Disturbance - Kaede

Over the past few days I continued to use the money I had gotten from slaying the kobolds to buy some more clothes and other necessities. I still couldn't find a black shirt however, so I'll have to stick with this dress when fighting. Today I had been noticing a lot of commotion in the streets of Maemont and I could see many people gathering around the adventurers guild. I was planning on stopping by today to perhaps do another job as I've started to burn through my money, so today I was wearing my black dress I had bought as it was the best thing I could wear to avoid blood stains. The black dress was actually a perfect contrast with my platinum colored hair so I didn't mind.

Making my way to the guild, I could see a notice board outside reading "Urgent - Dragon Sighting" A dragon? I recall the sound I heard when I was on my way back from the kobold cave. Could it of been from a dragon? Walking inside the guild, the area was completely filled with people, a wide variety of demi-humans and humans.

Nickolas: "Ah, welcome back!"

A familiar face had approached me. I'm thankful that my hunger was satisfied from that human a few days ago, as being around this many people wasn't uncomfortable at all.

Kaede: "Hey. Why is there so many people here?"

Nickolas: "Oh you didn't hear? A dragon was spotted far south of Maemont. We don't know where its planning to go yet so we are about to discuss it as a group."

Sky: "Okay everyone! The Queen of Inasdale had given us orders herself to deal with the dragon. I know it's a high level threat, which is why they have sent reinforcements themselves to help us along with all the other guilds towards Maemont. You guys don't need to do this but any help will be much appreciated"

Couldn't this be a bad idea? If we poke and disturb this dragon, it might just fly off and rampage through towns and cities. Shouldn't we just leave it be and focus on defense? As I was in thought, many people threw up their hands, wanting to take part in this job.

Sky: "There will be no reward for this job, keep that in mind, but any materials you manage to get is all yours"

All my life so far I have been a monster, and with every job I took, there was no difficulty, no challenge. This job piqued my interest purely because it was a dragon, something I've never seen before, and if it also managed to possess dark magic, then I'd love to see it. With some of the people putting down their hands after hearing they will get no reward, I put my hand up.

Nickolas: "Eh? You going?"

Kaede: "Yes. I've never seen a dragon so my curiosity is too much to say no to this"

Nickolas: "Well if your going then I'm going too"

He raised his hand with me, and with some people noticing us putting our hands up, they too lifted up their hands. I could see Sky counting the number of hands. Seems as though the number of people were more important than the individual, almost like we were cannon fodder.

Sky: "Right, everyone who is joining, be sure to arrive at the south gate of Maemont at dawn, where you all will meet with the others. Good luck!"

Cheers erupted in the guild with people sitting back down on their seats.

Nickolas: "This would be the first time you will be working with others right?"

Kaede: "No. When I was around 5 years old, I used to party up with the guild manager at Azalea, but apart from that, yeah this will be the first time"

Thinking back on Fleur and Faye, the thought of the dragon heading in their direction entered my mind as I was even more convinced to stop this dragon.

Nickolas: "I've never been that far. I tend to sleep at the guild here or back in Inasdale"

Kaede: "What's it like in there?

Nickolas: "Well you're not a demi-human right? I'm sure you can come along. I can take you if you like. After this job that is.

Kaede: "Yes, I'd like that"

Why was I calm around him. His attitude sort of reminds me of Shin back home, but his appearance was a lot manlier than Shin's. Maybe that's why.

Nickolas: "Be sure to protect me then haha"

Kaede: "Fufu~ Will do"

Nickolas: "I have a little sister back home. She loves to hear stories of the jobs I do here, so telling her about fighting a dragon, she wouldn't believe it"

Kaede: "How old is she?"

Nickolas: "She'll be 15 in 4 months. Around your age. Ooo! Maybe you could also come! And we could give her both of our stories."

Kaede: "That..."

It sounded nice, but I fear that my hunger might start back up, and being in the capital might be too dangerous.

Kaede: "I'm not sure. I do want to return to Azalea one of these days."

Nickolas: "Well after this job, let me know if you change your mind. I still don't mind showing you around Inasdale"

Kaede: "Mmm, okay"

If we managed to finish this job quickly then there could be some time for me to visit Inasdale, that or I could try and find some already dead human to feast on, but I doubt a chance like that would happen again.

After sitting down having the talk with Nickolas, we parted ways. I went to check out where we all will be meeting up at outside the south gate, looking out towards the far south in the direction where I heard that sound. "Dragons." Will I really see one tomorrow? I'll do my best to protect everyone. I knew already that I was far beyond the average adventurer, being able to use light magic along with the other magic that I am capable of. I wonder if my magic can also work on something like a dragon? What were the limits to my strength? I found myself asking many questions in my head as I was itching to find answers, but I still have to wait.

The thought of going alone did cross my mind, but in case I did manage to kill the dragon myself, then what would Nickolas tell his little sister? For some reason I cared about him wanting to give that happiness to her, so I decide to head back inside Maemont, back to the inn.

Heading into my room, I organize what I'll be bringing with me. I've still been using the same dagger that Fleur showed back when I was young. It was just your average steel dagger but I held it with a lot of importance. I'll probably wear the black dress I'm wearing now to the fight, as none of the other clothes I had bought were suitable. Lastly my bag, incase I get any materials, but if I'm up against a dragon I think I'll need a bigger bag. After sorting out my things and getting dressed for bed, I lay down, staring up at the ceiling while letting out a sigh.

Kaede: "What have I gotten myself into now Yui"

My heart still hasn't recovered, even after this past decade, I still think of her. Wherever she is, I hope she is doing better than I am right now. I close my eyes, sleeping earlier than usual so I wake up in time for the meetup at dawn. Eventually, my consciousness fades as I drift away in the darkness.

Waking up, I look out the window to find the sun was yet to come out. I get changed back into my black dress along with my garter-like holster on my thigh which houses my dagger. I quickly get my hair in check before slinging my bag over me and putting on my black boots, making my way out of the inn.

Approaching the south gate, I notice many people have showed up from the guild, and on top of that, a squad of people all wearing the same uniform, some wearing plate armor with others wearing light armor. These must be the soldiers the capital sent to assist us.

Nickolas: "Oh, Hey! You made it!"

I was surprised to see that Nickolas had showed up, but seeing a familiar face made me more comfortable as I approached him.

Kaede: "Of course I did, If I didn't come then I'll miss my chance to see a dragon."

Nickolas: "You're crazy coming just for that haha."

?: "Aren't you the crazy one?"

Nickolas: "Well you have me there haha, but I'm glad you also came. Oh Kaede, this is a good friend of mine, Alice."

Alice: "Pleasure to meet you, Aren't you awfully young to be here fighting this dragon?"

Nickolas: "She's the up and coming adventurer from Azalea, I heard she just hit B rank actually"

Alice: "Oh- my apologies. I have heard about you, but I didn't think you'd be all the way out here in Maemont"

Kaede: "It's okay. A lot of people have the same reaction haha"

She seemed very dignified, but also seemed carefree when interacting with Nickolas. She looked like a reliable person in contrast to him, with a playful side.

Alice: "Well I'll be looking forward to seeing how you fight. I hear no one has seen it because you prefer to be by yourself?"

Kaede: "Yes, today will be my first time. Sorry if I don't understand any team tactics."

Alice: "I think doing what you normally do would be best. It's better to not drag you out from your comfort zone"

She gave me a gentle smile as she said that. I appreciate her not forcing certain rules or tactics on me, but I'll still try and work as a team regardless.

Kaede: "Thank you, but I'll also try my best to work as a team!"

Nickolas: "You could come with us? Alice and I will be together with a few others as one of the squads."

Alice: "Mhmm!"

Kaede: "Then, I'll take you up on that offer. I look forward to working with you two."

Alice: "As do I"

I found myself looking forward to this, not needing to worry about my hunger I can finally enjoy other people's company.

Alice: "Now Nick. This time make sure you pull your own weight, last time we were together you had me do all the work."

Nickolas: "I'll try~"

More people started to show up. From adventurers, to soldiers, until finally the sun came up, signifying the start of our march.