Place For Us

I have no idea how much time has passed since we have been like this. I could hear Kaede's soft breathing, still resting her head on my shoulder. As I open my eyes, the cherry blossoms falling onto the water come into view, with Kaede's hair brushing against my face. Her long and luxurious lashes flutter before gradually revealing her shimmering golden eyes, reflecting the sunshine hitting the river. We continue to marvel at the sight together, nuzzling up close to one another, as if neither of us wouldn't want to leave each other's side.

After some time, a somewhat chilly breeze came upon us, pulling us out of our state of tranquility as Kaede slowly brings her head off from my shoulder.

Kaede: "We will be together like this next year right?"

Yui: "I promise"

As we sit together, I grasp Kaede's small and delicate hands. Our fingers intertwine, merging into one, like two halves becoming whole.

After some time passes, we get up from the base of the tree, brushing the little bits of dirt and flowers from our clothes before putting our jackets on. We walk along the riverside along the dirt path before crossing the bridge from before, making our way back towards our homes.

Yui: "How about we do a little looking around for a place to live? With both of us with a job, we can check ones that are a bit more pricy "

Kaede: "Mmm, that sounds nice"

Home is a place where memories are created, where our story begins, and with Kaede, any place would be home.

We continue to walk down streets, looking at the houses available for rent that we couldn't afford before. We don't need a big house, even a 1 bedroom apartment would be enough, but a 2 bedroom one would be better in the event that we could have guests over, so we focused on houses with at least 2 bedrooms, kitchen, lounge, and a bathroom. The area as well is important since neither Kaede or I can drive yet, so getting a place somewhat close to the bakery would be ideal.

After searching around, we come across a house that we looked at before and it appears to be still available. At the time it was out of our price range, however it's close enough to the bakery that we can easily walk there in roughly 20 minutes, and it also meets our requirements for having 2 bedrooms. The rent is ¥230,000 a month, which is just a little above average, but with Kaede and I both having jobs, we should be able to manage. Kaede and I looked at each other, before nodding in agreement, a smile appearing on both of our faces as we found a place for us.

I take out my phone to contact the real-estate agent assigned to this house before suddenly, a ringtone could be heard coming from Kaede. She takes her phone out from the jacket to see the caller.

Kaede: "It's my father"

She declares before answering the call, stepping away a little bit giving me some space to contact the real-estate agent.

Email Sent:

Hi, I would like to rent the apartment at ******. I will be living together with 1 other person, we are both starting work very soon so the rent shouldn't be an issue. Contact me at your earliest convenience.

As I finish sending the email to the agent, I can hear Kaede about to end the call with her father.

Kaede: "Yes, I'll see you soon."

She ends the call, walking back towards me.

Kaede: "My parents are back. They asked me to come home soon"

Yui: "We can head there now if you like. I just finished emailing the real-estate agent"

I take Kaede's arm around mine as we continue our walk, this time heading back to Kaede's place. The sky still bright out as we head towards an intersection that leads us up to the intersection where our houses split.

Kaede: "I hope we end up living there, it's not too far from the bakery and our houses"

Yui: "Mmm, I hope so too. Will make moving a whole lot easier too"

We gradually make our way back to Kaede's place. I still can't believe that they weren't here for her graduation, but after looking to my side seeing her radiant smile as we walk, makes me brush off my anger towards her parents, I'll try and remain calm. Her house slowly comes into view from the distance as we pass the railway crossing, walking along the right side of it, before eventually arriving at the entrance to her house.

The door being unlocked as Kaede walks ahead of me to open it, light emanating from within as we walk inside before taking off our shoes, the polar opposite when I came here yesterday. Her father now coming into view to greet us, giving me a somewhat questionable look, does he have a problem with me?

Mr. N: "Kaede, I'd like to talk to you. In private."

His cold voice vastly different to how I'm used to hearing from him. Sure he was a business man but when it came to his family he was always soft and gentle, so seeing this startled me greatly as he once more looked again in my direction. What is this?

Mr. N: "Yui, you can go home, we need to discuss some things."

Kaede: "Father?"

Kaede looks distraught as she looks for answers from her father, but he just remains silent, waiting for me to leave.

Yui: "It's okay, you haven't seen your parents for a while. I'll text you soon okay?"

Kaede: "...Okay"

I turn back to put my shoes back on before closing the door behind me, the lingering sight of Kaede as she slowly disappears from my view until the door finally shuts. I wonder what that could be about? Her father looked quite serious back there. I turn out from the entrance as I make my way back towards my house. The sky becoming a little dim as the cloud start engulfing the bright sky, perfecting depicting what had just happened, a stupid coincidence.


Walking back home, I hear a notification coming from my pocket before taking out my phone.

Email: Hello Yui. Yes that apartment is still available. Would you and your partner be able to meet up on one of these days to discuss some things?

Email Sent: Yes. We can meet tomorrow at the apartment if that works for you?

A smile creeps back on my face knowing that we may of gotten a place for Kaede and I to live. But that smile turns into a more bitter one, as I recall her father's demeanor. I hope everything is okay.

I arrive at the intersection, about to turn to head home where upon I stumble into a person, he appears to be around my age. As we collide, his face looks towards mine, looking very apologetic and friendly.

?: "Ah Sorry about that, I wasn't watching where I was going"

Yui: "N-no you're fine! My mind was wondering off and I wasn't paying attention, my bad!"

We both apologize to one another, his voice having a very friendly tone as we laugh it off before saying our farewells, going in opposite directions of one another. I wonder if he was in the same school as us?

Finally arriving at my door, still being locked from when Kaede and I first left the house for our date. Opening the door I notice the plates and bowls we left from breakfast as we must have forgotten to clean up. After closing the door behind me and taking off my shoes, I go to tidy up the table, not wanting my parents to come back seeing a mess.

Upon finishing cleaning up the table, I whip out my phone to text Kaede, I really hope everything is okay.

Message to Kaede: I just got home. Is everything okay? Your father seemed quite serious back there. Lets meet up again soon <3

After sending the message I go up to my room, pulling out my hair from the hair tie, my long hair hitting against my back as I fix my hair before hoping into the shower. Today has been a very eventful one, Kaede got a job with me, we found a place to live together, it seemed as if everything is falling in place.

----------Kaede's POV

Miss's N: "But you're both girls. What will people think? What will the neighbors say?"

Kaede: "That doesn't matter. Why should we care what other people think? We love each other, and that's all that matters."

Mr. N: "But what about your future? What if you want to get married and have children? You can't do that if you're living with another woman!"

This is ridiculous, I knew my parents wouldn't like the idea of Yui and I living together. Did they think Yui and I's relationship was just some sort of joke?

Kaede: "That's not true! We can still be a family, and we CAN get married."

Mr. N: "But what about your religious beliefs? Living together goes against the teachings of our faith."

Kaede: "I understand but that's YOUR beliefs! I believe that love is love, and it shouldn't be restricted by religion. I'm not asking you guys to change your beliefs, but please, respect mine. I love Yui, and I want to live alongside her."

Miss's N: "We just want what's best for you Kaede. We're worried that this decision could affect your future."

They still not trying to understand me? They should of just stayed at their vacation, instead of interrupting our anniversary. This is too much for me to handle, I just want to run away from this, tears beginning to form in my eyes.

Mr. N: "You're very beautiful Kaede, I'm sure you can find someone else, a nice handsome man that can properly support you"

I snapped hearing those words, I didn't want to speak to my parents any longer as my feet moved on their own, bolting out the front door. The voices from my parents not mattering to me any longer as I get away from there as fast as possible, tears spilling out from the sides of my eyes.