Dinner Plan


After finishing our shower, we get changed into some casual clothes, with Kaede wearing one of her black dresses again while her new outfit is getting cleaned. We move over to Luna's room when we bump into Olivia who was also out in the hallway.

Olivia: "S-sorry my lady!"

Yui: "It's okay. We weren't watching where we were going."

She was also dressed in casual clothes, with a bag strapped over her shoulder.

Yui: "You going out somewhere?"

Olivia: "Yes. I was just about to leave to buy some things for my roommate."

Yui: "Roommate? Have I met her before?"

Olivia: "No."

Kaede: "Why are you the one going to buy her stuff? Can't she just go herself?"

Olivia: "Well that~ I'd rather not cause any problems."

Her face looked quite concerning to me and glancing at Kaede, she too seemed to think the same way. If her roommate is treating Olivia like shit, then I'm not just going to stand by idly and let this continue.

Yui: "Where is she now?"

Olivia: "Still in the room."

Yui: "Right! Let's go then."

Olivia: "Huh?"

Yui: "Lead us to this roommate of yours."

Olivia: "Ye-yes my lady."

Conceited, she guides us back to her room, opening the door for us to enter.

?: "You're back? What is it now?"

We could hear an unfamiliar voice coming from inside the bedroom. Olivia turns to me as if asking what to do in this situation.

Yui: "I'd like a word with you, please."

We stay at the entrance, waiting for a response, but instead of replying with words, someone walks out from within the bedroom, still wearing the academy's uniform.

?: "Who are- E-Ellen von Leinhart? And Kaede?"

Yui: "Yo!"

Kaede: "Hello~"

Yui: "And who am I speaking with?"

?: "G-Gabriella von Trice. Daughter of Viscount Trice."

I more or less knew the reason why Olivia was being sent out to fetch things. Olivia is just dealing with a stuck up noble. I do like the sense of superiority I now have over Gabriella. Growing up, I was always looked down upon, even among nobles for being "mana-less", but now after competing in the tournament, I guess everyone has stopped and is showing a little more respect towards me. Feels nice.

Yui: "Now why are you ordering Olivia to do your own bidding?"

Gabriella: "She's just a commoner-"

Yui: "Wrong. She's a fellow student at the academy. You could be taking away precious time for her to study while you sit on your ass doing nothing. Why can't you go out instead?"

Gabriella: "It's too far. Plus I'm meeting up with a couple of my-"

Yui: "Then just go out later. Don't just throw your problems onto Olivia."

I cut her off which might be a bit rude, but what she's doing is a whole lot ruder than what I just did.

Gabriella: "Why are you making a big deal over a commoner?"

Yui: "Again with this 'commoner' talk. Her name's Olivia, and she's a dear friend of mine. Olivia, don't take orders from her."

Olivia: "O-oh... Yes my lady."

Gabriella: "Is that how you talk with a friend? You sound like her master more than anything."

Olivia: "She's not!"

It might be because of me being here, but I was quite surprised to see Olivia raising her voice to a noble. A sense of pride comes over me as I watch.

Gabriella: "Then why are you calling her, 'my lady'?"

Olivia: "Her family's been protecting mine for years. It's out of respect!"

Gabriella: "What, so you work for her then? Wouldn't that just make you a slave?"

Olivia: "..."

Kaede: "Okay, that's enough."

I was about to step in, but Kaede begins to move before I could.

Gabriella: "And what are you going to-"

Suddenly, Gabriella freezes as her eyes lock onto Kaede. Moments pass as I stand there with Olivia, watching as Kaede and Gabriella stare at each other, not saying anything. The expression on Gabriella's face begins to contort a bit as she looks to be getting more and more frightened with every passing second. Then suddenly, Gabriella's face returns to normal as she begins to pant heavily as if she just ran a marathon.

Gabriella: "W-what... Did you-"

Kaede: "Leave Olivia alone. Get along with her."

Gabriella: "Like hell I'd make friend with a-"

Just like before, her face begins to show signs of fear as her eyes lock back onto Kaede. I can tell she's trying to look away but it seems like something is keeping her in place.

Kaede: "Get along with her."

Gabriella: "...F... F-fine!"

At her response, her face relaxes once more, panting heavily again as she brings her hand to her chest. Just what was all of that? Did Kaede just use some kind of magic on her?

Kaede: "Alright~"

Kaede turns back around with a huge smile on her face, alleviating all of the tense atmosphere in the room, but that in and of itself felt a little creepy.

Yui: "What was all that?"

Kaede: "Nothing special. I just got tired of listening to her."

True, I too was beginning to lose it as she insisted on treating Olivia like that.

Kaede: "So, Gabriella. Care to join us for dinner?"

Gabriella: "H-huh?"

Kaede: "That way you and Olivia can get along."

Olivia: "Kaede?"

Yui: "Yeah, isn't that a little-"

Gabriella: "Fine."

Kaede: "Perfect! Olivia, you'll be joining us then, right?"

Olivia: "O-okay."

Well this has gotten interesting. So now all 4 of us will be going to join Luna for dinner?

Yui: "Luna might not have enough for all of us."

Gabriella: "...It's fine. Take some of the food here."

Kaede: "Good idea."

With a smile on her face, Kaede begins grabbing some food from the kitchen. Did Kaede just charm her? But it doesn't seems like it. Unlike Silver, Gabriella appears to be uncomfortable by Kaede's presence. I guess I'll ask her before we go to sleep.

We make our way back to Luna's room with Olivia and Gabriella joining us.

Luna: "Welcome ba- oh?"

Yui: "Is it okay for Olivia and Gabriella here to join us?"

Kaede: "I grabbed some extra food."

Luna: "Uhm. Sure! Come on in."

Yup, this is totally going to be awkward isn't it. The look on Gabriella's face tells me everything I need to know that she doesn't want to be here, almost like she's a prisoner.

We sit down at the table with Luna having grabbed the food from Kaede.

Kaede: "Would you like me to help?"

Luna: "Sure! Thank you."

Kaede: "No problem."

It's great that the two of them are now seeming to be getting along, but now that leaves me with the problem duo; Olivia and Gabriella. The atmosphere is quite intense, and doesn't seems like either of them will start talking anytime soon.

Yui: "So! Are you two in the same class?"

Olivia/Gabriella: "Yes."

Actually I don't think I've ever asked what class Olivia takes.

Yui: "What class are you taking?"

Gabriella: "One of the technician classes. Enchantment."

Olivia: "Yes, although it's quite difficult."

Gabriella: "Even second years can't even make a useful enchantment yet from what I hear."

Didn't Luna bring up enchantments when I was sparring with her? She said it's quite expensive to get enchantments so it makes sense if it's something you can't easily learn.

Yui: "Have you two manage to enchant anything?"

Olivia: "Not really. Gabriella has though!"

Gabriella: "It's not that impressive."

Olivia: "Still! Not many people in our class have managed to do that."

Gabriella: "It's just a rock."

Yui: "You enchanted a rock?"

Gabriella: "Yes. It has a simple structure so it gives you enough room to create the enchantment."

Structure? Enough room? Yeah I have no idea what they're talking about.

Gabriella: "Plus the enchantment I used is a simple heat enchantment. All it did was make the rock slightly warmer."

Yui: "So you're a fire mage?"

Gabriella: "Yes"

I don't know if its just me, but I feel like Gabriella's tone is beginning to soften up just a little. She's still tense, but the uneasiness that was coming from her is now gone, like she's now succumbed to her surroundings.

Olivia: "I still find it cool that you managed to do that though!"

Gabriella: "Well, I guess... Just wish my family could say the same though."

All of a sudden, her expression changed to more of a depressed look. I know that face all too well, it's the same face I imagine myself make when I never got acknowledged by my father. I figured Gabriella was just a stuck up bitch, but I guess there might be a reason for it. I refrain from bringing it up though as this is the time for Olivia and Gabriella to get along, not me.

Olivia: "Your family doesn't see what you've accomplished?"

Gabriella: "No, they see it. They're just... Disappointed."

Yup! I know that word all too well. I sympathize with her.

Olivia: "I think that's stupid. Do they expect you to make amazing enchantments from the start? That's just ridiculous."

Gabriella: "Right?! It's a lot of stress on me! That's why I like to take a break from everything and enjoy some time with my friends."

I think this is going quite well personally. And looking over my shoulder to see Kaede and Luna, Kaede also seems to be smiling as she notices my gaze. I smile back before returning my gaze back to Olivia and Gabriella. I still don't know what Kaede did back then, but at least now it seems like Olivia and Gabriella is slowly starting to come together.