News from Afar

-----Kaede's POV

I don't know when, but whilst patting Yui's head, she looks to have passed out with an expression that can only be described as pure bliss. I was going to ask her if we can go to the guild here to see if I got any letters from Sicily and Lillian, but I wonder if its okay to go out alone. I won't be that long, just checking for letters then coming straight back.

Kaede: "Hey, I'm going to go out for a bit okay?"

I speak softly to her to not disturb her sleep as she continues to sleep throughout me head patting her.

Kaede: "Mai, do you think you can stay here with Yui while I go out for a bit?"

Mai: "Sure. What do you want me to say when she wakes up?"

Kaede: "Tell her I went to check to see if there're any letters for me at the guild."

Mai: "Understood, I'll let her know."

Kaede: "Thank you."

I give her a gentle kiss on the side of her check before slowly getting up from the bed. I'm still in my uniform so I chose to go like this as to not waste time.

Kaede: "I'll be back soon."

Mai: "Yes. See you then."

Walking out of my dorm room, I stumble into the familiar face of Olivia, as she was dressed in casual clothes instead of her uniform.

Olivia: "Oh- Hi there."

Kaede: "Hey. Are you going out somewhere?"

Olivia: "Ah, yes. The talk with lady Ellen's parents made me worry about my father, so I was planning on checking in with the guild."

Kaede: "Perfect, I'm going there as well actually. I'm checking to see if I have any letters."

We start to walk together down the hall, making our way down the stairs.

Olivia: "That's right, you're an adventurer right? My father tends to help them when he has the time. He's not one himself, but he shares stories he hears over his travels."

My mind thinks back on her father as I start to worry if he has spread the word about me. I carelessly used my vampiric powers right in front of him so I wouldn't be surprised with the sudden news of the vampire's return, if he ends up giving out information on who the vampire is. I just hope he can keep his end of the deal."

Kaede: "Does your father live here in the city?"

Olivia: "Yes, but he tends to stay at inns at other towns while he works. Why, do you know him?"

Kaede: "...Maybe, he helped me get from Clesbridge to Oakvale one time. During the travel, we encountered a band of orcs, which I did my part to protected him and his caravan."

Olivia: "Oh! You were that person?!"

My heart stops at her change of tone, fearing that he did end up telling her about my, situation.

Olivia: "Thank you so much for doing that for my father. He made it sound a lot more heroic than the way you described, haha."

Kaede: "Ah, well yeah. It's not like I was going to wait there and let him get killed."

Olivia: "You should come see him some time. He's probably all the way out at Azalea right now, so It may be a while."

Kaede: "Mhmm, I'll take you up on that then."

She smiles at me as we exit the dormitory. I would like to see him, just to clear up some things if he does suspect me to be involved in that murder... I know I technically was, but I'd still like to clear it up with him if he does put two and two together.

After some time, we both arrive at the guild. Olivia talked more about her dad, and it really doesn't seem like Bennet told anyone about me. I'll be sure to thank him if I can get somewhere private with him. Walking inside, I can't help but notice the place was packed with adventurers, all crowding around the reception desk as it reminds of what it was like when that dragon appeared. "Did something else happen again?"

Kaede: "This might take a while."

Olivia: "Yeah... Seems like the guilds have more work thrown onto them."

Kaede: "Are you an adventurer, Olivia?"

Olivia: "No, heavens no. I'd only get myself killed if I were go do jobs like that."

Kaede: "Hey, I started when I was 5. I think you'll be fine."

Olivia: "But the stories I hear of adventurers barely holding onto their lives after fighting vicious beasts. It sounds far too dangerous for me."

Kaede: "They have a ranking system. They gradually give you harder jobs as you go so they won't throw you into a job like that. And you can always take easier ones anytime once you do get to that level."

Olivia: "Is that so? Ranking system?"

Kaede: "Yes. You start off as E rank which are mainly just gathering jobs. The ranks go from E all the way up to A but I do think there's an S rank as well but I've never met any of them. I haven't been doing jobs that much since coming here."

Olivia: "...Maybe we could do some jobs together then, if I register?"

Kaede: "Sure. We're on break now so we could maybe slide in a few jobs here and there. Maybe Yui- err I mean Ellen can come too."

Olivia: "Lady Ellen is an adventurer too?"

Kaede: "I'm not sure. I'll ask her when we get back."

Olivia: "In that case, I'll register."

It still feels weird to call Yui by her new name; Ellen. It just feels so unnatural to say when thinking of the person I love. Also I can't help but feel like Olivia is more comfortable interacting with me than she is with Yui. Is it because of the difference in status? And that both her and I share the same "commoner" background?

Over the course of our little discussion amongst all the other adventurers, more and more come in and out, forming a line behind us as we slowly get closer to the desk.

Receptionist: "You here for the urgent job in Azalea?"

Kaede: "What?"

Receptionist: "There's been a massive increase in monster activity there. The capital has issued us to send adventurers out there, travel expenses paid."

My immediate thought was to rush over there right then and now, as not only is Fleur and Faye there, but I also sent Sicily, Lillian and Mell there as well. I'd feel responsible if they end up getting killed. But I can't just leave Yui alone at the dorm...

Kaede: "How bad is it?"

Receptionist: "Well it hasn't gotten any better. Rumors are spreading about this being an invasion of sorts. Further evident that reports of undead are amongst the monsters."

Kaede: "I'll go-"

Olivia: "K-Kaede?"

Kaede: "I have family there, I need to make sure they're alright."

Receptionist: "Then take this. It'll give you a pass to travel from here to Azalea. You can also use it to get back but then that'll be it. Would you like one too, miss?"

Olivia: "Oh... Uhm."

She just made up her mind about registering, but with this sudden turn of events it seems to have swayed her mind as she fumbles with her fingers.

Kaede: "Do we have to go now?"

Receptionist: "The caravans leave tonight, so you'll have time to prepare."

I turn to face Olivia who was still wondering what to do.

Kaede: "We can sort this out with Ellen okay? Either way I'm going, but you don't have to come if you don't-"

Olivia: "I'll come! If you're there then I'm sure it'll be okay. And I made a promise to lady Ellen to help her, so if she does end up going, then I have to as well!"

Kaede: "Alright, then we'll take another 2 passes please."

Receptionist: "Well, you're well known so I didn't find it necessary to check your guild card, but I would need to verify this young lady and your friend you two were talking about."

Olivia: "Actually I haven't registered yet, so I'd like to if that's possible."

Receptionist: "Sure, that'll be-"

Kaede: "I'll pay."

Receptionist: "Very well"

Olivia: "You sure?"

Kaede: "Mhmm! I have plenty of money saved up... I think."

I reach into my bag that held everything I had as it caught the attention of everyone around us, whispers beginning to form as I hand over 10 silver for the fee.

Receptionist: "Right, then I'd just need you to put a drop of your blood here and then it'll be done."

Olivia: "B-blood?"

Receptionist: "It's just a pin, don't worry."

She hands Olivia a pin as she holds both the card and pin in each hand, slowly moving the tip of it towards her finger as she begins to wince. Does she fear pain that much? Suddenly, the tip touched her finger as she startles herself, jerking it away from from her finger.

Olivia: "Ah! You do it!"

Kaede: "Me?"

Olivia: "I can't bring myself to do it so, could you?"

I recall all the times I had to hurt myself, and in one instance; kill myself. I've subconsciously gotten used to the idea of pain, but that can't be said the same for everyone I guess. I grab hold of both her finger and the pin as she turns her head to the side. I quickly prick her finger tip as her hand jolts back from the sudden pain.

Receptionist: "Now just place your finger here."

Olivia: "Done!"

Receptionist: "Welcome to the adventurers guild. What would you like your name to be?"

Olivia: "My name? It's Olivia Wilde."

Kaede: "Oh she's asking for your adventure name, so it doesn't have to be your real name."

Olivia: "Ah, I see! Then uhm. Olive?

Kaede: "Why you asking me? It's your name, haha."

Olivia: "Then Olive please!"

Receptionist: "Very well. Does your friend also need to be registered? You can pay in advance if you like?"

Kaede: "I'm not sure. I'll go ask now. Oh! but has any letters came for me?"

She begins to go through the drawers, quickly finding a single letter before handing it over to me

Receptionist: "Just one from the looks of it. Sent by, Sicily from Azalea."

Kaede: "Thank you. Then we'll be off-"

Olivia: "Ah wait! Do you have any information regarding my father! He's also heading to Azalea so-"

Receptionist: "I wondered if you two were related after I heard your name. I'm assuming you're talking about Bennet?"

Olivia: "Yes."

Receptionist: "There's been nothing to report regarding his current trade route, so I'm sure he's fine. Most likely he'll be at Oakvale until things clear up."

Olivia breathes a sigh of relief hearing that.

Olivia: "Thank y-"

Aventurer1: "Oi! Come on, we want to go too!

Aventurer2: "Yeah, you're hogging up the damn guild-"

I turn around to the sudden annoyance, giving both of them a cold stare as they both immediately shut up.

Olivia: "Sorry! We'll be going then. Thank you again."

Receptionist: "You're welcome."

We finally get out of the guild before things get heated. I'll read the letter with Yui when I get back.