
-----Kaede's POV

Mell: "Kaede!"

Upon coming back to the inn, I'm greeted by Mell who decided to lunge towards me, thankfully she's small so I easily caught her in my arms.

Kaede: "Mmm, I'm back."

Lillian: "Is that the academy's uniform?"

Kaede: "Ah, yeah. By the way, where's Sicily?"

Looking around the room, there's no sign of Sicily so I can't help but feel worried.

Lillian: "She's, 'working'."

Kaede: "She got a job already!?"

Lillian: "Well~ You could put it that way yeah."

The way Lillian is speaking only makes me anxious. What kind of job is she doing?

Lillian: "We both take turns at helping adventurers with their guild jobs. We're unable to register ourselves since we're elves so this is the only way to get around that. But someone has to be here for Mell, so that's why we take turns each day."

I'm relieved to hear that it's nothing bad that they're doing, but I did find it interesting that they aren't able to register as adventurers.

Kaede: "Wait, but can't you just keep your ears covered?"

Lillian: "Well appearance wise, yeah we can look like regular humans, but the problem is with our blood. It'll tell the guild that we're not human but instead elves. We may be imprisoned if they discovered that, or even killed."

Kaede: "Eh?"

This was alarming. "Hold on." Aren't I a non-human as well? Why was I able to register? Maybe it's because vampires don't have blood so there might not be a way to tell what I am, but wouldn't that in and of itself be weird? There's also the chance that I'm giving the registration system too much credit, but I can't help but wonder. "Wait... So does this mean that Fleur knows as well?"

She was the one that first registered me, so she must of realized that I'm not human. If that's the case then why did she take me in like she did? I need to see her soon...

Lillian: "Hmm?"

Kaede: "Ah no, it's nothing. So how are you two holding up here though? Are you able to survive off of the money from the adventurers?"

Lillian: "Mmmm, kind of? It would be easier to stay somewhere if we weren't in the city, but I didn't want to run off without telling you."

Kaede: "If you could, where would you go?"

Lillian: "Some place quiet. This city isn't really meant for us. It's tiring having to constantly be weary of everyone."

Some place quiet...

Kaede: "How about Azalea?"

Lillian: "Hmm?"

Kaede: "I have relatives there called Fleur and Faye. I'm sure they'll take you guys in or help you find a place to stay."

Lillian: "Azalea, huh~"

Kaede: "I plan on going back there myself after finishing up at the academy. So? How does it sound?"

Lillian: "I'll discuss it with my sister first. So we'll be here to give you the answer if we do decide to take you up on that offer."

I was about to ask that, but I'm glad they'll stick around to wait for me. Wait, aren't I being weird? I don't think I've worried over people since coming here. Maybe after reuniting with Yui I've found a missing piece of myself that I left behind... Thinking that, a smile creeps up on my face as I head pat Mell who was still wrapping her arms around my waist.

Kaede: "Mhmm. I'll come back this weekend. Do you need any more money?"

Lillian: "No no, it's okay. Like I said we are surviving somewhat, but it'll be rude of us to continue relying on you. You've done a ton for us, so we don't want to be a burden to you. Plus we still have the money we got from Yui, but we'd like to use that as a last resort."

Kaede: "Kay~ But if you do run into trouble, be sure to rely on big sis Kaede! Hehe~ Oh and speaking of Yui, she's busy at the moment but she wanted me to say hi to you guys on her behalf."

Lillian: "Mmm! I hope we all can meet again one day, sis."

This was the first time I willingly accepted that outlandish idea of theirs, but I found myself smiling more upon declaring that regardless. I guess being accepted by them played an important part so I don't want to lose them.

Kaede: "Mell. Be sure to take care of these two okay?"

Mell: "You'll be back though, right?"

Kaede: "Mhmm! I don't plan on saying goodbye, so take care of them yeah?"

Mell: "Mmm!"

After catching back up with Lillian and Mell, I make my way back to the guild in hopes to find Sicily myself, however I also have other plans there as I plan to write a letter to Fleur regarding the offer I gave to Lillian. I wanted to hold off on my 'other' question until I meet her again in person.

It was still daylight upon entering the guild as I quickly began to write the letter.

Letter to Fleur: Sorry it took a while, but I found Yui and have started to attend the Inasdale Academy. I miss you guys and have a lot to talk about, so when I find the time I'll definitely bring Yui along with me to see you two. Oh also there may be 3 girls coming to see you. They mean well and want a more quieter life there, so if you don't mind finding a place for them to stay I'll be sure to pay you back next time I see you. Love: Kaede.

Kaede: ~Done."

Letting out a soft sigh as I pay for the letter to be sent to Fleur. I didn't find Sicily anywhere inside the Inn so maybe she was out helping some adventurers already? I would love to stay and wait but I do need to hurry back before curfew.

-----Yui's POV

Luna: "No more!~"

Yui: "Nope. Come on, one more lap."

Luna: "I... I- can't"

I've been training with Luna whilst Kaede was out, however Luna was worse than I imagined as she could barely run 3 laps around the outer part of our training area. If I were to do an estimate, I'd say 1 lap of the training area is a bit under the 800m track back in my old world, so maybe around 600m? We weren't sprinting but maybe my version of running was equivalent to her version of sprinting, but either way she does need to push herself a bit more.

Looking at her resting her hands on her knees panting away heavily, I really should just call it here.

Yui: "Okay. I guess we can take a breather for a bit."

Luna: "-Th-thank you."

We move to the bench as we drink away at our water with Luna seeming to be chugging the entire bottle in one breath. I sip away at mine until she finally stopped to exhale.

Luna: "You're relentless Ellen."

Yui: "Eh? This is nothing though. I actually planned to do a lot more than this haha."

Luna: "What!?"

Yui: "It's okay. We have a few more days to get you into shape so I'll save those for another day."

I give her a smile in hopes to cheer her up that I wont be pushing her any more for today.

Luna: "That smile. Scary."

I guess she took it the wrong way, but she isn't wrong, I do plan on pushing her more during these coming days. However I still felt the urge to run more.

Yui: "After this break we'll do a couple more laps okay?"

Luna: "So mean!~"

Yui: "This is what happens when you don't exercise properly. What if in one of your matches they outlast you and you lose because of your stamina?"

Luna is quite skilled with her longsword now along with her her fairly skillful magic capabilities, however the biggest issue is her stamina. I worry if her matches take too long she'll just collapse due to exhaustion.

Luna: "Fine~ But just a couple yeah?"

Yui: "...Maybe three."

Luna: "AHH!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her cries as she flails her arms in annoyance. My hand finds its way on top of her head as I give her gentle head pats.

Yui: "Good work though Luna. You're doing well, keep it up~"

Luna: "Ah- Mmm!"

I didn't want to leave her flailing around like that, so I wanted to bring that smile of hers back which seemed to have worked.