
-----Kaede's POV

Ever since we went back to our training areas for our matches, I've been worried sick about Yui. If I had known she didn't have her match yet, I probably could've held myself back and maybe even waited till after the day finishes where we head back to the dorms. Guilt floods my body as I hardly pay attention to the matches in front of me as all I can do is pray that Yui's match goes well.

Leon: "You okay?"

Kaede: "Huh? Yeah I'm fine."

Leon: "... Worried about Ellen?"

Kaede: "Yes..."

Taking a look at Leon who was also waiting as we watch the matches, his face did seem nervous, showing no sign of a smile at all.

Leon: "She's been through a lot you know."

Kaede: "How long have you known her?"

Leon: "Since I started school back when we were 5, but we've only started talking during the course of staying at this academy."

Yet another person who's known her longer than I have, but I'm too worried for her right now to make a big deal out of it.

Kaede: "What was it like for her? What do you mean she had it rough?"

Leon: "Well when rumors spread that she couldn't use magic despite being the daughter of a duke, all the other nobles in the classes talked behind her back, mocking her. It didn't sit right with me as I tried to think what it's like being in her shoes. Even the common people felt nervous around her since she's from a high ranking family so she only really made one friend which is Luna."

Kind of sounds similar to how I grew up in a way. Sure I had people helping me along the way and came across people who I can call friends, maybe even a family. But the way Leon is describing Yui's childhood stings my heart, making me appreciate Luna a bit more. Also wait, Yui can't use magic?

Kaede: "What do you mean she can't use magic?"

Leon: "I don't know myself, but from what I've seen and heard, she has never used magic and instead focuses more on close quarters combat with her rapier. I feel like she would probably be the best student here if she didn't have that issue."

Kaede: "But doesn't every living being in this world have mana?"

Leon: "Yes, which is why it's quite peculiar, and is one of the reason why I've got an interest in her."


Kaede: "You like Yu- Ellen?"

Leon: "As a friend for sure, but sadly as the soon to be crown prince, my parents would find me a suitable partner to be the next Queen. I do have a say in it, but my parents would have to approve."

Interesting, so nobles don't choose their partner? I find that quite bullshit if I'm honest. Arranged marriages were a thing back home, but this seems a lot more strict than what I knew.

Kaede: "Sounds rough."

Leon: "Ah I'm not too worried about me, I'm more so worried about Ellen. Since she's been labeled as this 'mana-less noble', she might have NO say in that matter and may end up forced to be with a shitty noble her parents decide. She's a good friend so that's why I hope she does well here, in hopes to prove her worth. This might be the most important time in her life right now."

Kaede: "..."

I felt even more worried after hearing all that from Leon, and even more guilty about drinking her blood just before her match. I don't know what I would do if she loses her first match...

We continued to watch the matches, but again I was more focused to see Yui as I began to fidget in my seat, waiting for Kendal to dismiss us. If felt like time was going 10 times as slow as each passing second felt like a minute, when finally I could hear the sound of the bell, making time normal again as I waste no time to bolt out of the training area, with Kendal's words unable to reach my ears.

My legs had a mind of its own as I sprinted to find the other training areas. I didn't know exactly where they were so I opt to just follow in the opposite direction students were coming since they all had to have been at the other ones.

Darting through the crowds of people, I saw no sign of Yui as I continue to run, not caring about giving way to people as I rush through. However when I get to the last training area, there was still no sign of Yui. My heart felt like it was being strangled when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Mark: "Kaede!"

Kaede: "Huh? What?"

Mark: "I was calling out to you, what's wrong?"

Kaede: "Where's Yui?"

Mark: "Who?"

Kaede: "Ellen!"

Mark: "Sorry, I haven't seen her. Is something-"

Wasting not a second later, I cut him off as I continue to run through the halls. "Who was with her at the training area?" I start to look for any familiar faces when suddenly, not too far away I saw Luna.

Kaede: "Hey! Where's Yui?"

Luna: "Huh? Is she okay!?"

Kaede: "I don't know, that's why I'm looking for her."

Luna: "...Sorry, I don't-"

Again, I start running away as I've heard enough. "Was no one with her at her training area?" I get more anxious as I begin to pick up speed, focusing all my senses to find her.

In a split second, I ran past a doorway when I saw someone in the corner of my eye. It was just for a split second, but it was enough for me to realize who it was. Running back to the doorway, I burst inside, my heart still racing as my eyes lock onto hers.

Kaede: "Yui!"

Yui: "Kaede?"

I run up to her, wrapping my arms around her as she sat on one of the beds in the same infirmary where I took her last time.

Kaede: "I'm sorry!"

Yui: "What? It's fine it's fine. I won my match just fine. I felt a little dizzy so Olivia here helped me here."

I didn't notice the other person until Yui pointed her out.

Olivia: "It was scary though Miss, don't say it like it was nothing."

Kaede: "So you're okay?"

Yui: "Mmm! I'm feeling loads better after resting up for a bit."

All my stress and worries began to fade as the feeling of relief replaces it, my body collapsing to it's knees as I rest my head on her lap.

Kaede: "I'm glad you're okay."

Yui: "Mmm, and thank you for rushing over here haha."

I could feel my hair being played with as she began to gently pat my head, causing more and more stress to leave my body.

Kaede: "Thank you Olivia, for bringing her here."

Olivia: "Y-yes! I mean it's an honor to help lady Ellen so of course I'd help."

Lady? The way this person addresses Yui sounds more like she's a servant rather than a fellow student. I guess this is what it's like to be a noble.

Yui: "Again, just call me Ellen."

Olivia: "I'll try..."

Kaede: "So? How WAS your match anyways?"

Yui: "Well like I said, I won. I honestly don't really remember much of it."

Olivia: "Yeah about that. What was that back there la- Uhm, Ell-Ellen... You did something that I've never seen before."

Yui: "Oh- That~ Uhm..."

Kaede: "What did she do?"

Olivia: "She-"

Yui: "Wait! Olivia, you serve my family right?"

Olivia: "Well, yes."

Yui: "Can you keep a secret for me then? You too Kaede."

Kaede/Olivia: "Sure."

Secret? I felt happy being able to keep a secret that's Yui's, but also a little peeved that she's also sharing it with someone who I just met, someone who even calls Yui 'Lady'. She looks around to make sure no one was in the room before she began to speak once more.

Yui: "I honestly can't think of a lie, but I'm sure I'll have to think of something, but the truth is... I can steal other's magic with my own..."

Olivia: "What?!"

Yui: "Shh~ Please, keep this between us okay? Oh but Luna also knows so don't worry about spilling it to her."

I was feeling annoyed by the fact that I was sharing this secret with Olivia, but to now learn that Luna had known this secret this whole time, made me all the more jealous of her. But there's no help in complaining about something like that.

Kaede: "What do you mean by stealing?"

Yui: "I can like, attach my mana onto someone else's and take control of it. Apparently it's an unknown magic so I'm trying to keep this a secret."

Olivia: "Understood! I wont tell a soul!"

Take control... Hmm-

Kaede: "You think I can experiment with your magic?"

Yui: "Yes! Luna's been helping me understand my magic so I'd love to test more things out with you."

Olivia: "I can also help!"

Yui: "Thank you."

Olivia: "Oh and I think I've figured out how you can explain what happened. The first time you flung my water magic away, I thought you used wind magic to fling it aside, it was only the second time where it was obvious to me that it was something else. So maybe we can go with that El- Lady Ellen?"

Yui: "Mmm, good thinking. We'll go with that."

She breathed a sigh as a smile grew on her face, seeming relieved of spilling this secret between us. I'm wondering if she could also take control of 'my' magic. She knows I'm a vampire so its fine to show her, but I'm feeling all the more curious to the extent on how far her magic can go-

Luna/Mark/George: "Ellen!"

Bursting through the door, we were joined by the others as they flooded into the infirmary.

Yui: "Hi guys-"

I don't move from my place as I rest my head back on her lap. Partly due from the jealousy I was feeling of Luna just before, but also because I found it quite comforting.