Abomination Hybrid!

The dark skinned gang leader eyes flashed in excitement.

In that electrifying moment, the colossal figure of the dark-skinned man quivered intensely, and beneath his skin, his muscles began to pulsate, contracting and expanding with an eerie rhythm.

His artificial skin abruptly ruptured, revealing intricate tear patterns etched across its surface.

Beneath the synthetic veneer, dark, metallic strands of dark iron furs in metallic sheen emerged, resembling the iridescent fur of a mythical creature. They erupted from his flesh, covering his entire skin as well as his face like a shroud of shadowy armor. These iron furs seemed alive, glistening with an uncanny luster as they grew out from him.

His jaw increasing started changing as the mechanical parts began arranging themselves making his jaw huge in size and his nose more bigger and flatter like an ape's nose.

Finally, his transformation reaches it's climax as his nose had formed into a iron ape snort, his face becoming a mix between human and pure ape as his four pupils transformed from glowing neon orange to pure red eyes.

His cybernetic arm cyberware underwent a mechanical shift, morphing from fingers into powerful ape-like paws, each tipped with razor-sharp iron claws, extending about ten centimeters in length.

Michael's face turned incredibly serious.

Right before him was a being who was a mixture between a man and a Terranoid!

Which means this man had actually successfully infused a part of a Terranoid into himself, turning himself into half human, half-terranoid whillist having the strength of both beings.

Although Michael had heard tales of this in the cybernet and had even seen various pictures on the net, it couldn't compare to seeing them in real life.

The man had turned into an half machine beast like being and half human.

His entire furry body was all metal, moving in sync with his muscles as his wolf like physique integrated into him, forming a wolfish-human made entirely of steel and machines.

The gigantic metallic hybrid stood three meters tall as he cackled, releasing puffs of hot steam from his snort and mouth as he grunted.

Staring at his paws, the metallic wolf-man clenched his fists tightly and the air trapped between his paws imploded with a muffled booming sound.

The metal hybrid inhaled a deep breath of air and murmured. "Ha, the feeling of pure power. It shouldn't have to be forbidden in the two continents"

His head tilted as his pupils locked into Michael, "You should be honored I am going all out. Except for the fool you kicked away, not a single soul had seen this form and live to tell the tale. Naturally, you are no exceptions."

Seeing the three meters gigantic hybrid causally radiating intense strength Michael murmured.

"An abomination."

Hearing this a, wolfish face turned serious, his sharp fangs extending out as he snarled. "You've said enough!"


The entire ground within a ten meter radius cracked into a spiderweb shape pattern, with the metallic hybrid at the center as debris from the pavement rose upwards, defying the laws of gravity as they floated.

Time seem to stop in that instant as the two figures stood separately, twenty meters apart from each other.

Floating debris from the broken pavement inbetween them, neon lights flickiring above them and the night sky casting am eerie ray within downwards as though setting the stage for the battle to come.

Just as the debris floating in mid-air reached point zero kinetic, the abomination between iron-monster man suddenly faded like smoke.

If was as though his figure had been erased from reality as his body. vamhised.

It was actually an afterimage!

A single thick line tore a massive path through the floating debris as an intense amount of energy wave cascades through the alleyway like a tide.

In the next split second, a shadow loomed over Michael like an avalanche!

In that split second, Michael's pupils constricted and a jolt of electricity passed through his brain, shooting into his spine which had merged with the sandevistan cyberware.

In that split second, a surge of electricity surged through his entire neural pathways, setting his entire body ablaze with an electrifying sensation that seemed to transcend mre human.

The electrical charge coursed through his synapses like a bolt of lightning, igniting a dazzling display of neural fireworks. It was as if the very essence of his cells had been supercharged, each neuron firing in perfect harmony.

In that intense moment, he immediately activated [Overclock], and instantly, the supercharged cells ad well as genes in his body went berserk, overdrawing intense amount of energy, coursing through his veins in that insane moments.

As though that wasn't enough, Michael gave out a single thought. "Over clock all cybernetics."


Michael's body instantly shook violently! It was as though an entire thunder storm had merged together, striking right for his brain!

Massive jolted of electron surged into Michael nano-cells, overloading them, making them swell as though they were about to burst.

If it weren't for the fact that his cells had tranformed from organic to steel, that much overdrive and power would have definitely ruptured his body.



[Michael Therian]

[Specie: Human X Machina ] 

(Organic: 45% | Nanites:55 %)

[Rank: Street Runt]

[Credits: 9,900] 

[Nanites: First Generation] 

[Genetic Status: Physique Tempering]

❰Cellular Diagnostics❱

[Strength: 3.5]  +1

[Physique: 4.2]  +1

[Reflex: 3.4]  +1

[Intelligence: 2.2]  +1

[Cell-biofuel: 900/1100J] 

❰Cyber Wares❱

(1)[Neuro-Morphic Interface]  ×100%

[Type]: Prototype

[Bio-cell fuel]: 1j/per (Basic daily computations)

[Effect]: Your personal computer right before you

[Mod Slot]: two

(2)[Outlaw Sandevistan]  ×100%

[Type]: Prototype

[Bio-cell fuel]: 500J/sec (Upon activation).

[Requirements]: 1900j, 2 physique, 2 reflex.

[Effect]: Slows down time to 85% for 3 seconds.

[Limit]: 1500J ×100%

[Mod Slot]: Zero

(3)[Arm cyberware (Right), (Left)]  ×100%

[Type]: Prototype

[Bio-cell fuel]: 1J/sec (Upon activation).

[Requirements]:200, 0.5physique.

[Effect]: Can punch to 300kg when fully activated

[Mod Slot]: Zero




[Basic Brawl] (common) (lvl. 1)

[Cyberspace] (Common) (lvl. 1)


[Steel Essence Accumulated: 16,000]

[Gene Essence Accumulated: 0]

❰Cell-bots Abilities❱

[Devour: A certain part of the Nanite-cells become active (Usually Fingertips and palm). During this period, Nanite-cells devour items they touch, increasing attributes as well as upgrading Cyberware]

[Imitate: Nanites copies the structure of a piece of cyberware not lower higher than user life-level into the user body with enough steel essence (cooldown depending on level of cyberware imitated ]

[Upgrade: Utilizing absorbed resources, Nanite-cells can be upgraded. (Devour First-generation set of Nanites to upgrade)

(Devour Type-D genetic materials or to upgrade) ]

[ Merge: By using [Upgrade], three Cyberwares, bio-chips as well as data skills of the same level can be merged to form a single Upgraded item.]

[Overclock: Overcharging the cells of a particular attribute with intense energy puts them in an overloaded state (+1 attribute) {100J/sec}];

[Cybernetic overclock: Improves cyberware performance by 100%]