
-----Yui's POV

It was scary, but I'm glad Luna could finally get her feels out of her chest. When we stepped out of the room, Kaede was nowhere to be found. I thought she'd be waiting outside here, no?

Yui: "One moment."

Luna: "Mhmm! Thank you again."

Yui: "Mm. I'll unpack some things then maybe we can go somewhere."

Luna: "Sure!"

With that, I make my way to Kaede's room. She never said anything about where she'd go, so I can only imagine that she'd be in there.

Arriving in front of Kaede's door, I open the door slowly. The lights had not been turned on at all, and all the curtains are shut, shrouding the room in darkness, with only the light from the hallway creeping inside.

Yui: "Kaede?"


No response. But what I do see from where I'm standing, is her new jacket she was wearing just before on one of the chairs. Thinking she's got to be inside, I walk inside, only for the door behind me to close the moment I enter. The room became incredibly dark as I no longer could see the jacket.

Kaede: "Can you see?"

Yui: "Huh?!"

Her voice came from behind me, leaving me with the impression that she was the one that closed the door.

Kaede: "Can you see anything?"

Yui: "N-no. It's too dark."

Kaede: "I see~"

I turn to face here where the voice is coming from, but still, I couldn't see anything.

Kaede: "That's too bad~"

I quickly turn my head to her voice again. It's like she's toying with me, moving around all over the place, yet I can't hear a thing. Suddenly, I feel something wrapping around my waist from behind, causing me to jump at the sudden touch. It was until I could make out fingers that I knew it was her arms.

Kaede: "I can see everything clearly. Including your adorable reactions."

I will admit, it's a little exciting to have my sight cut off like this. I feel like it's making my other senses a lot more sensitive. Her fingers tickling my stomach only makes this more apparent as I try and contain myself.

Yui: "N-now?"

Kaede: "Kept you waiting long enough-"

Her fingers continued to make their way down until her hands found their way under my shirt. Her cold hands now directly touching my skin only makes me quiver in her grasp.

Kaede: "Right?"

Yui: "Mm-"

This is so not fair. I'm relying solely on touch to figure out what she's doing, causing me to hyper focus on every small movement of her fingers. I can feel one of her hands moving up, lifting up my shirt in the process, with her other hand moving down. The sensation of her touch now spreading causing my knees to become weak, however she keeps me in place as I slowly start to become putty in her hands. The moment I feel her hand slip under my pants, a sharp moan escapes me before I quickly hide it with my own hand.

Kaede: "Good. It may be dark in here, but there's still daylight left. We don't wanna make too much noise."

We quickly make our way to the bedroom before my knees completely give out as Kaede gently pushes me onto my back. I don't know if it's just me, but it somehow feels darker in here than it did by the entrance. Probably due to the entrance having a slither of light coming out from under the door to the hallway.

She wastes no time in slowly stripping me, but I still have no idea what Kaede's wearing. All I know is that her jacket is still left on that chair. Suddenly, I feel my face being tickled by her hair, almost like it was a feather gliding across, with both her legs wrapping around my right leg. I didn't know what was happening until I could feel her breath on my neck. I feel like over the course of her sucking my blood, I've grown a lot more sensitive there as I bite down on my finger to contain myself. But that wouldn't last long as her hand glides back down my body until her hand slips inside my underwear.

Kaede: "Fufu~ You already ready, I see~"

She didn't let me respond, and instead continued on the offence, gently biting my neck while slipping her fingers inside me. Her bite wasn't enough to pierce my skin, but it still felt the same, making me feel like I'm her prey as she slowly has her way with me. Despite being unable to see, I can feel her grinding against my leg, making the situation even more exhilarating. Even though I can feel she's taking her time, my body already feels like it's about to give in, when suddenly. She takes her fingers out.

Kaede: "Not yet."

Oh come on! I've been waiting so long for this, so much teasing, and she's just going to continue it? Even when we're like this? Before I could voice any complaints, I feel her lips press against mine, making me forget how to breathe for a moment as she begins to slowly caress my breast with her other hand. It's like she's purposefully keeping me on edge, backing off the moment I start to feel close. Is she cheating in some way? How can she tell? Fuck, I wish I could see!

My kisses become more and more desperate and time went on. It feels like I've been on edge for an eternity until finally. Her tongue slips into my mouth, wrapping around my tongue as her fingers slide back inside me. My moans become muffled in our kiss as she finally increases the pace, as if she's giving me the go-ahead, with her hand now kneading my breast more roughly. I wrap my arms around her, not wanting her to stop. It was then that I felt not clothes, but skin. Was she naked this whole time? The thought of it only excites me more, digging my nails into her back just a bit before finally, my head grows light as I feel an intense shock course through my body, causing my body to convulse for a few moments before finally going limp.

Breaking the kiss, I'm finally able to catch my breath as I pant heavily. "Finally..."

Kaede: "How was it?"

Yui: "Ha- Huh?"

Kaede: "Pfft. You should see the look on your face."

This isn't fair. She can see my face, but I can't see hers. Then again...

Yui: "Amazing~"

I did enjoy this new experience, not being able to see anything.

Kaede: "Hmm~ I'm jealous."

Yui: "Hmm?

Kaede: "Not being able to see. I wonder what it must've been like."

Yui: "Blindfold?"

Kaede: "Oooh! Good idea!"

Yui: "Pfft"

Did she seriously not think of that? Despite the state I'm in, I can't help but laugh at her as we lay there next to each other.

Kaede: "Maybe-"

And almost like it was scripted, we could hear a knock coming from the entrance. Did Luna still want to talk about something?

Olivia: "Lady Ellen? I left a lot of stuff in your bag, so I was wondering if I could grab them from you."

Yui: "Hah~"

Kaede: "Now I wish I kept you on edge, hehe."

Yui: "What do you mean?"

Kaede: "Would be fun to have to stop for you to help Olivia in the state you were in~"

Yui: "Please no."

Did she turn into some kind of demon or something? I can't see, but I can tell she's giggling and smiling away at me. That's not to say I don't enjoy the thought of it, being at the mercy of Kaede.

Olivia: "Lady Ellen? You in there?"

Yui: "Ah yes! I'll be right there!"

After quickly getting changed into the academy's uniform. I grab my bag that Kaede had given me, before we both head out to open the door. I still wish I could've seen Kaede's body, but I guess there's always another time. And upon opening the door with light now entering the room, I could see Kaede's hair was incredibly messy. Was she going at it with me as well?

Olivia: "W-were you two asleep?"

Yui: "Ah- uhm."

Kaede: "Yeah. The ride over was 'exhausting', so we had a little nap."

Olivia: "S-sorry! I shouldn't have disturbed you two."

The lies from Kaede strikes again. Well if it weren't for Olivia's interruption, I think we would've fallen asleep anyways.

Yui: "It's okay. Let's get going."

We make our way into Olivia's room. The room was well lit, the complete opposite to Kaede's room as the three of us enter. I hand over my bag to Olivia as she proceeds to start unpacking her things on the kitchen counter.

Olivia: "This bag is so handy."

Yui: "Yeah. I still can't believe how much you can fit inside it."

Kaede: "Well, it is endless, so I wouldn't be surprised if you could fit a city inside it."

I do wonder what the limitations of the bag is. My only guess is that object have to be able to fit past the opening, so a city would be out of the question. The bag does stretch a fair bit, but not enough to fit anything more than the size of a head inside. Actually, I wonder what will happen if someone is able to fit inside, or maybe a rabbit? What happens to it?

Yui: "Hey. Have you tried fitting creatures inside it before?"

Kaede: "Huh? No. Just my clothes, and other necessities. Why?"

Yui: "I was just wondering what would happen if something living would be put inside."

Kaede: "Hmmm~ That's an interesting idea. We stick our hands inside it to grab things, so my guess would be that we'd be fine."

Yui: "True, but your hand isn't really living, right?"

Kaede: "You saying we should find something to put inside?"

Yui: "Maybe like a rabbit or something?"

Olivia: "No! Not a rabbit!"

Ah- I forgot that Olivia seemed to like rabbits.

Yui: "Then how about a bird?"

Olivia: "Mmmm~"

She still seems angry with the idea of using animals. Maybe a small monster would be the plan then.

Kaede: "What about a maggot?"

Olivia: "That works!"

Sweet, yet another thing to experiment on. But finding a maggot might be tricky now that we're back in the academy. We could try and find something else, but at least we've got a general idea of what's good and what's bad in Olivia's eyes.