The Horned Devil

-----Kaede's POV

It was quite a pleasant walk carrying Mell on my shoulders like this. Seeing her reactions was heart warming, but those moments would soon come to a halt when the soldier led us to a cabin... The same cabin I ran away from when I came to this world. "Silas..."

I wasn't paying too much attention but now that I think about it, we did go through the very same gate that I passed through with Silas. And also after I had... killed him. Combating the nerves assaulting me, I continue to follow the soldier as we get closer to the cabin.

After getting to the door, I swallow the saliva that has built up in my mouth before bending down for Mell to jump off of me, following the soldier inside.

Soldier: "Captain. The injured in Azalea have been treated. I've brought with me Kaede who is willing to help out with our injured here."

Captain: "Kaede huh? Thank you for coming. The tents to the left of the cabin are where all the other medics are. Could you escort her there?"

Soldier: "Yes sir."

Looking around the cabin, it sure was different after all these years. The table that I woke up on when Silas brought me in now had a large map on it that the captain was looking over. The kitchen was non-existent as all the cupboards and oven were gone, replaced by shelves and racks filled with weapons.

Soldier: "Lets go-"

I couldn't see inside the bedroom as it was now shut, only making my curiosity stronger as I feel the need to go inside and-

Soldier: "Kaede?"

Kaede: "Oh! Yes! I'm coming."

We approach one of the tents as once again, the smell of blood hit me, as if someone just sucker punched me right in the nose. The smell was not exactly stronger than the ones back in the barracks, but I could tell it was a lot more fresh, more delectable, making my body heat up just like before.

Soldier: "This will be where you'll be. I'll be off now, thank you once again!"

Kaede: "Y-yes."

It was Mell who calmed me down, taking my hand in hers as she gently tugs me forward before entering the tent herself.

Mell: "Mom?"

Kaede: "Huh?!"

Mell: "...Kaede?"

Kaede: "Oh, no no, it's fine. Just startled me is all."

Mell: "So, I can call you that?"

It was crazy to hear those words come out of her mouth, but It's not like I'm opposed to her calling me that. In fact it was a great distraction for me as I'm now focused on her rather than the intoxicating smell of blood.

Kaede: "Yes, of course."

Mell: "Then let's go mom~"

Kaede: "Yes yes~"

Pulling me inside, I entered the tent with Mell leading me as my eyes begin to dart around. From the looks of it, there are 4 other people going from person to person that laid on some fiber-like beddings with pillows to rest their heads on. All of the injured were awake however, unlike the unconscious people I treated back in town as they're all groaning in pain.

Medic Girl: "Hi! Are you here to help?"

Kaede: "Yes. I've been ordered to help out with the injured."

Just like before, I show the girl my guild card.

Medic Girl: "Great! There are bandages over at the back there, and there's some suture needles for-"

Kaede: "It's fine. I have healing magic so I'll help with that instead."

Medic Girl: "Eh? Really?! Then please! There's someone that really needs your help."

She took my hand in her own, forcibly leading me to one of the beds. There I saw a man who had his eyes tightly closed shut, most likely due to the pain as his body appears to be completely burned, except from his knees down. Looking at him like this, I wonder how he's even alive, even his hair had been completely burned off.

Medic Girl: "He just got here, but everything we've done doesn't seem to work, so please!"

Not wasting any more time, I hover my hands over his body, making sure not to directly touch him incase it gives him any more pain. My palm begin to glow as I focus on restoring his body. Slowly, the skin of his body slowly started to regenerate as the burned skin slowly disappeared in patches until finally, after a minute or so, his body returned to normal. However his hair had not returned as he remained bald.

Kaede: "There."

Medic Girl: "Wah~"

Kaede: "Is there anyone else that needs immediate help?"

Medic Girl: "Ah yes! There's actually a couple more here that have burns. They aren't as severe but you'd be a ton of help, so-"

Kaede: "Understood, where is-"

Standing back up to turn back around, my eyes were greeted by one of the other medics who looked to be much older than the young medic I was talking to before, blocking my path.

Kaede: "Sorry, could you excuse-"

Older Medic: "S-Selene?"

Kaede: "..."

How does she-

Mai: "Kaede. We have trouble."

Suddenly, Mai's voice fills my head as I remain motionless in front of this person. I respond to Mai with my thoughts.

Kaede: "What happened?"

Mai: "Your friend's back, that horned devil. The one that fled with Oboris during your fight remember?"

Kaede: "What? Listen, I'm dealing with something as well, can't you-"

Mai: "No can do, you told me to watch over them. It's bad enough I involved myself as much as I have. So hurry up and get here... Yui's trapped."

Older Medic: "Selene?"


Kaede: "I'll be there as soon as I can."

Mai: "Okay."

Kaede: "Keep them safe until I get there."

Mai: "Understood."

Finally after finishing my talk with Mai, I move my focus back to the person in front of me, the same person that's calling me by Selene, my original name.

Kaede: "Sorry! I need to go-"

Older Medic: "Wait!"

After moving by her side, she grabs hold of my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

Kaede: "We can talk when I get back, okay?"

Older Medic: "But-"

Kaede: "Look after Mell until I'm back."

Mell: "M-mom?"

Kaede: "I need to help Yui okay, Mell? I'll be back so could you help this lady here for me?"

Mell: "O-okay..."

After getting confirmation from Mell, I forcibly snatch my arms out of the lady's grasp, making my escape as I bolt straight out the tent, heading further west.

Older Medic: "Wait!~"

I could hear the lady screaming as I run, but I don't stop as all I'm focused on was getting to Yui. I'm interested in how she knows that name though, maybe she's a friend of Selene's mother? I'm not sure. Regardless, I want to talk with her properly, but right now, Yui comes first.

My legs having a mind of it's own, I had no idea how fast I was going, but it didn't take me long before I encounter many people running away in the opposite direction I was heading. The smell of blood filling my nose as it leads me closer until finally, off in the distance, I could see the horned devil Mai was talking about. And- "Yui..." I could see her on the other side of the devil who had wedged himself between Yui and I.

I could feel my body start to lose it at the sight of the devil raising his sword to her. My fingers now growing into small daggers once more before I close the distance in a mere moment, plunging my fist into it's back as I send the devil flying far back over everyone's heads before it could make it's attack.

Yui: "K-Kaede?"

Kaede: "Run."

Yui: "..."

Sicily: "Let's go, come on."

Thankfully, Sicily grabbed hold of Yui's arms as she dragged her back behind me followed by Lillian. I have no idea how much control I have over my body right now, so I don't want to see Yui right now. The smell of her blood as she passes me was far too sweet, but I stay focused on what's ahead, making my way forward.

Yui: "Kaede!"

After getting a considerable distance away from everyone else, I finally get to the devil who I sent flying moments ago. There he stood as I look over him once more. It was certainly the same being that appeared when I fought Oboris, however I don't remember him wearing armor like this, but he gave off the same presence that both Oboris and Lucien had.

Horned Devil: "Ah~ There she is."

Kaede: "You were looking for me?"

Horned Devil: "You're the one that killed Lord Oboris did you not?"

Kaede: "So he didn't survive then? That's too bad."

Horned Devil: "You really are an abomination."

In the next moment, he flashed out of my vision. It was like he teleported, but I could still follow his presence as I quickly turn around, catching his sword with my dagger as the force of the collision sent shockwaves throughout the ground. For the first time, I felt a bit of pain course through my forearm from the incredible amount of force this devil is exerting. Having enough with it, I swipe his blade away before going into plunge my fist into his chest, only for him to suddenly disappear before I could make contact.

Focusing all my attention to follow his presence, I turn to my right where he appears before me once more, only this time I was ready. I drive my fist just when he was reappearing as my nails pierce straight through his armor and into his chest. His black blood dripping down my arm as he groans in pain before suddenly making a slice with his sword. I try to take my hand out of him, but he holds my hand inside him with his free hand before bringing his sword down onto me. With the little movement I had, I barely dodged his attack from landing on my neck, slicing down my other arm instead. I could barely feel the pain as my body still feels hot more than anything.

I didn't expect him to have this much strength as pulling out of him felt incredibly difficult. Wait, this is the perfect time to use it right? I couldn't try this out during the tournament since I was afraid I might kill someone, but this devil should be a perfect candidate. Before he could making another attack, I concentrate with my hand still inside him, thinking about that lightning strike I saw during one of my classes. Not even a moment later, I pour mana between my fingers, creating a tight opening at the tip of my fingers for it to be released through. Just like a lightning strike, I release it as it slices out his chest, freeing my hand in the process. It was like a hot knife cutting through butter as blood began to burst out, spraying all over the field before he disappeared once more, only this time, I couldn't sense his presence nearby.