Absorbing The Terranoid Core!

While the tram itself was free of charge and reached most of the city, the convenience didn't make up for the abysmal conditions within the capsule. It was filthy and far too packed, and some of the other passengers were prone to unruly acts of aggression towards one another.

On more than one occasion, Michael found himself on the receiving end of a combative look, but he ignored them every time, and every time someone tried to brush their hands in his stuff, he was always quick to slap them away seeing no point in getting into a fight within the tram.

The cabin walls were almost entirely made of reinforced glass, and he got a pleasant view of the urban landscape whenever he'd catch a glimpse in between the other passengers. Nighttime was quickly approaching, and the city neon lights were starting to stand out against the dimming backdrop— a sight he was starting to appreciate more and more.