There And Back Again

-----Yui's POV

After a couple days of travel, we finally made it back to Inasdale. The plan of getting Mell's shoes in Maemont was put aside with the new plan as we just continued on straight to the city. Stepping out of the caravan, many of the adventurers begin flooding inside of the guild, leaving us to go our own way.

Yui: "When do we start back at the academy?"

Olivia: "2 more days. We got back just in time."

If it's 2 more days away, then Luna should be at her parents place, so maybe we should visit there first before heading back to the dorms. Plus her place isn't too far from here.

Yui: "I want to stop by Luna's place first, if that's okay."

Olivia: "Sure! Did you want us to come as well?"

Well Kaede kind of has to come with me otherwise I might just collapse and lose myself, so Olivia should may as well come too.

Yui: "Mm! If that's okay."

Olivia: "Of course! I'm happy to assist you, my lady."

Yui: "What happened to calling me Yui, huh?"

Olivia: "Well, we're back in the city now, and people are around. I can't help it."

Yui: "Fine~"

That was the deal we made anyways, so I have no problem with it.

Eventually, we make it to Luna's place as I begin to knock on the door. Almost immediately, the door flung open as Luna springs herself straight into me as I catch her in my arms. I didn't realize she missed me this much, but I guess we've always been together since we were kids. I embrace her dearly before she pulls her head away.

Luna: "Can't believe you... You just ran all the way out to Azalea?!"

Yui: "Ah- Did Alice tell you?"

Luna: "Yes! Why didn't you say anything? I was stressing out, wondering if something happened to you..."

Yui: "I know. I'm sorry. Mom berated me quite a bit, so I promise I won't make the same mistake again."

Luna: "Wait. Your mom? Lady Leinhart went all the way out there for you?"

Yui: "...Yeah-"

So Alice must've left that part out. Well, not like it changes anything.

Yui: "I'm deeply sorry for not saying anything."

Luna: "It's okay. I'm just happy you're back in one piece."

Yui: "Mm. Me too."

We share in another warm embrace until I could see Luna's mother poking her head out from inside the house. I can't help but notice a wide smile on her face as she watches us. She must've been worried for us as well.

Luna: "Did you all want to come inside?"

Yui: "Sure!"

Kaede: "Mhmm."

Olivia: "As long as I'm not intruding."

We all head inside at Luna's request, closing the door behind us. "Hah~" I internally sigh at the comforting atmosphere. But I guess towards the end of the year, we won't be able to enjoy this... I have to take it all in while I still can.

Luna: "Actually... Ellen. I need to talk to you about something. Something really important."

Yui: "Oh? What is it?"

Luna: "Oh, I'll tell you later! Maybe when we head back to the dorms."

Yui: "Okay."

I could clearly tell she was nervous, so I won't push her to say it now. My guess is that it's something private, but with my situation, Kaede will also have to be present in a way. I still wonder why it's like that. Like, sure I'm fine with having to stick close to Kaede, but when times like these come up, it really is quite frustrating. Maybe it has something to do with my body needing her blood or something? Because her blood's a part of me now, maybe it's wanting to be closer? I don't know.

Elira: "Would anyone like some sandwiches?"

Yui: "Ah- It's okay."

Elira: "You sure?"

Her expression feels like she'd cry if I turn down her offer, making it hard to refuse.

Yui: "Okay."

Elira: "Yay~"

Olivia: "T-then, Could I have some as well?"

Elira: "Mhmm! Sure thing!"

We sit around at the table as both Olivia and I begin to snack on some of the sandwiches Elira brought out. Luna also decided to eat with us, but just like always, she ate a lot faster than us. Gluttonous as ever, haha.

Yui: "Where's your father?"

Luna: "M- He's doing a job right now, so it's just us."

Yui: "What about Nick?"

Luna: "He's probably with- WAIT!"

She puts down her sandwich in an excited fashion. Her eyes beaming straight at me.

Luna: "Did you know that Nick is dating Alice?!"

Yui: "Wait, seriously!?"

Alice, my Alice? With Nick? I can't see the two of them being a pair like that.

Luna: "I know! I was pretty shocked as well. I don't know what Alice see's in him, haha"

Well, Nick is quite affectionate, filled with compassion. So thinking about Alice being more stoic and more dominant, I can see how they could be a match now. Opposites attract, right?

Yui: "When did they start dating?"

Luna: "Alice said that she realized her feelings after that dragon fight. So my guess is some time around there."

Wow. If only I knew of this when we were back in Azalea. I could've teased her about this, damn.

Kaede: "Ah~ I do remember Alice crying over Nick back then. I actually thought at the time that they already were a couple, married even."

Luna: "I'm jealous. You got to see all that."

Yui: "Same! I never got to see Alice cry, not even once."

The most I've seen is her sweat a little during our sparring sessions. Obviously not as sweaty as I was, but I like to imagine I've improved since then and maybe I could keep up with her.

Time passes as we finally finish eating, with Luna having already been done way before us. It's not too late as the sun's still out, but I'd like to sort out things back at the dorm.

Yui: "Thank you for having us. I think we'll head back to the dorms now."

Luna: "Ah- Mom-"

Elira: "Yes, it's okay. Be safe, and... Good luck~"

Luna: "Mhmm! Thank you mom."

With a hug between the two of them, we step outside of the house, giving a final wave goodbye before we set on out to the dorms. I still wonder what it is Luna wants to talk about. I'm just hoping that it's okay for Kaede to also be with us.

Luna: "So what was Azalea like?"

Yui: "Cozy. It's a small place, but the people there are friendly."

Olivia: "Yes! Fleur even taught me a few things about cooking as well."

Luna: "Fleur?"

Kaede: "She's my mom."

Luna: "Mom?"

Kaede: "Well, adoptive mom. She raised me since I was little."

Actually, we should be careful now. Luna may know about my relationship with Kaede, but she doesn't know about her being a vampire. It's complicated enough as is, I don't want to throw another thing onto the fire.

We make it back to the academy, entering our dorm. Even though we're not in our uniform, the school is now familiar with us, so we got away with it. Walking up the stairs to get to our floor, we stop at Luna's door.

Luna: "Could I just have a moment with Ellen?"

Here it is. And just what I didn't want to happen. She wants to talk alone with me, but what am I meant to do?

Yui: "Uhm~"

Kaede: "Could I come in as well?"

Luna: "It's... It's just something private is all. Do you mind?"

I take a glance at Kaede as she's no doubt thinking what I'm thinking.

Kaede: "Okay. But I'll be outside this door."

Luna: "That works."

Wait, no we're not! I was thinking that this would have to wait till later. But now Kaede is agreeing to this? Now I'm even more nervous...

Kaede: "It's okay."

Yui: "...Okay."

Olivia: "I~ I'll be in my room then."

With Olivia now walking off to her room, I swallow my nerves as I enter my old room with Luna, with Kaede standing just outside. So far, I feel fine. Even with the closed door, I still feel like I'm still me, which is relieving.

Luna: "Let's talk in the bedroom."

Oh hell no! That's quite deep inside the dorm room. What if I lose myself more? But suddenly, Luna tugs at my arm as I reluctantly follow her inside. Each step forward cause more nerves to course through my body as I try and remain calm.

Luna: "You okay?"

Yui: "Hmm? Yes! I'm fine. Just been a while since I've been in our room."

Luna: "Yeah it has, huh."

We sit onto my old bed, with Luna sitting next to me. I still feel fine, but I still can't help but worry about losing consciousness and end up hurting Luna.

Luna: "So~"

Hearing her finally start to talk, I steady myself as much as I can and try to relax in order to pay attention to her.

Luna: "...Now that it's come to this, it's kind of hard to talk about it, haha."

We're both nervous, but most certainly in a whole different way.

Luna: "Ellen. No... Yui."

Yui: "Yes?"

Luna: "Before Kaede returned. Before, like. When we kissed. I wasn't 100% sure on everything. And when you reunited with Kaede, I just thought I'd be happy seeing you finally be together again with your partner."

Every time she mentioned Kaede, I can feel that same pain start to rise inside my body. I try and keep steady, holding the pain back for Luna to continue.

Luna: "I realized now, that it was a mistake. I tried to move on, but then my mom helped me realize that I never properly expressed my feelings, causing me to have this empty hole inside which only brought me more pain."

Each passing moment, the pain feels hotter and hotter, making it harder to concentrate on what Luna's saying. I try and focus on my breathing, trying to breathe as normal as possible.

Luna: "So... What I'm trying to say is. I like you. Not just as a friend, but in a romantic way too. So-"

Yui: "I-"