comms for the duration. Time for your burning question."

Immediately Steelz finished speaking, Sleuth instantly raised her muscular hand that was more than three times bigger than Michaels and asked in a concerned tone.

"These new identities tell us more? what's our cover?"

This time, Rach answered as she turned towards the muscular female gang member and said. "Hello Victoria Ramzy while captain's Yami Nighting and you're both there for a bogos  biz with the Corpo defense rep John Yhenta."

The others also asked their various questions and their doubts were relieved as the captain answered them one after the other, lasting about 5 hours to accurately calibrate themselves for the mission.

  It goes without, they were Klepting from one of the top ten Corp within Neon city it was impossible for the mission to be easy. Hence, they need to be properly  prepared for it.

At this moment, Michael finally interjected. "Cap'n, you haven't mentioned my role in all of this."

The captain finally turned to face Michael. His stern face breaking to a cold chuckle as he casually stated. "You stated that you were an experienced driver right?"

Michael's face turned slightly dark. "I never said that! I can't even properly operate the Floating sneakers not to mention a vehicle."

"Hmm." The middle aged man's face turned thoughtful as he held his chin.

His eyes then lit up as he continued. "Then you be the look out instead. Rach will forward the nearby security cams to you."

Steelz face turned incredibly solemn as he placed his huge hand on Michael's shoulder. " You job is the most important of us all. The moment you notice something wrong such as nearby patrolling Enforcer or closing in Anti-tech agents, you inform us as soon as possible!"

With that, he turned around and exited the room with the wave of his hand. 

Michael's face wasn't the least bit relieved instead, it turned even more darker as he gritted his teeth. 'Did the old geyser actually tried to glorify a watch boy job?' watching the fading back of the perverted old man but ultimately sighed. This was the first time the captain had actively involved him in a mission since the past two months which was a good thing. 

He was well aware of the captains behaviour and knew it was rare for him to trust a stranger and was even rarer that he let Michael joined the core team. Although the others were stunned, they trust Steelz enough to not doubt him.

"Don't worry about it kid, mission's too 'important to let lose a flying string. He will be sure to give you more responsibilities in the next mission." Durion patted Michael with a small smile, as he also left.

"To be honest, I'm surprised the leader decided to let you in on the gig. This means he trusts you."

"If you do well on this mission, he might give you an active role on the next. kid."

The others, Rach, Sleuth and Drake also comforted Michael with their own words as they also turned to leave. 

Michael accepted their words with a smile and then turned to leave. His pupils flashing in hesitation.

This mission was definitely going to be very difficult. It's too much to hope for things to go smoothly after infiltrating and stealing from a monstrous Corporation such as the Tzokomanis.

"I need to increase my strength for this mission. If things goes sideways, I should be able to survive." Michael stared at the amounts of credits in his bank vault with hesitation.

He had spent this two months saving this amount of Credits, it would be a shame to lose them all.

"I need to head to the back market to get genetic materials to increase my attributes and also a decent iron. When things can be solved with lead, why use fists?" Michael muttered as he stood up from the chair and proceeded deep into the scrap yard, grabbing his phantom x bag, he exited the factory, getting on a taxi, he headed towards the familiar route of the black market.