Sleeping Beauty

-----Kaede's POV

I couldn't hear much of what the teacher was saying in class at all. My mind's filled with what happened last night, what I did to Yui... All I wanted right now is to just be by her side, it pains me to sit here unaware if she's in trouble or not-

Julius: "-Kaede..."

But then again, what if I lose myself again and attack her when she's trying to recover? maybe I should-

Julius: "Kaede!"

I jump at the sudden yell of my name as I lift my head from the desk towards Julius who looked to be displeased, but not so much angry.

Kaede: "S-sorry sir! I've just-"

Julius: "You look terrible. Could someone please take her to the infirmary?"

Collin: "I will."

Looking behind me, I see the familiar face of the guy I met on the first day I attended class along, with his sister sitting beside him.

Julius: "Thank you. Someone will have to take notes for-"

Violet: "I got it!"

Julius: "Great. Then off you go Kaede, you can come back to class when you're better."

I felt fine, I don't know what he's talking about. However I don't like being a distraction like this to everyone else, so I begrudgingly get up to follow Collin who's waiting in front of the class, smiling away at me.

Exiting class, we walk side by side as I remain silent, my mind still entirely focused on Yui, wondering if she's okay.

Collin: "Didn't get enough sleep?"

Kaede: "Hmm? Oh- yeah."

I wasn't really lying since I was up all night making sure Yui was still alive, but I don't think I feel tired to be honest, if anything I'm feeling anxious, not being able to hear if her heart is beating or not.

Collin: "I can tell. Your face looks so sluggish."

Kaede: "I just. I'm worried about my partner."

Collin: "Oh? I didn't know you already have someone like that. Is he also at the infirmary?"

Kaede: "Hmm? Ah, yeah. She's resting up there already."

Collin: "That's good- Wait, a girl?"

Kaede: "Yes. What's wrong?"

His face froze up in shock of what I just said. Wait, I just openly said something a little embarrassing right? I didn't think whether or not same sex relationships was considered taboo or not in this world. Maybe he's creeped out by me? Maybe if I wasn't in this state of mine I may of been able to avoid dealing with this, but my mind is all over the place right now.

Collin: "Nothing, I just find it brave of you to openly admit something like that."

Kaede: "Is it wrong?"

Collin: "Well it's definitely strange. Not that I can say much myself ha-"

Kaede: "Wait, you're also in a relationship like mine?"

Collin: "Mmm, not necessarily, but kind of?"

He looks around us, probably making sure no one could overhear our little conversation. I reflexively do the same as I see no one around before he comes closer to my side.

Collin: "Can you keep a secret?"

Kaede: "Err... Sure?"

Collin: "You don't seem confident."

Kaede: "Well it depends on how big the secret is."

Collin: "It's pretty big. If other noble families get word of it, I could be exiled by my family."

So Collin is part of a noble family like Yui? I did hear from Yui and Luna that most of the people here are from noble families, hell even Leon who's the prince of this kingdom is attending this academy. However, keeping a secret that could cause him to be thrown out like that and potentially forced out of school might be too big for me to hold. But my curiosity is piqued, especially if we're going along this conversation of relationships. I more or less have a hunch that he may be gay, but I'd like to hear it from himself.

Kaede: "I wont say a word. Plus I don't think it could be that bad~"

Collin: "I'm only saying this because you said something quite outlandish so I feel obligated to share something with you too."

I personally don't care about my relationship with Yui spreading. But from how Collin is reacting about this, then maybe it's considered problematic. Maybe I should shut my mouth up about this, I don't want to cause Yui any more trouble than I already have.

Kaede: "Okay. Then we can be secret keeping buddies"

Collin: "Deal."

Kaede: "So? What is it?"

Collin: "Well- I sort of... Have an intimate relationship with- my sister."

Kaede: "Eh!?-"

He quickly covered my mouth as we walked through the hallways before he looked around once more. For real? I thought he would declare he was gay and has a romantic partner that he was hiding, not that his partner is his actual sister!

Collin: "Please. Keep it a secret okay? Plus I'd like help from someone regarding it."

What kind of help does he think I can give? Hell I've never even had a sister, or any kind of sibling for that matter, especially not someone as outrageous as incest. Hold on. So does this mean that incest in this world is regarded the same as same sex relationships? Thinking so, I find myself even more cautious on who to tell regarding my own relationship with Yui. After some time, Collin lets go of my mouth as I calm down.

Kaede: "I'll keep it a secret don't worry. I'd also very much appreciate you to not tell anyone of mine as well."

Collin: "Deal."

What a sudden turn of events. Here I am stressing over Yui, now I'm stressing over our relationship along with learning something crazy about Collin. I'm sure Collin will tell Violet about this, so maybe that means I can also bring this up with Yui to see what she think of it. And just like that, my mind is back on Yui as my heart sinks into my stomach, worrying over how she's doing before picking up the pace.

Collin: "Ah wait, hold up!"

We arrive at the infirmary where I immediately head to where I left Yui this morning. Her face still pale from when I brought her here, but at least her chest seems to be moving with each breath she takes.

Nurse: "Oh- Welcome back. Your friend still hasn't-"

Her voice trails off as I approach Yui who was laying down on one of the beds I left her at.

Nurse: "She's anemic. Seems as though she's lost quite a bit of blood. She should be awake in a few hours but make sure she takes it easy and that she stays warm until her blood levels balance out."

I already knew it was anemia, but for the nurse to say it in front of me stings as it only reminds me of what I did... There's no way that I could actually tell her how it happened though. I fall to my knees at the side of the bed, cupping one of Yui's hands with both of mine as I rest my head against the bed.

Nurse: "I'll- I'll leave you two alone, let me know if you need anything."

I don't say a word as the nurse's footsteps trail off to the other side of the room, leaving me alone with Yui.

Collin: "So? Is this the one?"

Kaede: "No."

Collin: "Hmmm? Come on, I went and told you all that, so surely you can tell me."

Kaede: "That wasn't part of the deal hehe."

I had no intention on actually telling him that Yui is the person I'm with, especially after that 'secret' talk with Collin, makes me think that I really should keep this to myself.

Collin: "Well you obviously care for this person, but whatever. Your secret's safe with me."

Kaede: "Thank you. Yours too."

Collin: "Mmm. Well I'll head back to class and help sis with taking notes for you. I'll let the teacher know you'll be here."

Kaede: "Thanks."

Collin: "I'll see you later then. Give Ellen my regards."

Ellen? Oh right, Yui's other name... Wait, how does he know her name? I lift my head from the bed for a moment to hopefully catch Collin, but it looks like he's already left. "Is Ellen 'that' famous among the nobles?" I guess I never really asked how her life was like here, but I do recall her talking about a mansion and having a nice mother. Leaving those questions aside, I rest my head back on the bed with Yui's hand still wrapped up with mine, trying to give her some added warmth to her ice cold hands.