Found You

We've been searching around Inasdale all morning as we have searched through the north and west sides of the city as we now are heading towards the south side, going to every inn we could find. However every inn so far showed no signs of Kaede. It didn't help that most of the inn wouldn't tell us about their customers, refusing to say whether Kaede was there or not, which forced us to spend some silver just to access the upstairs area of the inns to call out to Kaede in my old language. There is still the possibility however that we have missed some inns where we have checked as neither Luna or I are familiar with the locations of every inn. There's also the possibility she might not have arrived in Inasdale yet.

Luna: "Remember we need to stop by some of the shops for dinner tonight."

Ellen: "Mmm. I just want to make sure I've checked everywhere I can."

It was getting well into the afternoon by this point as I can now hear that both of our stomachs were starting to grumble.

Ellen: "If we see a stall or a shop with food we can take a short break to calm our stomachs haha."

Luna: "I was about to mention food aha"

We continue to wonder around heading to the south side as we split our focus with me keeping an eye out for inns, and Luna looking out for places with food.

Luna: "There!"

It didn't take long for Luna to spot a food stall tucked away between some buildings. She sure loved her food so it's no surprised she could smell food from a mile away. We come up to the food stall as there appeared to be many cuts of boar meat with a grill to the side with fresh meat cooking. The smell of it drew us closer as our stomachs grumbled once more. Coming closer I could see they had skewers of the boar meat with vegetables along with it. There was also just the large pieces of boar meat cooked and hanging, waiting to be served.

Stall Owner: "What can I do for you young ladies?"

Ellen: "I'd like a couple of those skewers thank you."

Luna: "3 for me please. Oh and 1 of those large pieces right there."

Yup, gluttonous as ever. "Never change Luna." I smile as Luna places her order for the large amount of food.

Stall Owner: "That'll be 60 copper coins."

I quickly take out my bag with the money inside, however there was not enough copper coins inside it. I try to slide him over 1 gold coin instead however Luna steps in, grabbing my hand before I could give him the coin.

Luna: "No, we pay together. I still have plenty of copper coins left."

Stall Owner: "I accept silver as well. It'll just be 6 silver then."

Ellen: "That works."

We each give him 3 silver pieced each. I didn't mind paying a bit of Luna's meal as 3 silver was almost made no dent to how much money I had saved up. Luna almost immediately started eating one of the meat skewers as we walked away from the stall.

Ellen/Luna: "Thank you~"

Stall Owner: "Take care"

The food was a mix between good and bad. Some of the meat was clearly freshly cooked as it was hot and juicy with some being a little colder and tougher to chew. However the food all went down well and the vegetables complimented the meat quite well as it added the much need juiciness to the more dryer pieces of meat.

Ellen: "That should last us till dinner right?"

Luna: "Maybe for you, but I might need a little something if we continue walking for this long haha"

Ellen: "Well how about when we get hungry next, we can quickly head back and grab some things for dinner."

Luna: "Mmm!"

With our plan made, we continue our search for more inns.

Again, there was no luck after a few hours of searching as time was now running out for us. Looking to my side, I could see Luna was clearly exhausted as she tried desperately to keep up with my pace.

Ellen: "1 more inn and we'll head back."

Luna: "...O-okay"

The amount of money I have spent just to rent out a room to find Kaede must be quite high now. Some places were even charging 40 silver a night which I found ridiculous, but I had to; I need to find her. However I did promise Luna that we'll head back after 1 more inn so I'm more than ready to head back. There's always tomorrow to continue our search for-

?: "Wait! come back!~"

Suddenly, I could hear a voice calling out in the distance in front of us. Turning the corner I could see a woman with long dark purple hair holding onto the arm of what looked to be a kid just outside of an inn.

Kid: "She said she'd be back! It's getting late~"

Woman: "I'm sure they'll be back soon. We have to be patient okay? You promised that you'd keep me safe, right Mell?"

I didn't want to eavesdrop on their little outburst, but It's not like I'm just going to walk the other way. Seeing that it's an inn, I go to approach it, in turn approaching the woman and her kid.

Ellen: "Uhm excuse me. Are you staying at this inn?"

I ask the woman who had now gotten control of the kid.

Woman: "Err Yes. Why are you asking?"

Ellen: "I was just wondering if you know if someone by the name of Kaede is living here."

Woman: "...No. I haven't seen-"

Kid: "Ye-"

She looked scared while answering me before blocking the kids mouth from speaking. It almost felt like that kid was the polar opposite of the woman as she looked excited at the mention of Kaede's name, with the woman looking more scared. I can't help but grow suspicious with how they're acting.

Ellen: "Please, If you know where she is, I'd like to-"

Woman: "We don't know where she is sorry. I have no idea who you're talking about."

She had now let go of the kid as the kid appeared to calm down, wearing the same demeanor as the woman now, completely different from what I saw moment ago. It was all too suspicious. I kneel down to the kid to meet her at her level.

Ellen: "Do you know where Kaede is?"

Kid: "I..."

I knew it. The look on her face was easier to tell than the woman's. It looked clear to me that she knew of Kaede, but was holding back from telling me for some reason. Wait- I'm kind of suspicious myself right? I start to think about a random person coming up to ask me something strange like this, I'm not sure if I'd be willing to trust a stranger as well.

Ellen: "Listen. I know Kaede very well. She's precious to me so if you know anything, that'll be a great help."

I speak softly to her with a smile on my face, trying desperately to get anything out of her, however that only makes her fidget more while remaining silent. "I'm so close!" Suddenly, I notice her gaze move over from me to someplace else out behind me. Her golden auburn eyes that reminded me of Kaede's, lighting up as her mouth starts to open wide before running past me.

Kid: "You're back!"

Still on my knees, I shift around to turn my head to where she was running. I watch her as she runs into the arms of a person who I immediately recognize. The silver hair, black dress. That was all that I was given about the famous adventurer from Azalea. Standing up, I continue to watch as the kid jump into their arms as they walk on over with another person who liked similar to the woman next to me.

That was when our eyes meet. Her scarlet red eyes staring into mine as I feel like they're penetrating my soul, making my heart race at the speed of light that I struggled to even move a muscle.

Ellen: "K-Kaede?"

Upon getting closer to us, I manage to call out the name of the person I want this to be. Her eyes opened slightly wider, seeming to respond to my call as she puts the kid back down to her feet.

Kaede: "Yes. Who are y-"

Hearing her confirm what I wanted to hear the most, I lunge forward as my feet finally managed to move, running straight into her, wrapping my arms around her tightly. I could feel my tears welling up inside me as I try desperately to not cry right then and now.

Kaede: "H-hey! What are you-"

Yui: "Found you..."

Kaede: "..."

I spoke in our old language that only Kaede and I would understand. I hold onto her tightly during the silence, not wanting to let go until finally I could feel her arms grab hold of my shoulder, pulling me away from hugging her with her face now in view. I could see her eyes start to become clouded in tears, the same as mine.

Kaede: "Yui?"

Yui: "Mmm!"

I struggled to hold back the tears as I could feel my tears drip down my cheeks. Looking at her face I could also see the same thing happening as if her tears were copying mine, sliding down her cheeks as we remain where we are. Suddenly, she pulls me into an embrace on her own as I wrap my arms back around her, not wanting to let go at all, not wanting her to pull away. Finally breaking eye contact I could finally let out my tears completely, crying out loud as I fell to my knees as if all my remaining energy was spent from the tears. I could barely make out that she was also crying on my shoulder through my own cries. I couldn't tell what was going on around us as we remained in our own little world, crying what felt like an eternity with my fingers digging into her dress with everyone around us kept silent, watching us.

Kaede: "I never gave up on you. After all these years."

Yui: "I thought- I'd never see you again."

We barely were able to muster the strength to speak, but thankfully I could hear her whisper on my shoulder as I do to same in response. Suddenly I could feel my hair being played with in my ponytail.

Kaede: "You kept your hair-"

Yui: "Mmm- for you"

I could hear her make a small giggle amongst the cries as we remained in a tight embrace, with neither of us wanting to let go. Suddenly, a wave of exhaustion floods over my body as I feel my eyes growing heavier before closing. The warmth of Kaede's body was too comforting that I felt myself at peace, as my consciousness begins to fade.