Experiment (2)

-----Yui's POV

Dinner eventually came around, and not too long after the sun set, Kaede dragged me outside where we first met the wolf; Silver. Whatever it is Kaede's wanting to try, she doesn't mind that everyone else has showed up, but Faye did have to stay behind to man the counter, leaving just Fleur to join in with the rest of us.

Mell: "C-cold~"

Since it was dark, Mell had been snuggled up by Kaede's side when we got out here. Appearances aside, they sure do act like mother and daughter.

Kaede: "Right. Before I start, Fl... Mom."

Fleur: "Yes?"

Now this is an interesting development. I came out here wondering what this will be about, but now I'm fascinated by what's unfolding in front of me. So would that make Fleur my mother-in-law?

Kaede: "You know about Sicily and Lillian's identity right?"

Fleur: "Yes."

Lillian: "It was still scary being questioned back then. But I figured it would be fine since you took in Kaede knowing she's a vampire."

Fleur: "Ah. Actually, I just found that out recently."

Sicily: "What?!"

Kaede: "Nevermind that. So then, Sicily, Lillian. Can you both see in the dark?"

Sicily: "Of course."

Lillian: "Maybe not as good as you though."

On the subject of dark. I look around to see that there was still a bit of sunlight lighting up the area. Maybe Kaede wants to test something about how I perceive different levels of darkness?

Kaede: "Then Olivia. How much can you see?"

Olivia: "Me? I can still see the wall further away, and Silver's little house. Oh, and the tree tops past the wall as well."

Yui: "Same here."

I figured Kaede would ask me next, so I prematurely give my answer. It seems as though Kaede's relieved by my answer.

Kaede: "Okay. Then let's wait for it to get darker."

It didn't take very long, maybe like 15 minutes before the rest of the sunlight vanishes, enveloping the area in darkness. The tree tops past the wall I could see were no longer there, but I could still make out the shade of it, but no real details. Silver, who was sleeping in his little house was now completely shrouded by the darkness from inside his house. The only things I could see in detail were the people around me.

Kaede: "Alright! How about now?"

Olivia: "I can still see shapes, but not to the detail I saw before."

Yui: "Same here."

Sicily: "I can still see the leaves of those trees."

Lillian: "Mhmm."

Fleur: "So you guys can see in the dark?"

Lillian: "Yes."

Sicily: "This is interesting. I never really thought about how other's perceived darkness. It just feels normal to be able to see these things."

Yui: "What about you, Fleur?"

Fleur: "I can see just about as much as you can."

Interesting. So demi-humans can't see in the dark as well? Or maybe it's because of her specific race of demi-human?

Kaede: "For me, I can see as much as Sicily and Lillian. But I can also see that bird resting on top of that tree branch."

She pointed out to the darkness. I could tell she was pointing to the shape of a tree but there's no way I could see what she's describing.

Sicily: "Woah~ How the hell did you see that?"

Kaede: "Oh? You two can see it too?"

Lillian: "No. But when you pointed it out, I can faintly see the shape of it."

Kaede: "For me, I can see it's blue feather's, and it's yellow tipped beak."

Sicily: "Yeah we can't see that, haha."

Olivia: "Vampires sure are scary..."

Huh?! How did Olivia figure out Kaede's identity? Wait, was brining her out here the right move?

Yui: "What!?!?"

I couldn't contain my surprise any longer as I blurted out my words.

Kaede: "What's wrong?"

Yui: "How does... How does Olivia know about that?"

Olivia: "Fleur told me. It was while you were still unconscious, my lady."

I can feel my heart pounding in suspense. Even after hearing about how she came to learn it, I still find myself trying to calm down.

Kaede: "It wasn't planned or anything. She- she caught me when I was drinking from Sicily's wrist."

It was only when Kaede spoke up that my heart had come to a halt.

Kaede: "I was healing you nonstop for 3 days. I needed to fuel my body somehow in order to keep pushing."

Sicily: "It was scary at the time, but I'm glad Olivia isn't freaked out by it."

Olivia: "I would be if I didn't already know Kaede. Again, you don't need to worry, Kaede."

Kaede: "Thank you."

Fleur: "You should've seen her, Yui. She never left your side, not even once. I found myself having trouble sleeping, afraid if Kaede will keep pushing herself. Even until she-"

Kaede: "I'm sorry. I won't do that again, I promise."

Fleur: "Mmm~ You better not."

All this talk just makes me feel like an idiot for worrying over it now. I let out sigh, before smiling at the discussion between everyone. To think Olivia would accept Kaede that easily. They sure became good friends fast.

Mell: "Mom~"

Kaede: "Ah. Sorry, we're done now."

Mell looked to be getting rather annoyed as she clings onto Kaede even tighter, shivering as she does now. Just looking at her makes me feel the cold air more as I too begin to rub my arms.

Kaede: "Sorry for dragging you guys out. Let's head back inside."

She picks up Mell like it was the most natural thing to do as Mell wraps her arms around Kaede's neck, like a monkey to a tree. How old is Mell anyways? With that question in mind, we each funnel back inside the guild one after another, heading back up to our rooms.

Kaede and I make our way into our room, along with Mell who was still clinging onto Kaede.

Kaede: "Thought it'd be nice for Sicily and Lillian to have some extra room for a change, hehe. You don't mind, right?"

Yui: "Of course not. Actually, I've been wondering. How old is Mell?"

Kaede: "I'm not-"

Mell: "8!"

Cutting Kaede off, Mell turns her head away from Kaede's shoulder to face me. She seemed proud as she announces her age with a wide smile on her face. Again, my eyes were drawn to hers as I'm immediately reminded of our old life.

Yui: "Wow~ Can't believe you had Mell at such a young age~"

Kaede: "Pfft~"

The subject of age crosses my mind once more as I look at Kaede who's giggling away with Mell still in her arms. Kaede more or less looks around my age, but it could be that vampires age differently.

Yui: "Actually. How old are you Kaede?"

Kaede: "Hmm? To be honest, I'm not sure since I wasn't really 'reborn' like you. I'd like to think I'm around your age though."

Yui: "Then. Do you age slower?"

Kaede: "I think I've aged normally so far. But now that you mention it, I haven't really grown over the past couple years. Only my hair seems to grow normally now."

It's still too early to tell since people do stop growing around this age, I think? It might be different in this world. But even if it's not her height that's growing, surely her skin will start showing some age. I'll have to keep an eye out for that.

Kaede: "Why do you say that?"

Yui: "I was just wondering if vampires age differently. Maybe you'll be stuck in your youth forever, haha."

Kaede: "I- haven't really thought of that."

She looks down at Mell in her arms, looking to be somewhat dejected.

Kaede: "If I no longer age, then won't I outlive Mell? Fleur and Faye too? I know elves live longer than humans so I might not need to worry about Sicily and Lillian, but still-"

My heart sinks at the idea. Kaede outliving everyone... including-

Yui: "Me."

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Yui: "You'd outlive me as well..."

Kaede: "..."

Crap. Now this whole atmosphere is really awkward! Why are we even talking about this! This should be a problem for later on!

Kaede: "I didn't want to think of that, but-"

Yui: "Sorry sorry! Let's just go to bed, yeah?"

Kaede: "Mm"

She nods her head as we both change before slowly sliding into bed with Mell snuggled up in between us. I know I just dismissed that conversation, but my mind is still racing. Kaede's a half vampire, so maybe she can still age like humans? That's what I'm praying for, but for some reason I have my doubts. We look around the same age, but she said that she's been the same for a couple years now. However for me, I'm still growing little by little, maybe approaching the end of my growth spurt. And even 2 years ago, my body was fairly different than how it is now, mainly with my height but also a little in the chest as well. So to think Kaede hasn't seen ANY change is a little scary.

Kaede: "Yui..."

Yui: "Yes?"

Kaede: "Ah, nevermind. Let's get some rest, okay?"

Yui: "Mmm"

In the dark room, the most noticeable thing is Kaede's eyes. I hadn't really noticed until now, but they faintly glow in the dark, making their beauty stand out even more. It's almost like I'm being charmed in a way.

Yui: "Goodnight."

Kaede: "Sweet dreams. To you too Mell."

She gently kisses the top of Mell's head as Mell snuggles up even closer to Kaede. If someone were to come into this room, it'll be clear as day who the mother would be. Slowly, I close my eyes, with my mind still hooked on the idea of immortality.