Vampire x Behemoth

-----Kaede's POV

"Finally." Standing there in front of Marcus; the person who nearly killed Yui, the person who talked down to her right in front of my face. Excitement wells up inside me at the thought of putting my fist in his stomach, giving him the same pain he had given Yui, if not more. I don't plan on going easy on him.

Lucien: "Are you two ready?"

Kaede/Marcus: "Yes."

The anticipation is getting to be too much, feeling my nails growing a bit. During all of my previous matches, I've been slowing myself down to the speed of someone who had enhanced their body with wind magic. But right now... I don't plan on holding back. I want him to feel the true extent of what I can do.

Lucien: "...Begin!"

Not a moment later, I bolt forward closing the gap immediately, Marcus only able to take a single step before I was right on top of him. The look on his face was amusing, but his movements were incredibly slow as I quickly bury my fist into his stomach along with the momentum I had. With no time to react, he gets sent flying across the arena, slamming into one of the walls. I expected him to fall right then and there, but surprisingly, he remained on his feet looking to have only suffered some bruising the stench of blood was absent. That was when I noticed he has surrounded his body in rock-like armor.

Seeing that Lucien hadn't declared the match over, I rush forward once more using pure brute force to punch through the rock-like armor, right into his chest. I could see the fear in his eyes start to rise as I mix things up a bit. I summon chains of light to coil around his ankle while playfully hitting his arms as he tries to block. Seeing the chain successfully wrap around him, I move back a little, grabbing the other end of the chain from the light portal before whipping it behind me, bringing Marcus along with it flying above me in an arc before slamming down into the ground, causing quite a bit of damage, to the floor that is.

From what I could see, no more of his rock-like armor remained as he struggled to move on the ground as I walk over to him. "Has it been 20 seconds yet?" Wanting to do one more thing, I flip him back over to his stomach as I look down upon him. I summon 3 more chains of light, restricting the mobility of both his arms and legs I suspend him a couple feet from the ground. I could almost taste the fear coming from him now as I raise my fist above his head.

Lucien: "Kaede's win-"

In sync with Lucien's announcement, I slam my fist on that giant skull of his. I'm aware that I could possibly kill him with the force I used before, so I did hold myself back a fair amount, only wanting to knock him out, which seemed to have worked as I could still sense his breathing despite him being unconscious. I choose not to heal him and let the nurses take care of him as I begin to walk off.

Teacher: "Ah, wait!"

Suddenly, I get stopped by a teacher, with Lucien following behind them.

Lucien: "Since you're our champion, the king would like to congratulate you personally. You may join your friends after."

I look up to where the king and queen were seated as they had their own special area, accompanied by royals knights from the looks of it. I don't say as word as Lucien proceeds to guide me up the stairs to where they were.

I really don't care much about this country, or kingdom? Either way, I really don't feel like speaking to someone such as a king, I just wanted to go back and see Yui. Let's just hope this is a quick talk.

We arrive at the king and queen's seats where I could see them and their guards in full detail. The king and queen were both wearing very fancy clothes that screamed wealth. The cloth seemed to be fashioned out of a material that reminded me of silk, and jewels littered throughout their clothes and crowns. Lucien suddenly took a knee next to me facing the king and queen. I however, choose to remain standing.

King: "Welcome Kaede. Firstly, I'd like to congratulate you on your victory. You've proven yourself to be the best the academy has to offer, especially during these troubling times with vampires making their return.

Kaede: "Thanks"

Queen: "We can't give you much except for this."

A guard came from the side, holding what looked to be some kind of sword before bestowing it to me. I could see that it was also quite fancy, with a giant red jewel embedded in the middle of the hilt. It was then that I noticed it was the same style of sword that these guards were carrying. I take it from his hands, knowing it would serve no purpose to me. The only blade I need is the dagger Fleur had given me.

King: "We hope to see you join the ranks and help us fight back against the monsters if they are indeed making their return."

And now they asking something from me? Sure monsters are bad and all, but I'm not doing it for your sake. Of course I can't say that in front of them so I keep my thoughts to myself, remaining silent.

Queen: "... I also understand that you're a commoner. But with this victory here, you've been recognized by us so you needn't worry about that anymore."

Kaede: "Thanks."

King: "... Okay Lucien, we're done now. Take her back, we'll be making our way back to the castle."

Lucien: "Yes, my liege."

I found it funny that the king and queen both wanted to be done with this, dismissing me immediately after saying what they needed to say. But at least I got something I guess? I look at the sword once more in my hands before following Lucien back down to join back with Yui and Mai.

Lucien: "I know you're not from around here, but it's rude what you did back there."

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Lucien: "Not pledging to the king and queen. It was as if you were saying you're on equal footing with them."

Kaede: "Like you said, I'm not from around here, so I wouldn't say I'm loyal to them."

Lucien: "Even so, it's proper etiquette to do so. So be sure to do it next time you see them."

Kaede: "What do you mean next time?"

I for sure don't have any interest in them, so hearing this coming from Lucien was quite startling.

Lucien: "Typically the champions from our academy train to be either a part of the royal guard or captains in the army. Either way, you would have to meet them once more."

Kaede: "I don't plan on serving this kingdom like that. Maybe Marcus can do it instead."

Lucien: "It's up to you at the end of the day. Anyways, congratulations on your win Kaede. I shall be off now, I'll dismiss everyone shortly"

Kaede: "Thank you."

With that all said, I finally make my way back to the room with Yui and Mai. Marcus wasn't there as he's most likely being treated for his injuries.

Yui: "Kaede!"

She leaps into my arms as I enter the room, putting a smile on my face as I hold the sword to my side.

Kaede: "I'm back, sorry it took a while."

Yui: "That's okay. You got to see the king and queen! Exciting~ Is that what you got from them?"

She looked to the sword in my hand as I raise it in front of her.

Kaede: "Yes, but I don't have any use for it. You can have it if you-"

Yui: "Nope! It's yours. Plus, I have my rapier from Alice. So I also have no use for it.

Kaede: "Well, I have my dagger from Fleur so I also-"

Kaede/Yui: "..."

We both look to the only other person in the room, our thoughts appearing to be in sync.

Kaede/Yui: "It's yours!~"

We present it together to Mai, shoving it forward. She takes a second to glance over it before taking it from us. Looking over it once more in more detail.

Mai: "So the king and queen of this land, gave you this?"

Kaede: "Yes."

Mai: "What a poor excuse for a sword. You can't even infuse mana into this. Looks to be more of a decorative piece than one used for fighting."

So they gave me some kind of budget version? Or were all of those swords back there that the guards were carrying the same as this? It's most likely they gave me just a decorative piece, and maybe if I do become a royal guard I'll get the real version. That's what I hope at least, not like I actually would like to do that.

Yui: "You can tell that just by looking?"

Mai: "No. I just ran my mana through it in order to check the quality of it. Analyzing it in a way."

Kaede: "You used my mana for it?"

Mai: "No, I have my own mana. I'm not some spirit you know."

Yui: "Wait, then to what extent can you do with magic?"

Mai: "I could destroy this entire kingdom if I'd like."

Kaede/Yui: "..."

Mai: "But that would get me in trouble, and rouse suspicion from the others."

Kaede: "Others?"

Mai: "I guess you could call them my brothers and sisters, but different to what you'd call siblings in humans."

Yet more questions piling on about Mai, and what does she mean by getting in trouble? If she has siblings then does she have the equivalent of parents?

Yui: "What are they-"

Lucien: "Thank you all for joining us for the final matches of Inasdale Academy's annual tournament. You may all return to your homes."

The announcement cut her off as all the spectators started making their way down the stairs and out of the stadium, with the commoners going one way and the nobles going out the other.