Down To Business

-----Kaede's POV

It's finally time for us to head out with Violet and Collin to their mansion. I'm thankful that Yui could also come along as I was worried if she'd collapse while I was away, but I do wonder what their father's relationship is like with Yui's father.

Collin: "All set?"

Kaede/Yui: "Yes."

We had gotten changed out of our uniforms before joining Violet and Collin at the front gate. Now that my new outfit has been washed, I chose to wear that instead. Yui still wore her formal attire, but I guess since she'll be visiting a noble family, I suppose it's to be expected.

Walking out the gate, we begin to follow them from behind as they begin to lead the way. Seeing that they're holding hands, I decide to grab hold of Yui's as we walk in pairs.

Yui: "I'm getting a little nervous."

Collin: "Why?"

Yui: "Just what you said about your father maybe not liking me."

Violet: "Again, it's a maybe. He just has some distaste towards your father."

Collin: "And if he still has a problem, then we'll vouch for you."

Yui: "Thank you."

I get why Yui is getting all nervous. This is probably our only change to figure out how to get their father on our side before we have to flee to Yarene. I gently squeeze Yui's hand as we turn our heads to face each other, giving her a reassuring smile.

Kaede: "Don't worry. Their father is apparently a huge fan of mine, hehe."

Violet: "That too.

Collin: "Yeah, so try and relax. We're almost there."

Sure enough, in 7 more minutes of walking, we arrive at their mansion. Just at a glance, it seems to be just a little bit bigger than that man's mansion that we murdered. I guess this'll be the first time I get to walk around a mansion without needing to stay hidden.

Collin: "Here we are~"

Butler: "Are these two with you, sir?"

Collin: "Yes."

Violet: "They're our friends at the academy."

Butler: "Very well. I'll notify your father. Welcome ladies, to the Crestel Mansion."

We give a slight bow before entering through the gate with Violet and Collin. Honestly, it feels weird being greeted like that, but I am a guest here so I choose not to say anything.

Violet: "So? How does our mansion compare to yours?"

Yui: "It's beautiful, but of course not as good as mine, haha."

Collin: "Then maybe we can visit your place sometime? See if what you say is true or not."

Yui: "Sure!"

The butler who greeted us at the gate then opened the door to the mansion, letting us inside before closing it behind us. The interior of the mansion reminds me of Violet and Collin, matching their dark black hair and bright blue eyes. Almost has some sort of an 'evil' vibe to it.

Granny: "Welcome home Violet! How was class?"

An elderly woman came walking around the corner along with a man that looked to be in his 40's. Is this Violet and Collin's parents? There's a massive age difference, but I guess this world is a bit different to our world.

Violet: "It went well. But I'm still not learning much yet."

Granny: "Well that's because you have little ol' me teaching ya."

Violet: "Ulma. This here is Kaede and Ellen. Kaede is in the same class as me. Kaede, this here is my tutor I mentioned."

Ah~ So this isn't her mother?

Kaede: "Pleasure to meet you."

Ulma: "Wow~ To think Violet finally made a friend."

Violet: "H-hey!"

Ulma: "I hope she isn't causing you any trouble."

Kaede: "N-no, far from it. She's actually been helping me a lot with summoning magic. So if anything, I'm the one who's causing her trouble."

Violet: "Not true! You pick up things fast, so it's fun to teach you... Unlike my brother."

Collin: "Hey... It's hard you know. Oh and this here is my tutor as well."

Man: "Nice to meet you. The name's Hogar."

Yui: "Ellen von Leinhart. Pleasure to meet you as well."

Ulma: "Oh! Leinhart you say?"

Yui: "Y-yes."

Ulma: "You're Iris' daughter?"

Yui: "Yes, I am."

Judging from Ulma's reaction, she seems to know of Yui's mother, but wouldn't everyone know her?

Ulma: "I taught your mom back when I was teaching at the academy. She was a lovely student."

Yui: "Wait, you taught my mom summoning magic?!"

Ulma: "Yes. She ate everything I gave her. But she did have her fair share of difficulties. Are you also taking the summoning class?"

Yui: "No. I'm in the knight class."

Ulma: "Really? I would've thought you'd follow your mother's footsteps."

Yui: "..."

Yui's expression went from excitement to a more depressive tone. If I put myself in her shoes, I can more or less understand. Growing up in a family who excels at magic, only to struggle being able to cast any sort of magic. This talk with Ulma must've caused that wound to open up yet again.

Collin: "Ellen?"

Yui: "Sorry. Just remembered something is all."

Hogar: "Hey. If Ellen here is in the knight class, then how about we each take one, Ulma. Kaede can join you with the young mistress and I can take Ellen along with the young master?"

Ulma: "Oooh! Good idea!"

Immediately, I begin to panic as I would like to stay near enough to Yui just in case she collapses and loses control.

My fears would calm down however, as we all made our way out to the courtyard. The butler from before also came back to greet us.

Violet: "Where's father?"

Butler: "He's busy in his quarters, but he said he'll be down soon."

Violet: "Okay."

With that, he leaves as we begin to split off into 2 groups. I'm about roughly 30 meters away from Yui which is a bit far, but at least I'll be able to see in case anything happens.

Ulma: "So, first off. What type of element do you use, Kaede?"

Kaede: "Light magic."

Ulma: "L-light?!"

Violet: "Hehe. Yeah, you should've seen her familiar. It's crazy."

Ulma: "Oh? Could you show me?"

Kaede: "Ah-"

Currently Mai is escorting Lilith to Yarene, so It's not like I can just call her here for something trivial such as this.

Kaede: "It actually takes me a long time to draw the mana crest."

Violet: "It wasn't 'that' long~ Come on!"

Ulma: "It's okay. Some people are quite fond of their familiars, so if you don't want to show me, then I understand."

Kaede: "Thank you."

Violet: "Mmmm, you have to show her next time though!"

Kaede: "Yes. I will."

Hopefully by then, Mai is done with helping Lilith and I can finally figure out what's happening to Yui's body.

Ulma: "Well then, shall we start?"

Violet: "Yes!"

-----Mai's POV

After walking through the forest for some time, we finally arrived at the nearby town. Immediately, I could see a difference in the guards here. They wore lighter armor, looking to be made out of scales for extra mobility.

Guard: "Ah- Neri! Are these two with you?"

Neri? That kind of has a feminine ring to it. Looking to my side to the person, who the guard is looking at, stood the man that escorted us here; or at least I thought was a man.

Neri: "...Yes. I caught them a further ways off. They say they came from Inasdale."

Guard: "Inasdale? On foot?"

Neri: "Correct. I wouldn't believed them if I didn't learn about their invisibility magic."

Guard: "Invisibility? But they don't look like monsters..."

Figures. Invisibility magic is a forgotten magic to humans. Back when I gave magic to the first family, they managed to learn invisibility easily, only to quickly use it for malicious purposes. I guess humans in this day and age thinks that only monster's can use it.

Neri: "Yes. I'd like to bring them to my captain. Is he still here?"

Guard: "He is. I think he said he'd be going for drinks."

Neri: "Again?"

Guard: "Yes."

Neri: "Hah~ Alright. Thank you. Also... Don't call me that around others."

Guard: "Y-yes! I'm sorry."

So these people with masks choose to keep their identity a secret? At least now I've gathered one of their names. We manage to pass the gate to the town as we continue to be escorted by this Neri person. I'm still trying to figure out whether this person is a woman or a guy. Their voice doesn't help that much either.

I immediately realize the amount of demi-humans in this town. Unlike the Inasdale Kingdom, this town looks to be an even 50/50 split between the two. This must be part of the Yarene kingdom I presume.

Lilith: "I think we're here!"

Neri: "Here?"

Lilith: "Is this Yarene?"

Neri: "The city? No. But this is one of the many villages of the Yarene kingdom."

Mai: "And what's a skillful mage like yourself doing all the way out here?"

Neri: "That's none of your business."

I guess they're still weary of me. But at least we're somewhat talking better than when we were at eachother's throats.

Lilith: "We made it."

Mai: "Yes, we did."

This would technically mark the end of my journey with Lilith, but with so much uncertainty that's come up with these people, I think it's better to see this out and make sure Lilith gets comfortable here.