How Long Will This Be

-----Kaede's POV

I really couldn't be asked to deal with these complete strangers, but I suppose this is what we get with a free ride over I suppose. Finally, the caravans started to move as many of the people in ours had already began to pass out where they sat. I for one felt completely fine, but that's how I normally am. Growing up I've felt like I could stay up for 2 days before I start getting tired, only really forcing myself to sleep every night due to habit.

Olivia: "So, what ranks are you guys at?"

Garnet: "I just got promoted to C rank."

Onyx: "And I'm getting close, still at D rank"

Royce/Xavier: "Same here!"

Onyx: "What about you?"

Olivia: "Oh, I just started-"

She goes to grab her guild card before bringing it out. Faint light starts to emit from it with the basic details, which included your rank.

Olivia: "It says E here, so it that my rank?"

Yui: "Ye-"

Royce/Xavier: "What!?!"

Their yells cut Yui off from answering Olivia's question as I turn to look at them. Onyx and Garnet also looked to be in shock, but clearly not as much as the other two. I felt more annoyed from their presence from interrupting Yui as I just stare at them.

Kaede: "They just started so what did you expect..."

I might've said that a bit coldly as it immediately made them shut their mouths that looked to be nearly on the floor, but I didn't feel all that bad about it to be honest.

Garnet: "So... You're acting like their escort or something?"

Kaede: "If you're implying I'm being paid by them, no. I'm their friend, simple as that."

Garnet: "Hmm, I see."

Olivia: "Then Kaede! What rank are you?"

Kaede: "B rank."

Olivia: "Woah! So you're stronger than Garnet then?"

Garnet: "Well, rank doesn't really mean anything. For instance, if I were to fight Onyx, he'd beat me easily. It's just that I've done more jobs than him. But that's exactly why Kaede is strong. She's the youngest adventurer to reach C rank, let alone B rank. I'm surprised you're not at A rank already."

Kaede: "You sure know a lot about me."

Xavier: "Of course we do. Especially after that fight with the dragon, how could we not know about you."

The other 3 of them nod in unison, agreeing to Xavier's statement. It bugs me that I'm always put under this huge spotlight. Sure back in the tournament I wanted to show off, but that was for Yui, not for the crowd. It's not like I have any family out there in those seats to cheer for me. Same thing here, I didn't care about these strangers.

Olivia: "Yeah, I heard the rumors in the academy about Kaede being apart of killing a dragon. I didn't know she played an important role in it though."

Royce: "You should've been there. Her light magic was unreal. It was like she was raining lightning upon the beast."

Lightning... It's something that I wanted to try during the tournament many times, but I'm scared of how dangerous it might be, not to mention if I'm even able pull it off. It was during that thunder storm during one of the classes that I thought of it. Actually, Mai knows a lot about magic right? Wait, now that I look around, where is Mai?

Mai: "I'm here."

Her voice spoke to me, answering my calls.

Kaede: "Are you inside me right now?"

I spoke with my mind as the others continued their conversation.

Mai: "Yes. I felt that it would be too cramped."

Kaede: "Ha! Don't you complain all the time about it being cramped inside of me?"

Mai: "It's far better than out there. At least in here I feel secure, out there I feel like I'd be squeezed out."

Kaede: "Wait, does this mean I have to create another crest for you to get you out?"

Mai: "Typically yes, but I'm not a 'normal' familiar aren't I. When I first got bound to you, I was trapped inside. When you freed me however, I took the liberty of creating my own seal both inside you and on you, acting as a doorway. So you won't need to worry about needing to do that."

I felt relieved at the thought of not needing to go through that whole process again, but also concerned on this 'seal' she put on me.

Mai: "Don't worry. The seal is acting strictly like a doorway I promise."

Kaede: "Do I have any control over when you come out?"

Mai: "Nope! fufu~"

Great. Now I have to be concerned when we arrive about Mai spontaneously coming out... wait...

Kaede: "What about clothes!"

Mai: "I can only bring myself inside so I had to discard them."

I let out a sigh of disappointment as my biggest fear had now taken form. I have to avoid any public spaces until I find Mai some clothes. Also where did she throw the clothes she wore? I'll have to apologize to Violet when we get back.

Yui: "You okay?"

Kaede: "Hmm? Oh yeah. I'm just talking with Mai"

Olivia: "Mai?"

Fuck! I accidentally let it slip as I completely forgot we were hiding her name from everyone. Thank you Mai for distracting me.

Mai: "No problem!"

Yui: "Yes, Kaede's familiar. She decided to name her quite recently."

Olivia: "Ah! That's cool Kaede. So you're talking with her through your mind right now?"

Kaede: "Yes."

My gaze naturally lifted up along with my head after my sigh from earlier. And where my eyes landed were the shocked expressions on the 4 of their faces once again, only this time there were no yelling. Yup, I'm a complete freak I know guys, if only you knew what I actually was. I found myself giggling a little as I look at their faces.

Onyx: "S-so what, you're talking with your spirit without it being summoned?"

Kaede: "Yes"

She's not really a spirit but it's not like I can actually tell the truth about Mai.

Royce: "That's so cool."

Olivia: "Do you guys have a familiar as well?"

Royce: "Nah. I never attended a school or anything. I just got shoved into doing jobs at the adventurers guild."

Xavier: "Yeah. Being a commoner is quite difficult. Doing jobs at the guild is the best source of income I think."

He wasn't wrong. I remember back when I first started back when I was 5 doing E ranked jobs, I still managed to get a nice steady source of income. Sure it can be dangerous, but that's exactly why it pays well. But I have noticed, especially in the city of Inasdale, that all the inns are stupidly expensive. You'd have to be at least a D maybe even a C rank adventurer to be able to afford living at a place like that. Just seems like your money just gets sucked back out of you in some way or another.

Garnet: "I did attend the school, but couldn't afford the academy so no, I didn't get to learn that sort of stuff either."

Onyx: "But to think you can talk to it? Hey, you think when we arrive you can show it to us?"

Yeah no, that would be a huge problem with the info I just learnt from Mai just before.

Kaede: "I feel like you all know too much about me. So I'd rather keep what I have left to myself, thank you."

Garnet: "Fair enough."

I have no clue who these people are, like hell I'm just going to give them free information.

Mai: "My my, keeping me all to yourself I see."

Kaede: "Just don't come out unless we're in private okay?"

Mai: "Fine~"

Suddenly, I felt something bump into my shoulder. As I turn my head, it was none other that Yui who was now resting her head on my shoulder.

Yui: "I'm tired."

Kaede: "Even after your little nap earlier?"

Yui: "Mmm."

I pull out a blanket from my bag, the same one I used to wrap Lillian when she was unconscious as I also bring out another one in case Olivia wanted one.

Kaede: "Here, Olive take this."

Olivia: "Oh- Uhm... Thank you Kaede."

She took in gently before covering her bottom half in the blanket as I cover both Yui and I in the other; mainly around Yui as I didn't feel all that cold.

Royce: "I suppose it is a long journey, I'll get some rest too."

The others seemed to have caught on that we were done with talking and they all began to quiet down. I let Yui rest on my shoulder, making sure her body stays warm under the blanket.

Kaede: "I'll keep watch for tonight. I'm not all that tired."

Yui: "...You sure?"

Kaede: "Mhmm."

Yui: "Mmkay."

She shuffles around to make herself comfortable, putting more weight against me before closing her eyes. I recall the time during our one year anniversary where we were in completely opposite positions like we are now. Back then, under the cherry blossom tree, I was the one resting my head on her, and in fact, I was the one mainly using Yui as pillow throughout high school, funny how the roles are reversed now.

Kaede: "Warm enough Olive?"

Olivia: "Yes, thank you."

She also adjusted herself, making herself comfortable before closing her eyes, leaning up against the caravan wall.

Kaede: "Sweet dreams Yui."

Yui: "Mmm, goodnight."

At first I was wondering how long this ride will take, but if Yui keeps being this cute, then I don't think I mind. I lean my head on top of hers as her hair gently tickles my face, bringing a smile on my face as we continue our journey through the night.