Battle of Light

-----Kaede's POV

Leon: "Go easy on me, okay?"

Kaede: "Uhh- Mmm."

My mind still hasn't changed, but to think I'll be fighting the prince? What if I beat him and knock him out of the tournament this early? Wouldn't the royal family belittle him? He might even become the laughing stock for the whole kingdom. That being said I don't plan to lose, especially not for a reason such as that to make the prince look good, I'll prove my worth here and now.

We walk up to the center of the training area, giving each other one final smile before making our way to the opposite sides of the training area.

Kendal: "Okay! Be sure to not do anything dangerous like I said! With that said, begin!"

Time felt as if it slowed down around me as I try to figure out how to ideally beat Leon. I don't plan to lose, but I also don't want to completely wipe the floor with him, I'll try and limit myself. I had my dagger with me so maybe I could just have him concede if I get close enough.

Making up my mind I charge in, closing the distance almost in a split second, however it was enough time for him to create a barrier around himself before I strike it with my dagger. To my surprise, the dagger didn't break the barrier, in fact it looks like the barrier showed no signs of weakness. Leon tries to gain distance from me, but I keep right on top of him, not letting him escape as he focuses on maintaining the barrier.

I think back to when Julius showed us how he created a physical weapon and how it was enchanted with his magic. I may not be able to create something physical yet, but just maybe, I could maybe fill my dagger with my magic? Wasting no time, I pour in my magic the same way I would like I was filling a magic crest while continuing my assault on his barrier. I'm too scared to use my light magic here as it could end up killing Leon so I'll have to make do with this. The more mana I poured into my dagger, the more I felt like his barrier was weakening before finally, it shattered into pieces.

I was so focused on the barrier that I completely missed him trying to sweep my legs up from the ground, however as his leg slammed against mine, I felt little to no pressure as I remained standing.

Leon: "Tch-"

He goes to pull away from me in order to make distance once more, however I wont let him. I decide to actually use my magic, creating a long chain of light in my left hand before lassoing it around his leg as he attempts to dash away, causing him to fall to the ground. Without hesitation, I yank him towards me, however he manages to cast something as my vision becomes bright. I couldn't see anything so I close my eyes, focusing everything I could on my hearing. The stinging pain I feel in my eyes only worsening.

Time began to move slowly as I concentrated for any kind of movement when suddenly, I could hear him get up from the ground followed by something cutting through the air towards me. I quickly put my dagger in it's trajectory when suddenly, I could feel something smash against my dagger. Quickly opening my eyes as my vision slowly began to return, I had successfully blocked his sword from getting to my neck. His eyes wide in shock as I take this opportunity to end this now that he's this close, forcing his sword back with my power before bringing my dagger to his neck instead in a blink of an eye.

Kendal: "Stop!"

The look of shock on his face slowly faded as he began to smile at me with my dagger still at his neck.

Kendal: "Well done! That was a marvelous battle you two. You may take your seats."

Leon: "As expected from the famous adventurer haha."

Kaede: "You're not too bad yourself. Quite a cheeky move to blind me like that."

Leon: "I thought I had you there, but to think you could sense my attack with hearing alone."

Kaede: "I just had a hunch hehe."

We talked during our walk back to the benches as all the other students looked at us in disbelief.

Male Student: "Prince! How'd you lose to a division 4 student?"

Girl Student: "Yeah what gives? Why did you take it easy on a commoner like her?"

I can't help but feel amused as they try to belittle my win in front of me, but I'll let Leon deal with them as I go to sit down.

Leon: "She was just too strong for me, that's all."

Everyone else around us erupted at Leon's words as I could barely figure out what they were all saying.

Kendal: "Okay quiet down! I know seeing two light users was exciting but we have to continue with the matches."

With Kendal's words, everyone quieted down as I could feel more ominous stares coming my way when I felt something tap on my shoulder. Looking to my side behind me, I saw a familiar face, but not someone I have actually talked to.

Kaede: "Violet?"

Violet: "That... was very impressive, Kaede."

I think this is the first time I've talked to her. After hearing about the twin's secret, I can't help but look at her differently.

Kaede: "Ah- Thank you. I didn't notice you were here with me as well."

Violet: "I was just afraid of all these new faces so I stayed away from the crowd."

Kaede: "Well you can sit here if you like? I wont bite, so lets get along."

I give her a smile in hopes to calm her worries as she gingerly takes her seat on the bench with me. I can't help but wonder what those two get up to together, but it's not like I can say that to her since she doesn't know that I know about it.

Violet: "Thank you."

Kaede: "Feeling better?"

Violet: "Just a little... There are still a lot of people staring our way.

Kaede: "Sorry, that'll be from me. You can move somewhere else if you-"

Violet: "It's fine. I'll stay here."

Kaede: "Ah- okay."

What am I even meant to say to her? Knowing such a secret has me getting all nervous, why? Come on Kaede, think! Oh!-

Kaede: "Hey you think you could help me with that familiar summoning?"

Violet: "You having trouble?"

Kaede: "Yeah, so maybe you can watch and see what I'm doing wrong when we find the time?"

Violet: "Hmm~"

She ponders for a bit as I wait there nervously. She's the only one in our class that's managed to summon her familiar so maybe this would be the perfect chance to break this awkward barrier and maybe make another friend in the process... Wait, why am I wanting to be friends with both of these twins?-

Violet: "Okay."

Well there's no taking it back now, I guess.

Kaede: "Thank you."

For the first time, she smiled. It was very faint, but I definitely saw the corners of her mouth rise ever so slightly.

-----Yui's POV

Nothing excited happened as my match starts after lunch so all I've been doing is watching the other students battle one another. I don't know anyone here but from the battles I've seen so far, I did manage to spot a few individuals who might pose a problem if I were to go up against them. Of course I could take control of their magic and beat them, but I'm struggling to think of a way to do that discreetly with everyone else watching, especially if I were to make it to the top 32 in the stadium.

Yui: "I wonder how Kaede's doing?"

I let out a sigh amidst my words. I wish I could've been in the same area as her, but I guess I'll know how she went when we meet up for lunch. I'm not too worried about Luna since she was also placed in division 1 with me so she should be fighting someone in division 4, but I wasn't sure on Kaede's situation.

Otho: "Okay, for our last match up before lunch we have, Marcus von Keller and Henry Gillard."

Last match? Thank god, I've been getting quite bored just sitting here watching, I can't wait to meet back with Kaede and the others for-

Yui: "Eh?"

I noticed something peculiar about one of them that was different than the rest. Everyone here, even the mages had some kind of weapon but one of those students who are heading to the center of the training area isn't carrying anything. He has short brown hair, quite average looking in my opinion but I can't help but be curious to what's about to happen.

Otho: "Alright, 3...2...1... Start!"

With the sound of another fiery bang from Otho, the match began. My eyes were focused on this unarmed opponent as he charged forward with incredible speed. Looking closely I could see his body was clad in a green aura, the same way that hobgoblin from back then was. However that wasn't surprising to me, what DID surprise me was what happened next. His legs remained the same with the green aura, however his top half changed as his arms began to form into rock shaped fists before smashing away the attack from his opponents sword before sending his fist into their stomach, causing them to fly back a few meters before collapsing onto the ground.

Otho: "Okay! That'll do! Thank you everyone for coming, we'll continue after lunch."

"Barbaric" is the word that comes to mind when I saw something like that. I recall distant memories of Alice teaching me about people able to have 2 different kinds of magic, so is that person a prime example of that? Thinking that, wouldn't it be stupid to just show off to everyone that you possess another kind of magic? Sure he won, but I don't think it was the right move.

With that thought in mind, the bell rang signaling the start of lunch as I immediately head out of the training area, heading towards the cafeteria. At least now I have something to talk about with Kaede and the others, maybe I can warn them about 'that' opponent.