SystemNew Function: Item Stats Read

Genetic materials are graded based on the amount of evolution rate they possess. But even then, they all still depend on the rank of Mutated beasts the genetic material comes from. 

An entire body of a mutated beast can also be considered as genetic material but they only contain less amount of mutagenic energy within them as when a mutated beast dies, the mutagenic particles within their body would converge and condense into an organ in the body, transforming that organ into mutagenic organs.

These Mutagenic organs which contains condensed amounts of mutagenic particles are different for each specie. But for same species, they are restricted to the same type of gene structure, hence the mutagenic particles converge into the same organ.

To be clear, not all dead mutated beast possess condensed mutatgenic organ. As most times, in various situations, the mutagenic particles evaporate into the air like a steam or spread out to the body.

These organs can neither be  sensed nor noticed with an ordinary eye and without the knowledge or the specific optic implant such as Arasaka Mk II optics ware or other optical cyber ware that can read the energy wave of mutagenic particles.


And they are sold for astonishing amount of price, the lowest mutagenic substance is sold for 100,000 in the least.

The lowest mutated beast with the least amount of mutagenic substance in them which is categorized as grade-E genetic material are called rank-1 beasts.

They are of the weaker categories but even then, they are even more deadly than wild beasts as their genes had been altered, twisted and evolved, making them stronger, faster and more resilient. 

The more mutagenic particle a beast possess in its body, the stronger the beast becomes. It was unknown just how mutagenic particles came to be but several rumors stated that it was during the war between the Terranoids, Mechanoids and the Altered that forced the evolution of various beasts, pushing them to become stronger as they quickly became the lowest within the food chain.

Some said it was the experiment to create Altered beings that created beasts while other rumours involved the war between MEGA corps.

Mutated beasts seem to possess the ability to convert food consumed into mutagenic substance. The more energy the food contains, the more mutagenic substance their bodies would produce after breaking down and converting the food

The golden-horn rat is considered one of the lowest rank amongst the various mutated beast out there as its strength is incredibly weak. Despite this, their top speed is twice that of a full adult. They don't pose much of a threat but they are incredibly difficult to kill due to their insane speed.

"IHow much does  1kg genetic material of a golden-horn rat."  Since he couldn't afford Michael wasn't sure about the exchange rate of the system. He had never absorbed genetic material before and was unsure about how much genetic points he would receive after absorbing a Grade-E genetic material.

But since 1kg of Grade-E metal grants about 1000 metal essence points, one kilogram of genetic materials should also be about 1000 genetic essence points.

A mechanical snort of acknowledgment hummed from the trader's mask as him or her swiped at his wrist. An holographic image popped from their wrist and in the next second, the transparent shelf containing various genetic materials released a few mechanical sound and with a click, a glass jar slid out from the shelf.

Accurately grabbing the jar from the air, the trader then turned towards Michael, their pupils indifferent as they spoke. "9.500 Credits."

Michael frowned and immediately retorted. "5,000 Credits or I go to the other store."

The trader paused as though contemplating before saying slowly, "There are no other gene store here."

Michael was once more rendered speechless. That was actually true, this was the only store he seen on his way here. The other ones he had set his eye on wasn't opened.

The trader and the customer held gazes for a few seconds before Michael sighed. "You are giving it to me just 500 lesser than normal market rate."

"Do you want or not?" The trader said impatiently, waving the jar in their hand while glaring at Michael.

Michael was now starting to get angry. "Is this how you treat a customer? Judging by the dust on the shelf, I am pretty sure I'm the only customer you've seen in at least a week! Are you sure you want to chase me away with your ridiculous price?"

The trader froze, obviously stunned by Michael's guess but then they snorted and coldly sneered. "It's only a matter of time, I don't lack patience."

Seeing the Trader was as stubborn as a goat, Michael gave up trying to reduce the price further he sighed and spoke through gritted teeth. "Fine! Give me 3 kg then."

Giving Michael a sidelong gaze, the trader walked deeper into his store and brought out two more transparent jars containing the squirming flesh; Grade-E genetic material of the rank-1 golden horn rat.

"What if I return the jars to you, will you reduce the price?" Michael asked hopefully.

The trader replied with a deadpan 'no', leaving Michael snorting in response.

Michael was just about to place the jars into his phantom x bag when his eyes flashed and a text appeared within his line of sight.

[Name: Golden horn rat]

[Type: Genetic Material]

[Class: Grade-E]

[Mutagenic Particles: 902]

Michael's action instantly froze once the information sunk into him. He was pleasantly surprised seeing this function. He didn't think his system would integrate so well with his neuro interface cyberware after imitating and absorbing it. 

It was even giving him the perfect statistics of items, based on the usage they possess to the system. An idea suddenly popped up in his head and Michael's eyes flashed with giddy excitement. 

Seeing Michael suddenly freezing, the trader raised an eyebrow, obviously confused. They were about to call out when Michael dropped the three jars on the table, as he spoke.

"I suddenly don't want the genetic materials of the golden horn rat, I want to browse through your entire Grade-E genetic material!"

Since he could now accurately read the amount of mutagenic essence within a genetic material, he could now buy genetic materials with more mutagenic particles in them for maybe half the price!

Michael was fired up!