Shackles - Kaede

I wasn't all that tired so I ended up waking up earlier than anyone else. Judging from looking out the window, it looked like it was just starting to lighten up as the room became dimly lit. Mell was still clinging to my arm as she was sleeping soundly. The sight of her put a smile on my face as I gently pat her on the head. I hope I'm able to find her mother soon.

Lillian: "EH?!"

Suddenly hearing the sudden voice, I look over to the bed next to mine where I saw the sleeping beauty, Lillian, who was now in a panicked state while covering herself with the blanket. I didn't have enough clothes to spare her so I had given her a blanket instead. The commotion ended up waking both Sicily and Mell.

Sicily: "Sis!"

She sits up in bed before hugging her now awakened sister, who was still flabbergasted at her surroundings before looking towards me.

Lillian: "Where... What happened?"

Sicily: "Kaede saved us. She led us for days all the way to Maemont. You were asleep during all of it."

Mell now having woke up loosened her grip on me, letting me properly sit up.

Lillian: "You. You were the one that came into the cage right?"

Kaede: "Yes... I'm sorry about what I did, but I needed to do it in order to save everyone."

Lillian: "It was scary what you did. I felt like I was dying... But I'm glad you saved my sister."

She was checking her neck with her hand, the same place where I had sunk my fangs into her. It was a close call, I'll have to be more careful next time. Lillian now had a more relaxed expression as she looked at me.

Kaede: "I'll try to control myself better next time."

Lillian: "Oh? So you want more of my blood then?"

Mell: "Blood?"

That right. I forgot Mell didn't know what I was. I guess it's fine right?

Kaede: "I'm a vampire Mell."

Sicily: "A nice vampire!"

Mell: "I- don't know what that means."

Thank god she hadn't learnt of vampires yet. It made sense however, as Oboris did say to me that I was the last vampire or something, so we are a dying race. I go to head pat Mell with a smile on my face.

Lillian: "Well I've heard of vampires in the past, and you certainly don't match what I know. You did save my sister and the others, so if you do need to... You can drink some of mine. But not as much as last time!"

Kaede: "Deal!"

I was happy hearing her offer to suck on her blood. The thought was there but I didn't want to ask such a thing, especially having nearly killed her.

Sicily: "I can also help!"

Lillian: "No! Mom told me to look after you so let me-"

Sicily: "That was when we were kids. We're grown up now, so please."

What am I watching. These sisters arguing for which one of them I'll be drinking. I felt extremely uncomfortable. Lillian now looking at her younger sister, looking to be deliberating over something.

Sicily: "Please sis~"

Lillian: "Okay fine! But I go first"

Sicily: "Thank you"

She went back to hugging Lillian as the sisters looked to be happy in their embrace.

Lillian: "Uhm, but can I ask. Where are my clothes?"

Kaede: "We can go buy you some clothes now if you like. Would be bad for you to be walking around naked."

Sicily: "I'll come with you. I know my sister's sizes."

I wasn't too sure how much money I had left, but the priority right now was to get Lillian clothes, otherwise we'll be stuck here. I go through to check how much I had left, and thankfully, it looked like I should have enough for clothes for everyone. Mell also was in need of pants, or at the very least, underwear.

Kaede: "Mell. Would you like to keep big sis Lillian company while we get you some clothes?"

Mell: "You'll be back though right?"

Kaede: "Promise."

Mell: "Okay-"

As Sicily and I step out of the room, I noticed that the rooms that the rest of the girls went into still had their doors shut. I didn't want to wake them so instead it would just be Sicily and I heading to the clothing store.

It was still early, but last time I was at this store I was told that they open quite early, and as it turned out, as we arrive at the store I could see the store owner had just flipped the sign over to 'open'.

Kaede: "Perfect timing"

The store owner waved to me out the window as I wave back.

Sicily: "You been here before I see."

Kaede: "Yes. It's where I got this dress and the rest of the clothes I gave you guys."

Sicily: "Thank you again for that"

Kaede: "You love saying thank you hehe. Again, it's nothing"

Sicily: "It's not nothing at all. It was the first time anyone has shown me kindness ever since my mother"

Kaede: "Well there's more coming then. I'll have a look at those shackles after we get these clothes."

Sicily: "Mhmm!"

Entering the store, I immediately head over to the pants section as there was still 4 girls, or 5 now including Lillian who don't have pants. From memory they all looked to be around the same size so I hope these will fit. Mell was the only notable outlier so I made sure to buy smaller pants for her. I've decided that they can just keep the clothes I gave them, so instead after I had got the pants together with Sicily's help, I do my own bit of shopping for myself. I made sure to buy more pairs of underwear, keeping the black theme going along with another black dress that I was wearing which looked like to be back in stock.

Owner: "Will that be all?"

Kaede: "Yes"

Owner: "That comes to 239 silver. But for you I'll make it 200 flat."

Kaede: "Thank you"

I go to pay the lady before grabbing our things. Shoving them into my enchanted bag, inside the pocket dimension. The lady's face was in awe as we exited the store.

Sicily: "I remember seeing a bag similar to that."

Kaede: "Oh? The person that gave me this said they're extremely rare. Where did you find one?"

Sicily: "No, it was the man that had bought my sister and I. I remember seeing him carry around a bag similar to yours."

Kaede: "Then maybe when we go get your revenge, we can have a little look around for it. Might come in handy."

Sicily: "Mmm!"

Getting another one of these bags would be amazing, as I've never seen it being sold anywhere, or seeing any other adventurers carrying such a thing.

Making our way back inside the inn, I notice a few of the girls were in the lounging area as they looked towards my direction, smiles appearing on their faces. I pass them some clothes before heading back upstairs and placing some clothes at each of the doors that were still closed, folded nicely. I still didn't want to knock in case they were still sleeping so I head back inside my room, where Mell suddenly jumped up and into my waist.

Kaede: "Told you I'd be back"

Mell: "Hehe~"

She looked happy at my return as I let her hug me for a while. Sicily having now got her sisters clothes as she hand them to Lillian.

Lillian: "Thank you"

As she went to quickly put on the clothes, catching me off guard, I accidently saw her naked body once again before looking away, giving her a bit of privacy until I could hear them giggling away at each other.

Lillian: "Thank you for the privacy, but haven't you already seen me naked?"

Kaede: "I have my morals!"

The sisters laughed once more before they finally finished changing, having been given the signal to turn back. I then give Mell the pants I got for her, as she quickly puts them on. I let out a sigh of relief as I feel like my job has now been completed. Next on the agenda, were those shackles.

Kaede: "Can I have a look at those shackles again?"

Walking up to Sicily and Lillian, they both had the same kind of shackles, sharing the same glowing engravings.

Kaede: "Let me try something."

I was stronger than humans so just maybe, I could just snap these shackles off with brute strength, however after trying, I couldn't feel the shackles budging one bit. "Maybe magic might work?" I place my hands onto the shackles before my palms began to glow brightly, trying to break through, but to no success.

Kaede: "These things are sturdy."

Sicily: "I figured..."

Lillian: "We tried to get rid of these ourselves, but the barrier inside it is too strong. Seems like the only way is to get the key for it."

Kaede: "Who has the key?"

Lillian: "The same man who bought us from the slavers."

Kaede: "Perfect, because we're going there next. Sicily's idea."

Lillian: "You've done more than enough for us! Why are you wanting to help us further?"

Sicily: "She's going to Inasdale anyways, plus we'll need her strength If we want to have a chance."

Kaede: "Think of it as payment for drinking your blood hehe"

Lillian: "Fine. We'll be relying on you then"

Kaede: "Mhmm!"

It was settled. The next plan was to head into Inasdale, find the man that preyed on them, kill him, and finally free the sisters, properly, restoring their powers. However the sudden tug on my dress from Mell reminded me that I'll have to deal with this one first.

Kaede: "What is it Mell?"

I kneel down to her, giving her a soft smile, trying to be gentle as possible.

Mell: "Can I come too?"

Kaede: "Don't you want to see your parents? Do you know where they are?"

Mell: "Papa is dead. I don't know where mama is"

A wave of relief coursed through my body at the thought that she still has a mother. The thought of her parents dead was in my mind, so hearing that her mother might be alive was reassuring.

Sicily: "We'll find her okay? Kaede will protect you until we do"

Kaede: "H-hey"

Mell now clinging back onto me as Sicily had given her an answer before I could. I didn't mind as I would prefer to have her close in case something happens. The other girls are all adults so they should be fine. Plus Maemont seemed to be a nice town, so I don't think harm would come to them.

Kaede: "Okay. You'll come with us then. We'll leave shortly"

Mell: "Mmm!"