New Look

-----Kaede's POV

I can tell she wants to go all the way, and of course I do too. But we did make plans to go shopping with Mell, who's waiting for us just outside the bathroom door. That said, Yui is so tempting right now, my body's just moving on it's own. I suppose I can indulge in this for a bit, just enough to get her all worked up... That's if she's not already.

Yui: "Mm!"

Getting a bit more assertive, I cup one of her breasts with my free hand, with my other continuing to tease in between her legs, not going any further. I do the same thing with her nipples, only moving my fingers around it, purposefully avoiding it.

Some time passes until finally, I could feel her body begin to quiver. I don't know how much time had passed by this point, but I think this will be as far as I go. I abruptly take my hands off of Yui, breaking the kiss at the same time.

Yui: "Ha~ Mm... W-why did you stop?"

Kaede: "We have to go shopping remember? Or did you forget?"

Yui: "Mmmm~"

I could see how upset she was, having been brought to the edge only to be shut down halfway through. I can't help but find this fulfilling, seeing her getting upset like this. That being said, I do feel bad, so I give her a quick, final kiss before hoping off of her. It was then that I noticed we spilled a lot of the water onto the floor of the bathroom.

Kaede: "We can continue later."

Yui: "...Unfair."

Kaede: "Fufu~"

We eventually finish washing up. We washed eachother's backs, but when it came to me washing Yui's I could still feel her body quivering at my touch. It was tempting to just throw away the shopping plans and have fun, but instead I quickly finished her back before we got out of the bath.

I still really only have black dresses as I still had to properly shop for myself after I had given away all my clothes to those girls I rescued. But still, I've come to love these dresses. Before, I chose this color to hide the blood stains when I went hunting, but now it's grown on me, which is surprising since back in our old world, I never really liked to wear black that often. Yui ended up changing into some casual attire, but even I can tell that's its quite high-end fancy stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if her shirt alone costed 500 gold.

Mell: "Took you long enough."

Kaede: "Sorry. I'll make it up to you and let you choose whatever you like~"

Yui: "Mm, you better make it up for me too."

Her mumbling sure it cute. I know I'm being kind of a sadist by doing that to her, but I can't help it if I get these sort of reactions from her.

After drying and brushing Mell's hair and our own, we finally step out of the room. Mell doesn't have a spare set of clothes, so I made sure the towel was secure enough before we head downstairs.

Sicily: "Took you long enough!"

Mell: "I know right!"

Fleur: "Oh? Why is Mell in a towel?"

Kaede: "I was hoping she could borrow some old clothes of yours? Like you did when I was little."

Fleur: "Hmmm~ Okay! I'm a little busy right now, so just head back in my room and find something."

Kaede: "Thank you."

With Fleur attending to adventurers, we move into the back of the guild and into Fleur's room. It feels weird being in here without her, but I guess this just shows how much she trusts me.

After some digging around, we mange to find some clothes on the smaller side. But even then, when Mell puts them on, it's still quite loose. Well we're about to go shopping, so this'll have to do.

After exiting Fleur's room, we head back to join everyone.

Kaede: "So you guys coming with us as well?"

Lillian: "Actually, I was thinking of doing another E ranked job."

Sicily: "Mhmm! Fleur says that we're getting close to being able to do D ranked jobs soon."

Kaede: "How about you, Olivia?"

Olivia: "I was thinking of coming with you, if that's okay?"

Kaede: "Sure."

Makes sense. I can tell Sicily and Lillian would like to let loose and not having to constantly hide their identity 24/7. I guess it looks like we're splitting up.

We enter the same store as before, which sold mainly armor, but also a decent selection of clothes too. Now that I'm stacked with gold, I feel like splurging a little, but first things first, Mell's clothes.

Back when we shopped for Mai, even though I didn't have any money, I still was looking for clothes that might fit Mell as well. And having a look inside, there doesn't seem to be much in terms of clothes that'd fit Mell.

Yui: "Ooo!"

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Yui: "What about this?"

She lifts up a small white dress that had a slight blue hue to it near the hem of the dress. My first thought upon seeing it was "Perfect" as the slight blue hue would match with her light blue hair, and the frills make it seem angelic in a way, completely opposite to my black dresses.

Mell: "Ah!~"

She runs over to Yui with excitement in her steps. She must really have taken a liking to it. I know that Yui really wants to connect with Mell, so seeing Mell running over to her like that was quite heart warming to see.

Yui: "You like it?"

Mell: "Mhmm!"

Kaede: "Alright. That's one down. Let's look for some others."

After searching around for some more clothes for Mell, we did manage to find another dress that was light pink and white, along with some t-shirts and some shorts. Sadly though, no matter where we looked, there were so sign of shoes that'd fit. If it was clothes, then it would be fine if some clothes were loose, but shoes is another story. If something happens and we have to run somewhere, I don't want Mell to be falling because of shoes, so I just wait and buy shoes someplace else.

Okay! Time for my turn. Again, I've come to like the color black, so I'm still wanting for some variety with black clothes. I don't want to just wear black dresses all the time; not that I don't mind it, I actually really love my dresses. But after wearing them all my life here, I'd like a change.

Then, in the corner of my eyes, I spot a black shirt. It didn't have any buttons or a collar, but instead it was a round-neck cut, short sleeved shirt with grey floral designs going down the sides. Holding it against my body, it looks like it'd fit me.

Yui: "Looks good! So you sticking with the black theme?"

Kaede: "Yeah. it's grown on me."

Yui: "Suits you."

I don't really want to deal with taking this dress off, as it can be time-consuming, so I opt to just trust my instincts and take it. Now what to go with it~

If I'm going with the black theme, then my only other color option would be white. But then won't blood show easily on it? Wait... I could just use my magic to get it off anyways... Okay yeah, I'm dumb, let's look for something white to go with it, maybe something like-

Kaede: "Aha!"

I spot a white, leather jacket that can be buttoned up with 2 buttons near the waist. But now that I'm holding it in my hands, it sure feels expensive, but I told myself I was going to splurge anyways, so fuck it.

Yui: "Oh! If you're going with 'that' kind of look, then~ Maybe these pants!"

She held up what appeared to be light grey pants, but upon closer inspection, they looked more shiny. More like a silver color than grey like what I initially thought. The pants looked to be skin tight, similar to leggings which may or may not be a good thing. All depends on how well I move around in them. But she's right that it would suit the current outfit I'm trying to make.

Kaede: "Yup! Nice find."

I grab them off of her to bring up against my body. Length wise, they look perfect, and doesn't look like it'd be too tight around the waste. They also have slim pockets on both sides of the legs which was appealing. Now that I'm seeing all the pieces of my new outfit, I change my mind of not wanting to try these on.

Kaede: "Kay!~ Ima try these on."

Yui: "Ah- Wait. Don't I have to come in with you?"

Oh right, yeah. I got too excited that I forgot about Yui's situation. Again, I'm thankful it's Yui so I don't really mind her watching me change.

Kaede: "Mhmm! And while we're at it, We can get you changed as well, Mell."

Mell: "Yes!"

Olivia: "I'll have a little look around."

To be honest, I completely forgot Olivia was here, as I was too focused on shopping for Mell and I.

Yui: "Okay. We won't be long."

We make our way into one of the changing rooms. Mell was quite fast as her clothes were easy to take off and the white dress slipped on quite snuggly. I still feel sorry for her feet though.

Yui: "Pretty!~"

Mell: "Hehe~"

It really does seem like Mell has opened up more to Yui now. But now it's my turn. I slip out of the black dress and my long black boots, leaving just my underwear on. I could feel Yui's gaze on me almost immediately, most likely due to what we did earlier as it only makes me smile. Sliding into the pants, they sure do feel like they're hugging my legs, but after stretching for a bit in them, they don't seem to be limiting my movements.

Kaede: "Yes!"

My excitement boils over at the first success as I immediately thrown on the black shirt. The round cut wasn't big enough to expose my cleavage thankfully, but it did wrap around my chest in a way that it emphasized it more which felt quite nice for a change. Yui wouldn't like something like this as she would prefer clothes that would hide her chest rather than show it.

Kaede: "Nice!"

Now all that's left is to try on the white, leather jacket. I realize now, that it has collared sleeves as I finish sliding my arms through it before putting back on the boots.

Yui: "Woah~"

Kaede: "You like?"

Yui: "I love it."

Mell: "Mhmm!"

Yui: "You look professional."

Kaede: "Sweet~"

Yui: "Ooo! Wait, turn around."

Not long after turning around, I could feel my hair being grabbed and grouped up into a ponytail. She left a lot of my hair, but the majority of it had now been done up in a ponytail.

Yui: "Perfect!"

Its been a while since my hair's been in a ponytail. The last time would have to be during our graduation ceremony back in our old world. I'm usually not a fan of it, but hey, I'll embrace this new look.