This Is It

Amidst the students' thunderous applause and cheers, I found myself unable to hear anything clearly. It was as though I was submerged underwater, my hearing muffled by the noise. Even when the commotion ended, I was still left deaf to everything except the ringing in my ears.

?: "Yui... Hey-"

I could hear a faint voice starting to bring back my hearing, like I'm recovering from a flash grenade.

?: "Hey Yui, you okay?"

As my hearing gradually returned, I turned towards my right and was met with the sight of a familiar face, Kaede. We had been acquaintances since the start of high school, but it was only towards the end of last year that we began dating.

Yui: "I'm fine, just a little overwhelmed by... all this"

Although standing on stage with my fellow students and facing the crowd of spectators was overwhelming, it was the least of my concerns. I was about to start my journey to adulthood with Kaede, a new phase that would involve jobs, bills. Moreover, it would mark the first time I would live with someone other than my parents, and the mere thought of such a transition, along with the accompanying responsibilities, sent shivers down my spine.

Seeing me tremble while the school representative gives us our final speech, Kaede grasps hold of my right hand, holding it tight as if she would never be letting go.

Kaede: "I know, but if our parents can do it, then so can we!"

Kaede whispered loudly, trying to lighten my anxious mood without drawing too much attention to us.

The world is coming to understand the feelings of gay romances, however it's still looked down upon in some places, this school being part of a city which does. So we've been keeping our relationship somewhat of a secret in school, with only our best friend knowing of our relationship due to unfortunate circumstances, but I'm thankful it was him that spotted us and not anyone else.

With the student representative having finished their speech, another wave of clapping and cheering commenced as I clasped Kaede's hand, giving back the same force as if telling her that I don't plan on leaving her side. We turn to face each other, her golden, auburn eyes beaming right at me with a large smile on her face, her silvery blonde hair done up in a pony tail which exposes her slender neck which added to her beauty. I couldn't help but be captivated by her, making my worries earlier dissipate, marking the end of our graduation.

After some time, Kaede and I walk out from the school entrance, the school having just ended with the ceremony, our hands firmly together as we walk through the gate.

?: "Yo!~"

We turn around to the sudden yell to find someone sprinting towards our direction from school, their hair blowing in the wind, revealing a familiar face.

Kaede: "Shin-"

Kaede gets cut off from the sudden tackle hug from the person, nearly bulldozing her to the ground if it weren't for me keeping her steady.

Yui: "You trying to kill us or something?"

Shin: "My feet couldn't stop in time haha, my bad"

Having now got control of himself, he proceeds to wrap his arms around the both of us like he was our father.

Shin: "Congratulations guys. I'll join you guys soon enough!"

Shin was the same age as us, however during the end of last year he failed the final examinations and had to redo a year. It did suck, but it wasn't entirely his fault. He lost his father due to an accident at work. I... wont explain the details. Lets just say...rotating machinery, clothing, caught... yeah... But he seemed to be holding up alright nowadays, I'm thankful he has such a wonderful mother. Oh speaking of which, she also knows of Kaede and I's relationship. Of course not due to us, but due to Shin always running his mouth.

Yui: "Mhmm, we'll be waiting"

I say as we finish our hug, still gripping onto Kaede's hand.

Shin: "So, you guys got any plans?

Kaede: "Yes, we plan on living together very soon"

Shin: "Ehh?! Already? Does your parents know?"

Yui/Kaede: "Of course"

Shin: "You guys found a place too?"

Yui: "No not yet, we still haven't found a right place for us. Everything I've seen is far too expensive, so I was thinking of looking for a job while Kaede looks for a place"

Shin: "Ha, look at you, becoming an adult, crazy"

Yui: "Well I have Kaede in my life now, I want to make sure she lives an enjoyable life"

I bring Kaede closer to me, her shoulders hitting up against the side of my chest. I was a little taller than her being 165cm with Kaede being 159cm. Kaede visibly blushes from that declaration while turning her head side to side, making sure no one around us heard.

Kaede: "Y-you.."

I couldn't help but giggle at the adorable sight which was Kaede. We may of been together for nearly a year now but It still makes my chest warm inside being able to tease Kaede like this. Shin following with a laugh of his own.

Kaede: "You guys~"

Shin: "Well if its a job your after why don't you come work with my mom at the bakery?"

Yui: "Really? That'll be- But I don't know anything about baking and-"

Shin: "Ah don't worry about that, you don't seem like the type anyways haha. But my mom does need a helper at the bakery, and if its you I'm sure she'd love to have you. You don't need much experience."

Yui: "Yeah, but I have NO experience"

Shin: "Come on~ you'll be helping me out with this as well come on"

Yui: "Why? So you don't have to do it?"

Shin: "Exactly! I wont even get paid for it. So what do ya say? Please? Mom could also teach you how to make fancy cakes for Kaede~"

Having heard about making cakes for Kaede, made me think of our future together. And the sight of her happily eating something delicious that I made makes my heart all fuzzy. Not waiting too long, I made up my mind.

Yui: "I'll do it. But not for you!"

Shin: "Hehe, gotchu. I'll tell mom the good news!"

A wave of relief washed over me as I may of already landed myself a job for us. All that's left is finding a place for us to live, and with a job possibly secured I can now properly help Kaede look for a place.

Yui: "Thanks Shin, keep in touch. We'll be off now"

Shin: "Will do, mom will be so excited. Be sure to take care of her"

Yui: "Of course"

Kaede and I say our farewells to Shin as we continue to exit out the school, whereas Shin went back into class. Apparently it was only us graduating students that could leave early. Now being alone with Kaede finally, my heart flutters at the thought of finally starting my life, together with her.

Kaede: "Shall we?"

Yui: "Mmm!"

We link our arms together as we walk, as fresh, new adults.